
Thursday, February 13, 2025


Meanwhile, back in Savannah … we celebrated my birthday while in Savannah with a nice meal and some good drinks at the Fitzroy, but Carlos kept asking me what I wanted and I kept saying:

“I already have my gift, some time away with you.”

But he kept on and kept on and kept on as we walked through town one day and then we spied a shop I thought he’d like: a Scottish shop.

Inside we went and looked around and chatted with the shopkeeper and after a time Carlos found a gift.

He bought himself a kilt. For my birthday. Of course, I was fine with it; we had a vacation away without family and hospitals and wills and such, and that was gift enough. But you know I rode that, as Carlos would say, Guilt Ride all day muttering about how it was my birthday and all I got was my husband buying himself a present.

And that, the little torture of Carlos, was also a gift.

This Tuxedo Says comes to us from the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, July 2020:

Like his two Daddies, Tuxedo is completely over the Covid-19 Hoax bull shiz ….

As seen on FakeBook:

How many MAGAts does it take to change a lightbulb? None. The Felon tells them it's fixed and they sit in the dark clapping.

After performing at the Grammys, Janelle Monáe took the mic at an after party and, in a freestyle, called out rapper Nelly for performing at The Felon’s inauguration:

“You sold out!”

Nelly was in the room, so Janelle said that to his face. You go Janelle!

GOP Congresswoman Mary Miller 'refused to deny biological reality' since The Felon decreed there are only two genders so she addressed Sarah McBride—the first transgender member of Congress—like this:

“The chair recognizes the gentleman from Delaware, Mr. McBride, for five minutes.”

McBride ignored Miller's hate speech but fellow Democrat, Nanette Barragán of California, was next to speak and when Mary Miller yielded the floor Barragán:

"Thank you, Mr. Speaker."

If you’d like to tell Mary Miller she’s a hate-filled C U Next Tuesday, here is her DC address and phone number:

1740 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515

(202) 225-5271

Isn’t it ironic that Marco Rubio's parents fled a fascist dictator in Cuba only to have Little Marco serve a fascist dictator in America?

They must be so proud.

The Washington D.C. Superior Court has awarded the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church control over the Proud Boys trademark after the far-right group defaulted on a $2.8 million judgment.

The ruling grants trademark rights to the hate group’s name and bars the Proud Boys from selling any merchandise with its name or symbols without the church’s consent. The ruling also allows the church to seize any money made from selling the merch.

The Proud Boys are whining like Little Bitches.

Consuelo seems to get a cold or flu every winter and every winter we take her to the vet for it. She starts sneezing and will sneeze ten-to-twenty times in a row and then will cough like a demon. I told our vet that it sounds like a smoker’s hack but I haven’t let Consuelo smoke for years now.

I got a look.

Update: Consuelo is on antibiotics for a week and her other tests, including a Senior Wellness check because she’s 13 now, all came back good news. It just that pesky smoker’s cough.

Georgia GOP Representative Buddy Carter has announced new legislation to bolster The Felon’s efforts to take over Greenland, which he wants to rename “Red, White and Blueland.”

The GOP is really that dumb.

Speaking of Dumb Republicans, howsabout those MAGAts who say they voted for The Felon because he was going to eliminate wasteful government spending and then charged We The People $15,000,000 so he could go to a football game and leave at halftime?

Tobias Reuter has been the face, and body, of campaigns for renowned brands like Armani, Dior, Dior, D&G, Swarovski, YSL, and more but … Would You Hit It.


  1. Well......if Carlos got the kilt, I'm sure it was gift enough for you to later...behind closed doors... when he wore it with nothing underneath???!!!

    I loved when that rep addressed that cunt back with Sir. And yet another example of how the dump has enable everyone to spew more hate and foul mouths. And this is the maturity level from people running our government. Not to mention fostering a hostile environment.

    That Blue Sky...yes, he was worried about straws?????? Yet again should tell everyone his priorities. Funny how the whole Project 2025 plan is happening, even though they denied knowing ANYTHING about it. As I recently read, Real eyes realize real lies.

    That picture of Consuelo is incredible!!!

    Tobias Reuter!!! What is it about a naked guy in a tub? Or leaning back on a chair, or a bed, or the floor...... or.....

    1. You're right about the kilt being a gift for us both!
      How is just simple respect too much for these hate filled bitches in Congress?
      Consuelo in her perch!
      Tobia could lean, stand, sit, crawl, hover .....

  2. There is a similarity to your birthday, and what MAGA voters got, HWSNBN gets the gifts, they get him.

    1. Kinda similar, but ours is much more fun!

  3. Consuelo is very pretty. Cats don't really show their age, do they?
    The orange circus rolls on, destroying every good thing in its path.

  4. Great post, Bob, but we NEED to see a photo of Carlos in his new kilt!

    1. I'm with Debra. Pics or it didn't happen!

      Will Jay

    2. As soon as he gets ready to go out in it, I'll share a photo; he loves a kilt!

  5. I do have to laugh about plastic straws. So... did Carlos let you try on his kilt?

    1. Nah, the kilt is for him only ... in a way.

  6. I liked the light bulb one. People can be so very stubborn. Many Adolf Trump supporters who now secretly disagree with recent things he has done will nonetheless cling fiercely to their original decisions.

    1. Those MAGAts are afraid to admit they were wrong, or that he lied to them; they're pathetic.

  7. What tartan is Carlos' kilt? Mine is in my family's tartan.

    1. Oh, his is a blue-green with thin yellow stripes; he doesn't have a family tartan!

    2. My ex's family tartan is Carnegie and my younger son has a matching cap and scarf in the ancient colours.

  8. Hahaha
    Hey, Carlos heard 'gift' and that was enough.
    But we will need pics. Or it never happened.

    As for the MAGAts, well, they're stupid bullies. So nothing surprises me anymore. Yet, what Nanette did was epic. Kudos for spilling.


    1. You're right about Carlos!
      I find it so odd that women are the Democrats standing up and speaking up while [most] of the men aren't so loud.
      That annoys me.

  9. OMG. The plastic straws. Trump's idiocy knows no bounds, and extends even to silly minutiae like that. I'm sure we'll soon have an EO mandating that washing machines and dishwashers maximize water use.

    Tell Consuelo to switch to filters!

    1. Consuelo is too real for fillers!

  10. Did Carlos at least give you the gift to let you enjoy that kilt?
    Oh, glad to hear Consuelo is better.
    I'm also glad to hear someone gave that bitch a tiny taste of her own bullshit. MAGAts are doing their best for the Felon - we can only hope their best isn't good enough.

    1. I have enjoyed several of his kilts!
      Consuelo is good; it's a winter allergy thing, we think, and antibiotics clear her up very quickly.
      I don't get why it's so hard just to call someone by their name; I was born Robert but go by Bob and no one has an issue with that.

  11. Consuelo has such a beautiful little face!
    They will never get the lights turned on!

    1. She's a very pretty girl.
      The dark is for MAGAts ... and cockroaches.

  12. I've always wondered what is or isn't worn under a Kilt, you'll have to now spill the Tea on Carlos. *Winks* I agree Consuelo needs to switch to Filters. As for all things MAGAt, I take even all the crazy stuff Seriously because he actually WANTS even the things people aren't taking seriously and think is a joke. No Joke, he Wants World Domination as much as his Bro Putin does and this is the Long Con being implemented.

    1. He usually has his undies on in case there's an updraft!
      He cannot give MAGAts what they promised so it'll be straws and the Gulf of America.

  13. I thought I did but happy belated birthday just in case. And what a thoughtful gift for you from Carlos. Remind him to put some Scotchgard on the kilt. And I will show myself out...

    1. But I thought you were here all week!

  14. Anonymous12:03 PM

    the dog's mother
    (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    xoxo :-)

  15. Happy Birthday again and at least you got a good guilt ride out of that Birthday Kilt.

    1. I did, and Carlos got a good kilt, too!

  16. What a thoughtful gift to you from Carlos - giving you the joy of a whole afternoon of feel guilty bullshit - priceless. For everything else, there's Mastercard.

    Will Jay

    1. I do like to torture him a little. Ten minutes in the store saying, "If you want the kilt, get it!" And a lifetime of, "How nice YOU got a kilt for MY birthday!""

  17. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Tuxedo knew, he knew that bat shit crazy neighbor would fall for the maga vax hoax.
    As far as that lightbulb goes, the MAGAs will sit in the dark like the North Koreans do for their dear leader, cult of the personality anyone ?
    Monáe put nellie Nelly in his place.
    Mx Miller should give it up, I’ve determined that thing is a Mx.
    Rubio is like a lot like the Cubanos of Florida, in the embrace of extremism.
    Buddy proves he’s not the sharpest knife in the box, but then again none of the Repugs are. As for the economy the Repugs have never been fiscally conservative, the Great Depression and their record of recessions proves it.
    Ya just know the racist and sick Proud Boys are seething about losing to a black church, they have just found out judgements apply to them.
    Happy Birthday 🎁
    The real gift is what Carlos wears under the kilt :) And hope kitty Consuelo gets better.

    1. That Proud Boys ruling keeps me laughing!

  18. Cleora Borealis1:38 PM

    🤣 How many MAGAs indeed! 💡 I honestly believe the cultists should be the Dems focus to break the chaos of Musk in Washington. The messaging of the SuperNazi destroying #47's Presidency; destroying the savior of all mankind! Show constant loops of SuperNazi with his MiniMe son, X Æ A-Xii (pronounced "Ash"! 🤪) disrespecting Sphincter Face in his own Oval Office!! How Dare He?! MAGAs will destroy Musk to save the Sphincter!! 🤣🤬
    🙀 I have never given Consuelo her due! Calicos are very special. 99.9% are female and the few males have only a 1 in 10, 000 chance of being fertile! AND, they are the state cat of Maryland!! So, Tuxedo Rocks! Consuelo Rolls! 🎶🤘😻

    1. Consuelo is a very pretty girl ... the kind you don't take home to mother.

  19. SG was known long ago for buying me things that he wanted for MY birthday. Maybe Carlos is taking you to Scotland next. We were out for lunch at a local cafe and the news was on the big screen. After seeing Vance off a plane and Trump off his meds, I came home and went back to bed. The fuckers. Tobias Reuter just might do.

    1. Tobias could make us all forget the nightmare.

  20. Savannah is such a wonderful city also very blue spot of Georgia

    1. It was our first time there and we really loved it.

  21. $15,000,000 to go to a football game??? I knew tickets were expensive, but $15m?? (*~*)

  22. I think we need to see Carlos in a kilt.

  23. I'm in agreement, we want to see Carlos in his kilt. I'll take your word for whatever is underneath. :)
    One of my cats, Silas, had a tendency to catch colds as well. My son would fill a bowl with steaming hot water and a bit of Vicks Vaporub, and sit under a towel with Silas to help break up the congestion. It seemed to help.
    $15M for transportation to the Super Bowl? Was the plane gold-plated?


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