
Friday, January 31, 2025

I Didn't Say It ...

Jim Acosta, longtime CNN anchor, giving his final thoughts after the “news” network opted to move his show to the dead of night:

“You may have seen some reports about me and the show, and after giving all of this some careful consideration and weighing in alternative timeslots CNN offered me, I’ve decided to move on. I am grateful to CNN for the nearly 18 years I’ve spent here doing the news. People often ask me if the highlight of my career at CNN was at the White House covering [The Felon]. Actually, no. That moment came … when I covered former President Barack Obama’s trip to Cuba in 2016 and had the chance to question the dictator there, Raul Castro, about the island’s political prisoners. As the son of a Cuban refugee, I took home this lesson: It is never a good time to bow down to a tyrant. I have always believed it’s the job of the press to hold power to account. I’ve always tried to do that here at CNN, and I plan on doing all of that in the future. One final message. Don’t give in to the lies. Don’t give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth and to hope. Even if you have to get out your phone, record that message. I will not give in to the lies. I will not give in to the fear! Post it on your social media so people can hear from you, too. I’ll have more to say about my plans in the coming days. But until then, I want to thank all of you for tuning in. It has been an honor to be welcomed into your home for all these years. That’s the news. Reporting from Washington, I’m Jim Acosta.”

This is what CNN did to one of its few credible journalists to appease the Nazi in the White House. When the press falls, are we far behind?

Stand up; speak up; resist.


Caroline Kennedy, to US Senators, calling RFK Jr.  a "predator" who cannot be trusted to serve as Health Secretary.

"Dear senators, throughout the past year people have asked for my thoughts on my cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his presidential campaign. I did not comment, not only because I was serving in a government position as United States Ambassador to Australia but because I have never wanted to speak publicly about my family members and their challengers. Now that Bobby has been nominated by [The Felon] to be secretary of Health and Human Services, a position that would put him in charge of the health of the American people, I feel an obligation to speak out. I have known Bobby my whole life. We grew up together. It’s no surprise that he keeps birds of prey as pets because he himself is a predator. I watched his younger brothers and cousins follow him down the path of drug addiction. His basement, his garage, his dorm room were always the center of the action where drugs were available and he enjoyed showing off how he put baby chickens and mice in a blender to feed to his hawks. It was often a perverse scene of despair and violence. He’s always been charismatic, able to attract others through the strength of his personality, his willingness to take risks and break the rules. While he may encourage a younger generation to attend AA meetings, Bobby is addicted to attention and power. Bobby preys on the desperation of parents of sick children, vaccinating his own kids while building a following hypocritically discouraging other parents from vaccinating theirs. It also wasn’t easy to remain silent last year when Bobby expropriated my father’s image and distracted President Kennedy’s legacy to advance his own failed presidential campaign and then grovel to Donald Trump for a job. Bobby continues to grandstand off my father’s assassination and that of his own father. It’s incomprehensible to me that someone who is willing to exploit their own painful family tragedies for publicity would be put in charge of America’s life and death situations.”

I had wondered why she didn’t speak up earlier, and now we know, though I hope it’s not too late to keep this dangerously stupid man out of public office.


Andrzej Stękała, Polish ski jumper, coming out through a moving tribute to his partner of eight years, Damian, who passed away in November.:

"I wondered for a long time if I would ever find the strength to write these words. For years, I lived in the shadow of fear, in hiding, afraid that who I really am could destroy me. Today, however, I don't want to run away anymore. I want you to really know me. I'm gay. For years, I hid it from the world—from you, from the media, and sometimes even from myself. [But Damian] changed my life. He was my mainstay, support, my biggest supporter. Together we shared life, passions, joys and difficult moments. He was everything to me—my home, my heart. We made love in silence, hiding our love from the world to protect what was most important to us. I can't describe the pain that overwhelmed me [when Damian died.] The world we were building together fell to pieces. Every day without him is a struggle, but at the same time a reminder of how infinitely I loved and how much I was loved. I don't want to hide who I am anymore. I am myself—a man who loved and still loves. And I know that he would like me to continue to live in harmony with myself. Until the end of my days, I will carry his name in my heart."

So sad he couldn’t be himself, and show himself to the world, while his love was still alive.

But perhaps he will have a second chance.


Jamie Raskin, Maryland Democratic Congressman, giving an epic takedown of The Felon's lawless mass pardon of violent January 6th insurrectionists:

"The chairman began by saying that the point here is to restore the rule of law ... restore the rule of law ... Can you even pretend to do that if you stand by and support [The Felon] who on day one—as the chairman of the committee just said—day one of his presidency, pardoned fifteen hundred insurrectionists including hundreds of people who violently assaulted and attacked American police officers? Let's just take one person who is free today, Julian Khater, who had been convicted after having every due process protection, the right to counsel, the right to cross-examine witnesses, the right to introduce evidence, but they had him completely. They knew exactly what happened. Most of this was videotaped so the whole world could see it. Well, Julian Khater repeatedly violently assaulted our officer protecting us in Congress, Officer Brian Sicknick, who then proceeded to have several strokes and died on January the 7th, 2021, the next day. The family of Officer Sicknick is absolutely devastated and demolished by what's just happened. I invite any of my colleagues, including the members new to this committee who maybe weren't here on January 6th and didn't experience the trauma of that violent insurrection when we saw a mob marauding through here yelling 'Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!' and looking to assassinate Nancy Pelosi. And now you have the temerity to come forward and say this is about public safety? How much safer are we now with these fifteen hundred criminals at large in Washington D.C. and going out into the country? Are you vouching that these people are not going to be attacking any other police officers? Are you vouching that they're no longer a threat to public safety? What an outrage! What a scandal!"

The truth is that there is no defending Trump's pardons on anything other than purely partisan grounds. He released these criminals because they support him. He doesn't care that they attacked police officers. He doesn't care that they might do it again. All that matters is that they're in his MAGA cult.


Bowen Yang, out SNL cast member, on auditioning for the show and not being pigeonholed by his identity:

“The fact that there hadn’t been an East Asian person who couldn’t pass as anyone else and be on camera here, that scared the shit out of me. But I think that attitude served me well coming in ‘cause I’m like, ‘I’m never gonna get this, so fuck it. I’m just gonna do what I want.’ I think that’s the right thing to come in here with, just to feel some liberated sense of ‘This is who I am. Take it or leave it, like, literally take it or leave it.’ My point of view will be maybe that of an Asian person or that of a queer person, but also there are just as many things outside of that that have nothing to do with those things. There would be conversations I would have with writers who I felt like were maybe pigeonholing certain things about me, and thankfully that was never met with any toxicity or pushback. It was always, ‘Thank you for telling me. I’m sorry that happened. It won’t happen again.’ What I think has been a nice turning point is being able to joke about those things in a meta way. That’s been the nice 360, full circle thing on it where, after an earned amount of time, I’ve been able to sort of expand that scope a bit.”

It's funny how times change … a decade ago Yang might have been seen only as “the gay one” or “the Asian one,” and yet now he’s seen as one of the funny ones.


Tim Kaine, Democrat Senator from Virginia, speaking to the Senate about a grifter in the White House:

“The president has no authority to make that offer. There’s no budget line item to pay people who are not showing up for work. This is a guy who made this promise to contractors again and again and again when he was a private business guy. ‘Oh, come work for me on my casino.’ ‘Come work for me in a hotel.’ ‘We’re going to do a handshake. We’re going to do a contract.’ The contractor does the work and then finds out they get stiffed. So my message to federal employees who receive this is, yeah, the president has tried to terrorize you for about a week and then gives you a little sweetheart offer: ‘If you resign in the next week, we’re just going to pay you for doing nothing for the next seven months.’ Don’t be fooled. He’s tricked hundreds of people with that offer. If you accept that offer and resign, he’ll stiff you just like he stiffed the contractors. He doesn’t have any authority to do this. Do not be fooled by this guy. You were here before he was here, and you’ll be here after he was here. Show up for work. Be diligent. Serve Americans every day. Make their life better. Answer their phone call. Give them an answer. Track down their constituent call. Don’t be fooled by a fake offer because he’s terrorized you in the last week, it would be easy to just resign now and get a check for seven months. Because I can tell you, that promise is worth nothing.”

I remember a story of The Felon buying 300 grand pianos for a casino and then refusing to pay the guy who sold him the instruments, The Felon told the guy to sue him and he’d drag him through court for so long that no monetary reward would be enough to pay his legal bills.

Grifter; fucking lying hypocritical traitorous rapist racist grifter.



  1. Excellent post of Truth Telling.

    1. I am trying to make a real effort at only posting Truth and staying away from that other side at all costs.

  2. It is a terrifying time for feds and contractors.

    1. Seriously ... there will be a shiz-load of cleanup once this clown is sent packing.

  3. Anonymous9:15 AM

    These people are inspiring.
    Jim, Jamie, Caroline, Tim. All calling out the fuckery that is this administration. And Bowen and Andrzej, being out and proud. We need more people like them.
    Especially now.



    1. I agree, and I keep looking for good, uplifting, truthful quotes to share!

  4. Will the these truths set us free?

  5. Volumes of truth, and still so many in America don't get it. Words are fine, but maybe it's about time we start putting our boots up their Conservative assholes.

    1. Words are the start, truth is the catalyst!

  6. The Pterodactyl in Chief is refusing to pay over £100,000 in court costs in a case, he initiated, this side of the pond. That's how much he cares about the rule of law if it is not in his favour.

    Who could forget Steppenwolf's Caroline (are you ready for the outlaw world?)?

    1. He doesn't pay his bills, ever, and yet these asshats still support him.

  7. Bowen Yang is the bomb! He's capable of portraying any character they throw at him. That's talent. As for the rest? We need more people in powerful positions to speak the truth, to hold the line, to uphold some sense of normalcy. And I include Andrejz and Yang there; they both have more influence than they think.

    1. Bowen is great; he's one of my favorites in the cast.
      I think we'll start seeing more people speak up and out after this air crash mess and The Felon's idiotic lies.

  8. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Hold the insurrectionists feet to the fire, there is the Insurrection Index on line with all their names. Already an insurrectionist tried to get his old job back and the employer said no for the safety of their employees and for reasons of public liability. An employer can’t take a chance and be open to lawsuits with a violent felon. The insurrectionists will soon find a presidential pardon only gets them so far, public vigilance and opinion will keep them in their place, they now walk around with a scarlet letter and blood on their hands that won’t wash off. And those employers that do hire them are taking a big risk of boycotts and public censure along with the ticking timebomb of an employee prone to violence.

    1. Governor JB Pritzker of Illinois has already directed the state’s Department of Central Management Services to restrict hiring of j6ers by saying they had taken part in “infamous and disgraceful conduct that is antithetical to the mission of the State.”
      We need more like him.

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    the dog's mother
    Good collection
    xoxo :-)

  10. Cleora Borealis11:42 AM

    💔 Andrzej Stękała's coming out statement is perhaps the most beautiful eulogy I have ever read. He honors Damian by letting his full legacy be alive even though Damian is no longer here. I felt Stękała's story first in the gut before the tear ducts. Hearing that others have to close the door before being fully joyful in love is always painful to me because I want all lovers to have my privilege to love openly...a privilege I didn't earn and don't deserve above anyone else! 😡
    🤗 And Bowen Yang, as well, maybe risking an entire career by deciding to be himself. When the white, cis world is honest with itself (does that ever happen?), it admits the entertainers it laughs with the most are those who break through the restrictions and become real selves! 🤣

    1. Love is love and loss is devastating. Sad that it took a loss for Stękała to come out, but out he is right now and that's important!
      I love Bowen's zero fucks attitude about the audition.

  11. Some very thoughtful comments here, and so much truth. IQ45 is nothing but a grifter and a cheat, always has been, always will be. It is so sad to me, that in this point of history, that young gay men still feel they need to hide who they are is so very sad.

    1. I am striving to post only positive and uplifting quotes; too often, even here, it's been negativity and I'm moving on from that.

  12. While not a big fan of SNL in general, I do enjoy their "Weekend Update" segments... Sarah Sherman's portrayal as the widow of the NYC squirrel seized by authorities, and Bowen Yang as Moo Deng and one of the Jersey drones were absolutely hilarious!! I laughed so hard at all of them, I almost peed myself, LOL! And I'd rather laugh than run screaming into the night...

    1. Carlos and I live for Weekend Update!

  13. I hope the people listen to what Tim Kaine is saying and that they believe it.
    I've never heard of Jim Acosta, but I like him just on what I read here today.

    1. Sadly, those on the rightwingnut side will either not believe it, or they will believe it but think there's nothing wrong with that!

    2. I follow(ed?) Jim Acosta's CNN contributions on YouTube - a lone and scarce voice of sanity in a wide ocean of scary 'you-gotta -be-kind-to-HIM' fawning. Another one bites the dust. We are the poorer - but only for now(?), we hope.

  14. The voices are speaking, the revolution is gaining momentum, and it's so good to see.

    1. We need people to speak up and then we need Democrats to vote.

  15. Great hearing this from Jim Acosta, and I hope he does find a new network home to continue speaking the truth. I was astonished by Caroline Kennedy's candor in that letter. It really shows her depth of feeling. If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. didn't have that famous name he'd have been kicked to the curb as an eccentric crank many, many years ago.

    1. I agree about RFK Jr; he's been riding his family name for fart too long.

  16. Powerful words from all of them but I save special applause for Caroline Kennedy for having the guts to break her family's habitual silence and call out Bobby Kennedy for what he is - a total fraud who should be nowhere near any positions of power or responsibility.

    1. A few other family members have spoken out against RFK... his sister being one ... but she is by far the most notable.


Say anything, but keep it civil .......