
Thursday, February 20, 2025


We lead an exciting life, Carlos and me; we are in the midst of having the gutters replaced on the house. Oh calm down. Don’t be jealous, we can’t all lead such fabulous lives.

Anyway, Carlos asked me if I had the name of the gutter company we were looking into and I said I’d get it off the computer after dinner. But, before checking, I went through the mail and laughed and Carlos said:

“What’s so funny?”

 “We were just talking about the gutters and here’s a flier in the mail for the same company! I’ll leave it on the counter and we can call tomorrow.”

Cut to the next morning, and Carlos said:

“You told me yesterday you were going to get the gutter company phone number.”

“I know, but then we got the flier in the mail and I told you I’d give you the number first thing this morning.”

“I don’t remember that conversation.”

I took out my cartoon frying pan, ready to thwap his melon and told him that he drives me insane.

“Do I?”


This Tuxedo Says is from August 2020 and, well, the same is true today, nearly five years later:

Tuxedo feels about the Occupant of the White House the same as his two Dads although he's slightly less profane …

That’s my boy!

Out there in Utah students in kindergarten would be required to learn about firearm safety in the classroom under a bill that passed the state House with overwhelming GOP support.

Yes, your five- and six-year-old would be required to learn how to handle a gun. What could possibly go wrong?

There is nothing like a pair of hot, romantic skinny dipping cakes while sitting by the ocean, eh?

After The Felon named himself chairman of Kennedy Center and removed Biden appointees from the board in favor of unqualified cronies including Second Lady Usha Vance and White House Chief of staff Susie Wiles, dozens of celebrities abandon the performing arts center in protest:

Actor Issa Rae announced that she is cancelling her "An Evening With Issa Rae" event slated for next month and that tickets will be refunded:

"Unfortunately, due to what I believe to be an infringement on the values of an institution that has faithfully celebrated artists of all backgrounds through all mediums, I’ve decided to cancel my appearance at this venue."

Television producer and writer Shonda Rhimes has resigned as treasurer of the center's board, quoting JFK:

“If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him."

Adam Weiner of the band Low Cut Connie has also canceled an appearance at the center:

"Upon learning that this institution that has run nonpartisan for 54 years is now chaired by [The Felon] himself and his regime, I decided I will not perform there."

Legendary soprano Renée Fleming resigned as artistic advisor to the center, as did singer-songwriter Ben Folds, who  stepped down from his role as advisor to the National Symphony Orchestra.

This is just the kind of rejection that infuriates The Felon more than anything. He has long wanted to be accepted by America's cultural elites but they see him for the cruel, fascist, incompetent failure he truly is.

The National Park Service has removed ‘transgender’ from the website for the Stonewall National Monument in New York, a small park dedicated to an LGBTQ+ uprising that helped advance civil rights for our community. And not only did they remove the word "Transgender" but changed "LGBTQ+" to "LGBQ+".

The federal government is attempting to erase our trans brothers and sisters, and you can bet that next they will come for the rest of us.

This pride, we riot … again.

Unlike Google, which has followed the Fascist in Chief in renaming the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America, Encyclopedia Britannica has said it will continue to use Gulf of Mexico for a few reasons:

We serve an international audience, a majority of which is outside the US.

The Gulf of Mexico is an international body of water and the US’s authority to rename it is ambiguous.

And stupid.

Texas is reporting one of the biggest measles outbreaks in generations, with 48 cases, doubling since last week, with 13 hospitalizations.

The outbreak started in Gaines County, which has one of the lowest child vaccination rates in the state, and where 91% of the people voted for The Felon.

This is what happens when you trust MAGA over doctors and scientists.

Hunter McVey is a model and social media personality from Nashville who has discussed his struggles with weight and self-image, and his fitness journey, so Would You Hit it?


  1. That last one is pure gold 🥇

  2. The measles outbreak started in a Mennonite community and is now spreading into other groups. The Kennedy Center will soon be renamed. I'm sure Hunter is used to being hunted.

    1. A community that overwhelmingly supported a moron.

  3. Krayolakris9:01 AM

    Yes! Especially that last one!

  4. Bravo! Bravo!.... To those who have voted with their feet with regard to the Trumpist takeover of The Kennedy Center. Satan is to the arts what avian flu is to chickens.

    1. He's never going to get the respect he thinks he's owed because he deserves zero respect.

  5. Oh, there is SO much to unpack here.
    The Kennedy Center is especially egregious for me due to my background. I hope The Felon is spitting mad over the resignations and cancellations - though I kind of doubt it. He'll bring in his MAGA entertainers to perform to 1/3-full houses.
    The measles outbreak and spread? Sen Cassidy - a physician - who chairs the damn HHS committee voted to confirm Wormbrain. And we know Cassidy will not have the spine to call Wormbrain to task for lying under oath.

    1. Well you know what will happen don't you Pat? Once business is down and all the performance Acts cancel, he will end up tearing the whole building down and making overpriced high rise condos or at the very least another casino.

    2. Oh Maddie! I fear you may be right.

  6. Hunter McVey! How many times?

    1. As many as it takes, I think ....

  7. No one could even make this stuff up! I watched a video yesterday on the Kennedy Center firings. It is about 14 minutes long, but it is well worth it. It is from NPR, which is in the felon’s crosshairs.

    1. Anything that he feels doesn't support his gelatinous flabby ego he will go after.

  8. Oh, yes. Measles.
    They're gonna kill their children.
    And you nail it: Cheeto has ALWAYS craved that validation from people with real talent. I'm glad to see that many people have quit those jobs at the Kennedy Center.
    And Carlos is a riot.


    1. And then they will cry about how they didn't know.
      The Felon wants the elites to adore him and they don't ... unless Kid Rock and Ted Nugent and Rob Schneider are your view of elites!
      Carlos can be high-larious!

  9. Anonymous11:03 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    xoxo :-)

  10. You and Carlos are something else!!!! We had new gutter on before i moved back in the ancestral home....makes a huge difference.

    What not to like about sea biscuits?!?!?

    And putting guns in kids hands less than 10? What COULD POSSIBLY go wrong. Idiots.

    I have a friend who designs custumes at The Met Opera in NYC. He said his contacts at the Kennedy Center are either leaving or have already been fired. And it's a shame...because I know many people , friends who have stated they will not attended an event there while the dump is in....which is going to unfortunately hurt the building and the national symphony.

    1. The front gutters have always been easy to clean, but the back are a good 25 feet up and neither Carlos or me will be climbing that!
      Sea biscuits! The perfect description!
      Sadly, you're right about the Kennedy Center, unless it becomes the Kid Rock Center.

  11. If the Repugnant party have their way America will be dominated by white men, while white women are stuck in the kitchen. Everyone else? off with their heads declareth the king.

    1. White women, who aren't swallowed up by the cult, need to rise up!

  12. Cleora Borealis12:31 PM

    🤬😵‍💫 Let's be real. Some brilliant progressive white guys got this country started and codified a bunch of rights we are supposed to have. But, every single time those rights have had to be tested, it has happened because people outside the wealthy white guy sphere stood up and said "Prove It!" Stonewall, Pride, Civil War, Civil Rights, Womens Rights, Voting Rights, Workers' Rights, Public Education, Public Health, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, were not handed to us on silver trays by the white guys who made their fortunes off of our hard work. We fought, we died, we didn't let the rich white boys prevail. Even our robust cultural heritage, which of course include white boys, is at its most creative when the stories of the marginalized show us who we really are!! Hooray for protesters!! 🫶🥳✊️And, Tuxedo was ahead of us all...that boy rocks!! 😻🤘

    1. Tuxedo is rolling in his grave that The Felon is back in the Oval!

  13. That last one is perfect: chef's kiss! Lucky it was a Canadian-built Bombardier jet too...

    1. I see "right wing explodes" and I just smile ....

  14. Nicely rounded off by Mr James Medlock.

  15. "There's no STONEWALL without the T" -- great sign!

    1. Trying to erase the T and next they come for the LGBQ.

  16. Over a number of years, I've read stories of young children, accessing the gun in their parents' possession and using it on others. I just can't imagine what a rowdy group of kindergartners will do...
    I love the last one too - I saw the video and could tell the landing gear has collapsed, but wasn't quick/smart enough to pick up on the destruction of the right wing. Well done Mr. Medlock!

    1. It's just funny that the right thinks government should stay out of people's business but they want to legislate teaching children about guns.

  17. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Tuxedo knows !
    He knows shit when he sees it and smells it. :) And you know he concurs with Mr Medlock.
    Not only is the Trumpenführer destroying the Kennedy Center he also caused the closure of the Kennedy Library from all the “necessary” firings by Muskrat, though no such firings took place at the Nixon or Reagan Libraries, sick retribution me thinks. Children can now die from measles and having their own guns, as can adults, as measles can be more deadly for an adult than a child and more adults can die from gun violence from their own children. As for the Golf of Mexico and LGBTQ+, the repugs can change names and genders all they want, but they can’t change truth, for truth will prevail as they try and call their own lies truth.

    1. It's just the Left the fascists want to erase.

  18. I'm quietly cheering all those who removed themselves and their acts from the Kennedy Center, while hoping it doen't get torn down by a spiteful you-know-who because they dissed him.

    1. He is nothing if not spiteful, and stupid.


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