
Friday, February 07, 2025

I Didn't Say It ...

Pete Buttigieg, former Secretary of Transportation and hopefully a future President of the United States, on The Felon’s moronic response to a plane crash and loss of life:

 “Despicable. As families grieve, [he] should be leading, not lying. We put safety first, drove down close calls, grew Air Traffic Control, and had zero commercial airline crash fatalities out of millions of flights on our watch. [The Felon] now oversees the military and the FAA. One of his first acts was to fire and suspend some of the key personnel who helped keep our skies safe. Time for the President to show actual leadership and explain what he will do to prevent this from happening again.”

Sadly, his sociopathy and narcissism won’t allow him to actually lead, or do the right thing, or worry about this happening again.



Doechii, at the Grammys winning Best Rap Album—and becoming only the third woman to do so—to the next generation:

"I know that there is some Black girl out there, so many Black women out there that are watching me right now and I wanna tell you, you can do it. Anything is possible. Don't allow anybody to project any stereotypes on you that tell you that you can't be here. You are exactly who you need to be, to be right where you are and I’m a testimony"

All it takes for history to move forward is for someone to take a step.


Chris Murphy, Connecticut Democrat Senator, about the Leon Skum and the USAID crisis:

“We will use every power that we have at our disposal in the United States Senate. My colleagues will do the same thing in the House. This is a constitutional crisis that we are in today. Let’s call it what it is! The people get to decide how we defend the United States of America. The people get to decide how their taxpayer money is spent. Elon Musk does not get to decide. We are weaker today than we were yesterday. China sees that. Russia sees that and they will take advantage. Elon Musk makes billions on his dealings with China and China is cheering at his actions today. Our job and your job together is to raise our voices, raise the alarm so that this crisis is emboldening of our enemies doesn’t last a second longer than it has to.”

The Democrats need to strap on their balls and fight this asshat Skum because nothing he does is for the good of America it’s for the good of his ego and bank account; he needs to be stopped.


Alicia Keys, accepting the Dr. Dre Global Impact Award at the 2025 Grammys, calling out The Felon’s anti-DEI stance:

“This is not the time to shut down the diversity of voices. We’ve seen on this stage, talented, hardworking people from different backgrounds with different points of view, and it changes the game. DEI is not a threat—it’s a gift. The more voices, the more powerful the sound. When destructive forces try to burn us down, we rise from the ashes like a phoenix and as you see tonight, music is the unstoppable language that connects us all, it’s so beautiful. “It's so beautiful. Keep showing up with compassion, with empathy, what I call soul care. Keep opening the doors. The dreams that the world is ought to be, a dream that the world as is ought to be.”

Standing against DEI is standing for racism and sexism and ageism and homophobia; it’s that simple.


Daniel Dale, CNN fact checker, on The Felon’s lies about DEI and Joe Biden and that crash in DC:

“[He] has made clear he has less than zero evidence that the FAA’s hiring of people with disabilities contributed to yesterday’s crash, so this whole conversation is a non-sequitur. But since he has started the conversation, some facts. The same FAA website language [The Felon] blasted today, about hiring people with intellectual and psychiatric disabilities and other significant ‘targeted’ disabilities, was on the FAA website throughout his first presidency. In addition, the FAA under [his watch] launched and repeatedly promoted a pilot program to hire (capable, qualified) people with targeted disabilities in air traffic control positions. The Department of Transportation has pushed at least since the W. Bush administration to hire more people with targeted disabilities … and the FAA repeatedly said during [his] first term that it’d continue to do so, emphasizing, as it did under Biden, that they’d have to meet the qualifications for the posts. The ‘January 14’ Fox News article [The Felon] cited today as evidence of a last-minute Biden FAA diversity hiring push right before [he] came back to office? It was actually published a year ago—January 14, 2024. Again, it was criticizing the same language that had been on the FAA website since at least 2013.”

What’s this? An actual person working for CNN who still has a spine and speaks up?



Hakeem Jeffries, House Minority Leader, trashing The Felon for his remarks following that deadly crash:

"It’s a very irresponsible statement that was made by the president. Bodies are still being pulled from the Potomac, children were killed, future ice-skating Olympians were killed, future leaders in Wichita, Kansas, and beyond were killed as a result of this tragedy. We don’t need misdirection and we don’t need misinformation coming from the highest office in the land. We need integrity, we need decency, we need leadership. There is not a scintilla of evidence that exists to suggest that women and people of color are to blame for the tragedy that took place. And it was shameful."

There is of course zero truth to The Felon's claims but these lies serve two purposes for him—

First, they excite his racist base who think that women and people of color are inherently inferior and unqualified for important jobs.

Second, they allow The Felon to distract us from the fact that at the time of the crash there was no Federal Aviation Administration leader since the previous holder of that position, Michael Whitaker, was forced out by Elon Musk—who paid $200M for The Felon’s election win—for daring to enforce regulations on SpaceX.

Again, We The People need to get loud, and our Democratic leaders need to get loud, and we need to remind our Democratic leaders that if they aren’t going to stand against this regime, then there will be no money from We The People coming into their campaign coffers.

Don’t ask for my money and then do nothing.




  1. Orange Hitler needs to resign over that plane crash alone

    1. Sadly, neither he nor the GOP, or his Base of Cultists think he did anything wrong.

  2. I'm sure he says outrageous things simply to get a reaction, then rows back on them. I'm sure, also, that he is becoming senile - he rambles, repeats and doesn't utter coherent sentences.

    1. It's like now he says he pushed tariffs on Mexico to make them agree to do what he wanted, and then pulled back; but then we learned what he wanted from them they were already doing thanks to Biden. It was a ploy to make him look tough and it's a lie.

  3. Pushback, pushback, PUSHBACK!

  4. This may seem like a rocky start to his administration, well, we ain't seen nothin' yet.

    1. Well, at least he's getting push back from the courts and state AG's offices; we just need to do more.

  5. What is wrong with our party? Our leaders do some talking, but where is their organization and fighting power? I'm worried about our future, not just our today.


    1. I got a request for a donation and wrote back in an empty envelope that until I see Democrats DO something there will be no money.

  6. Even those on the right, are starting to say, HWSNBN is going to far, the chaos is starting to seriously disrupt.

    1. And when, if, the base turns ....

  7. Oh, the congressional Dems are doing a great job of being talking heads on TV...then sending out requests for donations. But they aren't **doing** anything. Not anything with any bite behind it. Senate filibuster that lasted 15 hours? BFD. Articles of Impeachment in the House? BFD. It's not helping and it's not working. Mark Elias is right - we are the cavalry; no one is coming to save us.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Imagine if President Truman and President Johnson were around, the Dems would get a tongue lashing for being weak as hell and not speaking out forcibly. Not to mention the ear blistering Republicans would receive for their lunacy. We need Dems with teeth !

    2. Democrats will get no money for me unless I see action. Don't tell me you NEED my coins until I see you actually working.

  8. Anonymous11:36 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Pete Buttigieg)
    Apparently they are looking
    for a plane that disappeared
    in Alaska.
    xoxo :-)

    1. Lovely; one more airplane disaster on his already short watch.

  9. I like the tough talk but I sure hope there’s more than that going on that we’re not privy to.

    1. I don't want flapping lips or publicity stunts. ACT!!

  10. The time for standing around and wringing one's hands is over. Stand up, push back, speak out, protest and cut off donations to your elected representatives until they smarten up or we'll all be kowtowing to Russia and China!

  11. Why can't Dumpy and Felon Musk just drop dead?

    1. That'd be the easy way out, for sure. I'd still like to see one in jail and the other deported.

  12. I think the mic drop this week goes to Chris Murphy. At this point having Musk in government bothers me more than the actual president that we have. With musk's billions he is going to able the dump so much, the dump is going to be so much more dangerous with musk at his side.

    1. Well, if we all start calling him President Musk, The Felon will get his diapers twisted and that will start a war between their two bloated gelatinous egos.

  13. I do hope we'll see more concrete actions against IQ45 and Musk, both by the Democrats and the courts. Apparently there will be more "retaliatory tariffs" being announced next week...he's the one that started this crap.
    BTW, did you know Daniel Dale is Canadian? Makes me proud.

    1. I did hear that about Daniel Dale which may explain why he's not the usual typical CNN Felon-lover!

  14. I don't think I can add anything not already said.

  15. The Democrats need to make a clean sweep of all their old fogies; keep them on as advisers maybe, but not driving the campaign against the Mouldy Orange. New tactics are needed to bring down the kakistocracy.

    1. Hell last week I just got asked for a donation to the Harris Campaign?!?!? WTF? In the meantime, I read they're still trying to pay the campaign tab.

    2. They get no $$$$ fro/m me until they start doing something.

  16. Anonymous12:09 PM

    There is talk of Pete Buttigieg running for a senate seat in Michigan. If he decides to run my coins will be going to him, a well spoken man of intelligence and integrity. Buttigieg, Jeffries and Murphy are the men Democrats need to move forward.
    -CA jock


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