
Monday, February 17, 2025

I Loathe February: Mom

I  remember many things about my Mom.

The Mom who baked things for school.

The Mom who made the best Clam Chowder on rainy winter days.

The Mom who painted.

The Mom who laughed.

The Mom who loved you no matter what.

The Mom who, as soon as Carlos and I moved in together, would introduce him as her son-in-law.

The Mom who was married to my Dad for over 50 years.

The Mom whose greatest day every year was Thanksgiving and her whole family was near.

The Mom who was a Nurse.

The Mom who loved to travel.

The Mom who taught me to love books.

I love my Mom.

I miss my Mom.

Every day.


  1. Krayolakris8:29 AM

    A wonderful remembrance. The world needs more people like your mom.

  2. She sounds like a wonderful woman!

  3. Just like me, you were lucky with both of your parents Bob. Sadly, not everybody can rightly claim that.

  4. What a wonderful tribute.
    Everyone should be able to boast a mom like that. Wouldn't it be a better place?

  5. Your Mom sounds wonderful! I'm glad you appreciated her.

  6. Anonymous11:23 AM

    the dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

  7. Anonymous11:25 AM

    February or any month should not be so terrible. One must celebrate the life of those taken from us, for they would want us to be happy and free as they live on through us and our treasured memories of them :)

  8. Cheers to Mom!! A life well lived!! XX

  9. She sounds like the kind of mom everyone wishes for... and should have!

  10. It's eighteen months since my mother died. Losing parents is very different to losing a partner, neither being better or worse, just very different.


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