
Monday, February 10, 2025

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ... Learn What It Is

A couple of things about DEI … stop calling it DEI because the acronym says nothing about it. Calling it Diversity, Equity and Inclusion so when people say they’re against it you know they mean they hate diversity, equity and inclusion.

And then explain to them exactly what it is they’re against because I guarantee many of them don’t know; they think it’s just about hiring white people … straight white people … Christian straight white people … but it’s more than  that, it’s …

Ramps and sidewalk cuts for the visually impaired or people in wheelchairs or on crutches

Subtitles and captions on TVs and phones to make it easier for the hearing impaired

Family restrooms so that fathers and mothers can take care of their children in a specialized bathroom; this also can include changing tables in men’s restrooms

Breastfeeding/pumping stations & accommodations for nursing mothers

Floating paid holidays

Pay equity & transparency

Parental leave

Coming back to a job after giving birth to a child

Not having to just accept workplace harassment

Work accommodations for a variety of disabilities

Flexible work arrangements

Size inclusive chairs and beds in medical facilities

Belt extenders on planes

Various food options for vegetarians, vegans, kosher, gluten-free, etc. at medical facilities

Nonsmoking areas and the end of smoking indoors

Being able to have medical professionals and your coworkers use your preferred name … not just queer people have those; my name on my birth certificate is Robert but I identify as Bob

Wellness programs and incentives

More relaxed & inclusive dress code policies

Rooms to pray or meditate at work & other public places

Employee recognition programs; -employee/network resource groups

Large print materials; materials in different languages

Multiple religious options at hospitals

Accessible bikes and public transit accommodations

Businesses are not becoming fully cashless

Company-covered mental and behavioral health resources

Learn it and explain it to people who don’t understand … especially those who think DEI caused a plane and a helicopter to crash over the Potomac.


  1. Your post explains it all so clearly and emphasises what is likely to be lost. It's tragic.

    1. People on the right think DEI is giving people of color preference over white people.
      PS The governor of Texa s signed a bill ending DEI in his state ... he did so from his wheelchair having gained access to the capital through the use of ramps!

    2. He'll be sorry when his ramps disappear.

  2. I great post, because these idiots as we know, judge the book by the cover, not never see the bigger picture. I said it once and I'll say it again.... they have just no idea what is about to hit them.

    1. Diversity means all kinds of people
      Equity means treating all those people the same
      Inclusion is making everyone feel accepted and wanted.
      It's not rocket science.

  3. Replies
    1. DEI covers a lot more than people think ...

  4. Accessible design makes the world more accessible to everyone, including those with physical challenges.

    1. Carlos uses a lot of DEI ... ramps on sidewalks to cross streets; the pebbled edges to corners to guide him up to the sidewalk. Traffic lights that tell you when to cross and how long you have before the light changes.

  5. Thanks! Too many cultists think DEI only stands for black and Latino people.

    1. That's cuz they're racist!
      And stupid.

  6. Great job. So you mean it doesn’t cause plane crashes?

    1. Getting rid of the FAA leader and trying to force air traffic controllers out of their jobs leads to plane crashes. But the right would rather blame people of color, women and The Gays!

  7. Yeah...Like many other things, the MAGAts don't really understand, do they? The Douche idiots trying to scrub gov websites have screwed up all kinds of things with AI looking for those particular words and replacing them.

  8. Cleora Borealis10:49 AM

    🤗👏 There are all kinds of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion examples that are in front of us and can be used to help both adults and children learn. Yesterday was the 21st annual Puppy Bowl. Even "DEI" haters were watching with their kids and every few seconds people were chuckling and saying, "awww!" Well, one of the puppies was using wheels on its hindquarters and it was just as cute and happy and energetic as the other puppies! I can't imagine that there were parents screaming at their kids to hate that puppy; that such a a puppy has no right to be out there getting in the way of the puppies who are not disabled!! Come on parents (except Kristi Noem), you know your kids also know little Susie or Jayvon or Pedro down the block who are happy kids despite accommodations they employ (or color, ethnicity, or religion, etc.) Kids adapt and advance and love openly...adults need to stay out of their way!! ✊️🥰

    1. Kids are taught to hate by their bigoted ignorant toothless cousin-fucking parents.

  9. Anonymous11:21 AM

    the dog's mother
    Important post!
    xoxo :-)

  10. Good post Bob. I agree, ignorance of the scope of DEI is definitely a problem. To be honest, I personally was somewhat clueless too about some of these items on your list.
    Having a neuro-diverse daughter and grandson has taught me a lot, but I still have much to learn. The point is, I'm willing to do so, those who stand against DEI won't learn until it impacts them in some way.

    1. Only if it impacts them! But they will still rail against people of color, and women, and trans folks and The Gays not being allowed the same chances.

  11. The stupid MAGAts think that destroying any Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will keep the Colored, the Queer and the Little Women in their place: under their thumb. What they do not realize is that they'll be shooting themselves in the foot because sooner or later they'll NEED DEI. Just look at West Virginia...


    1. And when they shoot themselves in the foot they will be grateful for a wheelchair ramp, the dumb bastards!

  12. Thanks for explaining the full scope of DEI as I had assumed it was an "affirmative action" policy governing employment in federal, state and municipal workplaces, but it's so much more!

    1. I think a lot of people think it's hiring unqualified people of color over white people, when it's NOT hiring white people simply because of their color ... and then ramps and seat belt extenders and urb cuts and so much more.

  13. That is such a good point about DEI. Just saying the three words to someone could make them think. If you wanted to press the point, ask them which they are against? They are immediately on the back foot.

  14. People seem to be against so many things they know absolutely nothing about, ignorance isn't bliss, it's just ignorance. And sadly, many won't be informed even when knowledge is made available to them.

    1. They're told to hate it and hate it without even knowing what it really means. That's the way of the right and their minions!

  15. I agree with Equity, treat everyone the same, but can I please exclude my upstairs neighbour? I really don't like her.


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