
Sunday, February 09, 2025

The Funny Papers


  1. The vast majority of money spent by USAID, was spent in the USA, buying US food aid to send to people who are starving around the world, buying US construction equipment to clean up from disasters, and build infrastructure around the world, to US transportation companies to move goods and people around the world as needed. Shutting it down will eliminate thousands of jobs her in the United States.

  2. All are good, but the Gaza one and the Planet of the Apes one are searing.

  3. Three weeks seems like three years already.

  4. Some great ones this week. "How tariffs work" is particularly good.

  5. Prepare to fight Back! The protests have started, soon they will escalate into clashes and Wall Street will crash.

  6. Anonymous11:13 AM

    the dog's mother
    lots of AK! today
    xoxo :-)

  7. Cleora Borealis11:36 AM

    🏈📣 Super Bowl Sunday is supposed to be a unifying friendly? rivalry event that belongs to football fans, musicpalooza fans, and expensive corporate commercials!! Last I heard, Sphincter Face just can't let that happen without his ugliness showing up in New Orleans! 🤢🤮 The last thing the Big Un-easy needs right now is to spend more time and money protecting his fat ass getting through the crowds trying to enjoy the Mardi Gras/Super Bowl vibes!! I guess dickheads 🍆☠️ gotta dickhead!! 🍆☠️

  8. "How tariffs work" just might give El Crapitain the golden age of America he wants, LOL! And the Planet of the Apes one goes for the jugular -- MacKinnon and de Adder have really sharpened their hockey sticks, uh, pencils!

  9. I want to cry, rather than laugh when I read these.

  10. the last one gives some hope someone will be brave enough to stand up and say no to The Mango Mussolini.

  11. I heard on tonight's news that Trump is slapping tariffs on countries that didn't get hit in the last round, Mexico, Canada, one other, and MY Australia. You should hear the words my kids are saying! The mildest being Asshole and Bastard.

  12. I chuckled at the way that Jesse Duquette coloured #47's face. That is indeed how it looks.

  13. The cartoons are getting darker and angrier.


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