
Thursday, February 27, 2025


This is less about Carlos and more about the look on Carlos’ face as we ran errands one day last week.

We headed down to King’s Kitchen, our favorite breakfast spot in Camden, for a good home cooked breakfast—I had my usual Corned Beef Hash with Scrambled Egg and the best Homemade Biscuit in the world. So good that we lounged a bit and chatted with fellow diners and Kenesha, the owner along with her husband who is the chef. Lovely way to start then day and then …

We started driving to CostCo and about halfway there the traffic stopped; clearly an accident happened up ahead. So we sat for a while and then crawled forward until we came across a semi-truck parked along the left side of the road and all three lanes of traffic blocked forcing everyone to drive on the right shoulder.

“Why the %$#& are they closing the entire road? The %$#&ing truck is way over there. Why the %$#& did we have to sit so long for this?”

Carlos smiled. We made it through and drove on, reaching our exit, at a spot where there’s roadwork on the bridge and side streets; traffic was stopped all down the off-ramp onto the freeway.

“Why the %$#& aren’t they doing this work at night and not on a %$#&ing Saturday morning when everyone is out? And why are these %$#&ers trying to race ahead and get to the head of the line. Not on my %$#&ing watch.”

Carlos smiled. We made it through and as we neared CostCo, at a roundabout where we turn left, another oversized truck apparently took the curve too fast and was tipped over in the roadway.

“What the %$#& is happening today? Is every mother%$#&er who doesn’t know how to drive on the roads? What the %$#&?”

Carlos smiled. We backed up and took an alternate route to CostCo where, by the time we got there, the place was packed.

“Why does every single %$#&ing family with nothing better to %$#&ing do than take their screaming %$#&ing children to the %$#&ing CostCo and feed them all the free samples so the little %$#&ers start screaming and terrorizing those of us just to do a little shopping.”

Carlos smiled. We finally got our groceries, eased through the checkout, and went out to load the car. I took the cart back and when I returned to the car, a giant SUV was parked across the lane, clearly waiting for me to leave so they could take my space. I backed up slowly, trying to turn my car to avoid the gas-%$#&ing-guzzling behemoth, when the mother%$#&er in the car starts honking and waving at me.


And then I used both hands and both fingers to accentuate my point, and finally Carlos speaks:

“I’m thinking someone needs a nap.”


This Tuxedo Says is from August 2020 when Biden became the Democratic nominee to be President.

And, sadly, here we are again.

Republican Representative Anna Paulina Luna is chair of the newly formed Task Force on the Declassification of Federal Secrets. The task force will be looking into the assassination of JFK and in a recent press conference Luna said:

“I’m looking to actually bring in some of the attending physicians at the initial assassination. Then also people that had been on the various commissions looking into it, like the Warren Commission looking into the initial assassination.”

Um, Luna-tic, every member of the Warren Commission is dead, as all the  three doctors who treated Kennedy at Parkland. And WTF is an “initial” assassination?

The GOP’s best and brightest at work.

I do enjoy it when my local grocer makes cake shopping easier and then they have the cakes help me carry groceries to the car.

Tomorrow is Economic Blackout Day to disrupt the system and show those fascists in charge that we have some power, too.

Do not make any purchases

Do not shop online, or in-store

Do not spend money on: Fast Food, Gas or Major Retailers

Do not use Credit or Debit Cards for non-essential spending

Only buy essentials if absolutely necessary—Food, Medicine, Emergency Supplies—and if you must spend, ONLY support small, local businesses.

Corporations and banks only care about their bottom line. If we disrupt the economy for just ONE day, it sends a powerful message.

If they don't listen, and they won’t, we’ll make the next blackout longer.

This is our first action. This is how we make history.

February 28th; the 24-Hour Economic Black Out Begins

A hack at the Department of Housing and Urban Development this week has trolled The Felon and Leon Skum by playing a short, AI-generated video of The Felon kissing Elon’s feet with the title “Long Live The Real King” over the video.

It’d be a shame if this picture was shared everywhere.

I saw this on Facebook this week and, well, ouch:

He still hasn’t done anything to bring down the price of eggs or gas, but planes on the other hand …

It took Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada just minutes to tap out his reaction to his nation’s victory over the United States in an international hockey championship final:

“You can’t take our country—and you can’t take our game.”


Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Elizabeth Clement announced that she will step down from the state's highest court, leaving Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer with the task of appointing her replacement.

Clement's departure and Whitmer's eventual appointment would shift the court from a 5-2 Democratic-nominated majority to a 6-1 Democratic-nominated majority, a margin that could add years to Republican efforts to regain a majority on the state's highest court.


On the other side … at a GOP town hall this week in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, descended into chaos when Dr. Teresa Borrenpohl was forcibly removed for speaking.

Three plainclothes men from LEAR Asset Management literally dragged Dr. Borrenpohl out of the auditorium and attempted to restrain her with zip ties. As the incident unfolded, the speaker at the podium, Ed Bejarana, made insulting comments:

“Just look at this. This little girl is afraid to leave. She spoke up and now she doesn't want to suffer the consequences. Look at this little girl over here, everyone. Look at her."

Worse is that, despite the clear violation of free speech and civil liberties occurring right before their eyes, the majority of attendees did nothing to intervene or stop a woman from being dragged from the room.

On the upside, after the incident LEAR Asset Management's business license was revoked for violating city ordinances, and a GoFundMe campaign raised over $245,000 for Dr. Borrenpohl's legal expenses.

This is not America and the women of Idaho need to vote these Republican thugs out of office as soon as possible. 

Nicholas Mikovits is a model, sports nutritionist, personal trainer, and actor, and begs the question: Would You Hit It?


  1. Yesterday, those drivers had come 400 miles north to Alexandria. Yes, it was time for a nap.

    1. A nice long nap to calm my nerves ... and my mouth.

  2. Oh man Carlos got an earful. But just think Ann Marie would have been very proud of your linguistics.

    Nobody ever claimed Anna Paulina Luna was The Brightest Bulb on Broadway. And the national blackout day is all we need to know. I say show these corporations and the fascist what we can do when we the people are not happy.

    And of course I adore and find Nicholas Mikovits hot. I love a man that packs big and heavy if you know what I'm saying.

    1. I may have been channeling a little AM in there!
      Stop the spending and we show we have the power.
      I know exactly what you mean about Nicholas!

  3. Note to Anna Paulina Luna -- EVERYONE knows that the Winter Soldier, the Fist of Hydra, assassinated JFK. And good news -- he's still alive, living with his boyfriend Captain America, so you can call him as a witness!

    1. LOL. They're keeping an eye on Thanos, don't ya know?

    2. I really need to watch those movies!

  4. Who was that foul-mouthed ignoramus in the first item? Sounds like that guy needs his mouth washing out with brine! I wish that Google Map Imagery was an AI game that crossed the boundary into real life - then we could obliterate Mar-a-Lago via our home computer devices. Zap! Zap! Zap! BOOOOOM!

    1. Ah, I love a foulmouth and there are times, for me, when it comes in handy!!

  5. So, did you get a nap? That toe licking video drove the Cultists through the roof; they simply can't handle the truth. Luna exemplifies the stupidity of cultists. And you forgot to mention Nick is Greek.

    1. I did have a nice relaxing day once we arrived back home!

  6. You have one funny guy there in Carlos. He's an absolute gem. I think you should keep him around. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    Who did Luna-tic blow to get rewarded with her very own ridiculous, money-pit commission? LOL.
    We are in for the Blackout. We very rarely shop at those places, anyway, but we're in and won't be spending a frickin' penny anywhere.

    1. Carlos is subtly hilarious!
      I don't shop at many of those stores, but we aren't shopping at any corporate locations and will instead not spend at all or spend small and locally.

  7. 1 - I haven't bought anything today. I usually use cash when I can, because it's a much better way to keep control of spending.
    2. I can sympathise with your problematic journey. I too was discommoded by a broken down lorry, stuck in one of the lanes on a major roundabout this morning.

    1. It was just one highway mishap after another ...

  8. Hahaha
    I have a mouth like a sailor, so I can relate. LOL and a nap? Oh, snap!
    Yes, to the boycott! I'm not buying ANYTHING on Friday and I'm planning on going to a little local Mexican restaurant for dinner. So yes. And I've not been to Target since the DEI debacle.
    That video of Cheeto and Mush's toes? Nauseating AND funny.

    And that man at the supermarket probably needs help with his eggplant purchases. I'mma help him.


    1. I am very good at not swearing but when I let loose, it's on!
      He's my personal shopper, and cakesman!

  9. Anonymous12:02 PM

    the dog's mother
    (Carlos) (Tuxedo always)
    xoxo :-)

    1. ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

  10. Cleora Borealis12:36 PM

    ๐Ÿคข That wasn't just kissing and licking. Look closely...the Manchurian Cantaloupe* was going down on that big toe!! ๐Ÿคฎ
    ๐Ÿค” Hmm..."seeing words for the first time..." Ya know who has the best words? Tuxedo! That boy rocks! ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿค˜
    *coined by James Fell, The Sweary Historian! ๐Ÿ‘
    And, if ya wanna know more about Mar-a-Kremlin:

    1. Oh, if I couldn't look at the photo before, I certainly cannot look at it now!!!
      I am not the least bit surprised by tales of The Felon being owned by Vlad for decades.

  11. I wonder who gets into Google and makes those changes. That's pretty funny. Some renegade coder, I suppose, probably on his/her last day of work.

    Why the heck were thugs from "LEAR Asset Management" (whatever that is) policing a public meeting in Idaho?!

    I gotta say, despite Carlos' take on your crankiness in the car, I'd have been the same way. That's a lot of impediments to put up with on a single car trip!

    1. Whoever did it has my gratitude and laughter!
      I have read many stories about that Idaho meeting and I gather they were there in case things got out of hand/ And I guess that means when a woman with an opinion speaks up?
      I thought I was relatively nice in the car ....

  12. I hope Economic Blackout Day is a roaring success!

  13. Yeah, you needed a nap or Nicholas Mikovits. (What was the question?)

    1. A nap with Nicky??? Soothe what ails ya???

  14. Regarding Dr. Teresa Borrenpohl and Retired LA County Sheriff Bob Norris now working in Ohio:

    *Norris targeted her because of a past incident involving him.

    *Norris is under investigation for receiving disability, >$100,000 per year, from LA. According to reports if the retired sheriff is retired under disability there are questions of him doing the same job somewhere else.

    *The two plainclothes security individuals who zip-tied and removed the Dr. do not have the authority.

    *All charges have been dismissed.

    1. The charges against the men should never be dropped. Pigs.

  15. You've been inside my head when I've been driving and out and about. I didn't give you permission to write down my thoughts.

    1. I do have a foul mouth when driving.

  16. I want that Personal Shopper.

    Will Jay

    1. I'd just follow him around the store and let him buy what he wants and then watch him load my car!

  17. ๐Ÿ‘ Justin Trudeau๐Ÿ‘ That Idaho incident was a disgrace.

    1. The worst part about that Idaho mess was the people in the audience sitting there and doing nothing.

  18. You're very fortunate that Carlos has the patience of a saint. I've had many days like yours til I learned to stay home on Saturdays. In my city, rural residents (yes, farmers and ranchers) pour in by the hundreds to shop at CostCo, Walmart, etc., and they all drive like they're still in the north forty. Zipper merges and shoulder checks are foreign concepts, and using their signal lights is tantamount to giving information to the enemy. My nerves, vocal chords, swearing muscles could take no more, LOL!

    1. Yes, Carlos is quite patient, though I did tell him that maybe he was so easy going because his eyesight prevented him from seeing all the chaos.
      Or maybe I'm just a foulmouthed driver ...

  19. When my children were young, they truly believed that every other driver in our city was named Asshole. Sometimes using those words are the only thing that keeps us from jumping out of the car, dragging the idiots out of theirs and running them over.
    Good god, how stupid (and incompetent) can these IQ45 appointees be?
    I'll be travelling tomorrow, so will need to spend money on my hotel and meals. I'll avoid other shopping though. At home in Canada we are buying products not manufactured or grown in the United States as much as possible. IQ45 is doing nothing but hurting the citizens of this country with his idiotic ideas.

    1. I'm glad Canada is having their own boycott of sorts of American goods.
      This new regime only cares about money so let's him them in the wallets.


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