
Saturday, February 15, 2025

I Loathe February: Tuxedo

I originally posted this way back in September 2020 but remembering Tuxedo today, two years after he left us, this story makes me smile …

Now, many of you may remember last year when Consuelo escaped the house and spent a week in the backyard, and how worried we were about her. And she escaped because Carlos opened a sliding glass door and, he says, she ran out and he didn’t see her. Keep in mind, however, that Consuelo doesn’t run … except to a food dish. I believe she simply walked out the door and Carlos didn’t see her.

Cut to this week …and the near end of Carlos’ life as we know it. He was headed up the driveway to check the mail and called for Ozzo to go with him; I head the kitchen door open and heard Carlos call Ozzo over and over again; then the door shut. Cut to about fifteen minutes later when I went into the kitchen and was going to feed the cats. I called them all, and Consuelo because it’s a meal, came running. And MaxGoldberg sauntered out. But no Tuxedo.

To be fair, sometimes Tuxedo skips dinnertime, but I still called for him; no Tuxedo. I began checking the places we know where Tuxedo sleeps; no Tuxedo. Carlos asked what I was doing and told him Tuxedo wasn’t around, so Carlos joined the search. I went into the master bathroom because Tuxedo does like napping on the window sill; no Tuxedo. Now, I’m frantic. I head back to the kitchen and see Carlos coming in from the garage with Tuxedo in his hands.

Tuxedo seemed a little scared; I assumed he’d gotten into the garage as Carlos opened the door, and then got stuck in there after Carlos came back inside. And, Tuxedo really was scared; he didn’t want to leave my side; he sat with me, crawled onto my shoulders; came into the kitchen as I cooked dinner and sat by me all night. I did tell Carlos he needs to be extra careful about Tuxedo, because that cat is a sneak and he’s fast—he runs like a madman—and to carefully open the door to the garage.

And, to torture Carlos a little longer, I rode the Traumatized Bus for the entire night, though, truth be told, I truly was very scared at the thought of that cat getting outside because he’d go off. Luckily, it was just the garage. Or was it.

As I told Carlos that I would be telling the take of The Traumatization of Bob and Tuxedo on my blog this week, he fessed up … and I was scared all over again.

You see, he opened the door to go out and check the mail, and held it open for Ozzo to come along, and held it open a little longer and that’s when Tuxedo made his escape, BUT … he also opened the garage door, walked up the hill, got the mail, came down the hill, closed the garage door and came into the house. And when I began searching for Tuxedo, he went into the garage, and then went out into the front yard, and there was Tuxedo, crying, meowing, in the yard…the front yard … the ‘Is that the road right there’ yard.

Lord … I loves me some Carlos but if that cat had escaped, because he was out front with no fence to contain him, this would have been a vastly different week at Casa Bob y Carlos. He asked if I would have called a divorce attorney and I said there'd be no need ... all I required was a good probate lawyer.

Just sayin’.


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    the dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

  2. Tuxedo certainly left a lot of wisdom for our benefit... I hope he's now enjoying a new existence across the Rainbow Bridge!

  3. I certainly laughed at your last sentence.

  4. I'm glad that neither Tuxedo nor Carlos were lost in the great escape. Tuxedo was clearly your cat!
    Keep the memories close, and he'll always be part of your heart.

  5. Cleora Borealis10:52 PM

    Omigosh! Telling stories of fur children in danger really gets to me and even a happy ending takes awhile for recovery. Most of my rescue cats have been pretty content to stay inside...they need no more of those adventures out there. And, unlike Carlos, my Hubby freaks out when a fur baby gets near a door. Crossing my fingers for Carlos in the future!
    As always, Tuxedo Rocks! 🤘😻

  6. I'm reminded of when my Angel went missing. He always went out the front door and played around under the trees for a bit then came back and scratched at the door for me to let him in. One day he didn't come back. I searched the neighbourhood for weeks but never saw him again. I'm VERY glad your Tuxedo was found and safe.

  7. I always find February meh, blah. But you certainly have good reason but hang in there. Remember the good times with them and then wrap yourself in the memories.

  8. I dunno if it's just my laptop but on this post as well as your last one (your sis) there's no pic coming through - just a blank, black space.

    1. No sir, it is just a black square with text at the bottom ... kinda fits my mood.

    2. Well I'm blowed! (and have been many times) . I was certainly slow on the draw. I'll look at them again and contemplate.


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