
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Meme Dump


  1. A great collection, thanks for the first laugh of the day. I needed that.

  2. Cleora Borealis9:23 AM

    🤗🤗 Lordy, Bob, this may be yout finest collection...EVER! And yet, the mixture of topics like Oz/Mar-a-Lago, wet flour/dry flour, 1K islands agreeing, and twin cat/dog pairings led me in only one direction for the times we are in! 😱
    "You see what's going on lately? This world is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!" Are ya gonna call them?! 👻🤣

  3. I do like Uncle Jack. And isn't flour amazingly versatile?

  4. The thousand islands made me laugh, but I had to read the Uncle Jack one a couple of times - such an innocent! 🙄

  5. The Sissy SpaceX one cracked me up. We used to call Sissy "Sissy Spacechick" so this meme is so fitting!

  6. Gravy is just an affront to taste. Really.
    I cackled with Sissy Spacex! LOL Oh dear. It's disturbing, really.
    And that distance advisor? On point. NEVER close to a MAGAt. Ever.


    1. Now, Six, gravy can be very scrumptious --- it simply needs to be made properly. XOXO

  7. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Jamie ( I had to steal some of these.

  8. Biscuits and good sausage gravy is one of my favorite meals! Now I'm hungry!
    Punctuation is a necessity! If you are jacking off your uncle ... what is wrong with you?
    All good for a laugh this morning!

  9. Anonymous11:53 AM

    the dog's mother
    Many chortles!
    xoxo :-)

  10. Interestingly, Japanese has no capital letters:-)

  11. Wonderful! They all made me chuckle.

  12. "Don't lecture me, you 5 foot can opener", really made me laugh. Yes, it seems capital letters are important.

  13. Ha Ha, Capital Letters! I tried Thousand Island dressing once and didn't like it.

  14. Anonymous3:14 AM

    As someone who is fussy about English, I just loved the Uncle Jack one. Mind you, a rogue spellchecker can be just as bad. Many years ago, Members of our organization used to be called the Contracting Parties. One 200+ page document went out where the spellchecker had changed every single instance to "Contracting Pastries"!

  15. The capital letters one should be used in school classrooms across the USA. It gets the point across perfectly.

  16. Who’s for helping uncle jack?


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