
Thursday, January 16, 2025


Carlos doesn’t like kids; he says they’re loud and dirty and obnoxious and the only thing he likes about them is when I am asked if I like children and I say:

“Yes. Deep-fried with a side of Ranch dressing.”

But I digress. Carlos was set to translate at the courthouse here in Camden and I dropped him off on my way to work. He knows the building very well and finds his way around with ease. The courts were slightly back up so he sat on a bench in the hallway waiting for the lawyer and client to be called for their hearing.

As he sat there, two screaming girls were running amok in the hallway and finally their mother put the kibosh on the shenanigans. So, they walked to the bench where Carlos sat and began talking to him:

“What is that?”

“My cane.”

“What’s it for?”

“It helps me get around because I can’t see.”

“You can’t see?”


And that started a long game of how many fingers am I holding up, until one girl asked him how he got to the courthouse:

“Did you drive?”

“No, someone dropped me off.”

“How did you get up here.”

And he talked about counting steps and listening to the sounds in the hallways to find the elevators and the stairs and the courtroom doors, and those little girls sat with him and questioned him and studied him and chatted with him learned a little something from him about being differently abled.

I said:

“See you do like kids.”

“No I don’t.”

“You do because I would have asked to have them fried and served with Ranch.”

And I wasn’t wrong. But he is far sweeter and more patient with kids than he likes to let on.

He’s really a sweetheart.

This Tuxedo Says is from July 2020:

"Tuxedo has been trying to explain the asshattery of All Lives Matter on Facebook for weeks now … this time he chose a direct route."

And we can continue to do that every day since then, y’all.

Right before other state lawmakers were set to be sworn in, Texas Democrat Representative Venton Jones asked his boyfriend, Gregory Scott Jr., to marry him:

In a time when our love and our very existence are challenged, often in the halls of this very building, this moment is a reminder that love conquers all. Gregory and I stand as proof that progress is unstoppable, and no amount of hate can erase the truth of who we are.”

In Texas, y’all; in the statehouse!

Of note, the Democrats gave us our first African American President and our first African American Vice President.

Republicans gave us our first Convicted Felon President.

See, there is a difference.

Last week on Jeopardy, journalist and hottie Drew Goins showed up to the competition in a sweater that gave us well-rounded pecs and nipples to gawk at.

PS He won.

South Carolina’s Nancy Mace descended even further into madness this week after Democrat Representative Jasmine Crockett called her a child:

“I am no child! Do not call me a child. I am no child. Don’t even start, I am a grown woman, 47 years old.”

And then Nancy Mace, a grown woman, not a child, asked Crockett if she wanted to “take it outside.”

Doesn’t get more childish, Nancy.

As The Felon prepares to return to the White House, Amazon has cut commitments protecting Black and LGBTQ+ people. Statements that said Amazon supported the rights of transgender people and LGBTQ+ and Black employees disappeared from a company webpage in December.

So, if you’re trans, Black or Gay, Amazon has clearly stated they don’t give a fuck about you and if you still want to shop there because it’s easy peasy, then maybe you don’t give a fuck about equality either.

When I heard that Carrie Underwood was going to perform at The Felon’s inauguration, my first thought was to boycott her music and then I realized I have been boycotting her music since she first started singing.

PS The flag is not meant to be worn as a tank top, hon; that’s not patriotism.

During a confirmation hearing for defense secretary nominee, alcoholic, homophobe, sexual predator and misogynist Pete Hegseth, GOP Senator Eric Schmitt complained about Wokeness in the military. while sitting in front of a sign that misspelled the word “military.”

You cannot make this shiz up.

Matthew Djordjevic is a model from Australia and is repped by Ford Models, Kult Models, and FiveTwenty Model Management but all I need know is, Would You Hit It?


  1. YET ANOTHER REASON TO NOT USE AMAZON! I hope the company collapses. It's no different than the people who voted trump and then say I don't like his agenda. If you voted for him you support him...same thing here. You use Amazon then yes, you are further empowering this bigoted company.

    Huh...does that bitch Nancy really, really want to go outside with Jasmine? Because I can tell you who WON'T be coming back in.

    I might want to tweak Drew Goins nipples.

    And I'm with Carlos. I hate kids. They scream when they are hungry. They scream when they are wet. They scream when they need their toys. They scream when they are under your car. Joke kidding!!!! I can't hear them then, my window is up.

    1. I am so with you on Amazon. If you use them and they hold this position then you are as complicit.
      Drew was on Jeopardy again last night in another pectoral sweater!
      You and Carlos would get along famously! Although, he secretly enjoys educating them, I think.
      Jasmine Crockett would put Nancy down with a look.

  2. Aw, see, Carlos? You helped kids understand what it's like to have to work at something to adapt. You ole softie, you! (Just for the record, I'm with the "Fried with Ranch" crowd.)
    Oh, so much is going to change on Monday. We need to be prepared for it because it's coming. The signs are everywhere, from the Mace bs to the Bezos (cowardly) bs --- his is particularly odd, because he could buy and sell The Felon 100 times over.

    1. Carlos speaks softly but carries a big cane, if needed!
      Monday I go on media blackout for the day!

  3. Congratulations to Venton Jones and Gregory Scott Jr.! May they have a long and happy life together!

    1. Nice that this happened in the TEXAS statehouse, too.

  4. Can't with children. Can't.
    Rugrats do not belong in adult spaces. Also, control those children!

    Drew's nipples? Yum. Right up there with Matthew's smoldering.

    And you just know that the Nancy Mace brand of stupidity is going to skyrocket (Repugs are famewhores who cannot even spell). So be warned. And eff Bezos.

    And I love Betty Bowers!!


    1. Luckily, through just talking with them, Carlos was better at controlling the children that their parents!
      The internet went crazy with Drew's Nipples™!
      I went a little crazy for Matthew dropping his Levis™.
      Nancy is just sinking deeper and deeper into GOP Lunacy™!
      Betty Bowers slays.

  5. No person, whatever their colour, sexual orientation, religion etc. is less than anyone else (and it's impossible to be less than the orange felon). We're all the same under the skin.

  6. krayolakris10:47 AM

    Spot on as usual. I never cared for Underwood and here’s another reason to not. Also will continue NOT drinking Coke products because the asshat CEO presented a special commemorative Diet Coke bottle to Fat@ss Orangie.
    I could possibly try to tolerate children if they were well behaved, but I never seem to meet any.

    1. I didn't heere about Coke but as I rarely, if ever, drink sodas, it's a safe bet I am Coke-free.
      I think kids can be well-behaved but the mostrous ones are those with parents who aren't parenting.

  7. Cleora Borealis11:21 AM

    A lot of great stuff today, Bob! 🤗 Isn't it great that dirty, obnoxious children are also immensely curious about the world around them? Carlos was wonderful for helping their little open minds! 🥰 I often guffaw at the ridiculous poses your "Hit It?" men get into, but Matthew wrapped in a bedsheet was nothing to scoff at! 🤩
    Hmm, respect for flag law and for the symbol of the nation...good luck on that when their Godhead Trump soils it with sweaty hugs and autographs it like it's his creation!! 🤬
    And a little kitty shall lead us...Tuxedo Rocks!! 🤘😻

    1. Carlos does like educating people, and he mostly gets questions from kids, so, yeah, he's a sweetheart!
      Matthew dropping trou was also a nice moment.
      Tuxedo was a smarty cat!

  8. In my judgement, there is not nearly enough "wokeness" in the US military. To be "woke" is to see things as they really are, refusing to hide from the truth.
    P.S. I know how to spell "military"... and "Hegseth" too. It is spelt "M-O-R-O-N".

    1. Woke is awake and understanding and tolerant and accepting, all things the GOP cannot handle.

  9. Anonymous11:44 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Carlos) (Tuxedo always)
    xoxo :-)

  10. Carlos speaks with forked tongue. If he didn't like children, he would not have tolerated their questions and answered them so patiently. I think he probably means that he likes them well enough, but not enough to have any of his own.

    1. That's what he always does, but then kids seem to gravitate toward him so there's' that, too.

  11. Deep down, Carlos isn’t really a curmudgeon. (Deep down, you probably are.) What an exceptional experience he gave to those rug rats. I need Tuxedo to speak for me. Love and respect to Venton and Gregory. Maybe time to watch Jeopardy. Nancy Mace should be maced. No thanks to Carrie Underwood. I always wondered why Rethuglicans thought it was respectful to wear the flag. Matthew Djordjevic is beautiful but I’ll pass. But wait, maybe Hegseth is only going to be running the Miltary!

    1. I am only a curmudgeon because I like to say 'curmudgeon.'
      Nancy Mace gets more laughably pathetic each day, doesn't she?
      And Carrie Underwood professes to be such a good Christian woman ... check back here next Monday for some stuff on her.

  12. YAY for Carlos, a Tuxedo story, Venton Jones and his boyfriend, Gregory Scott Jr, and Mrs. Betty Bowers.

    1. A mixed bag of some good, fun stuff!

  13. aussieguy5:21 PM

    Hmm, methinks I understand more of your and Carlos’ relationship given his tolerant reaction to the kiddies…😎 And I could use some Aussie cakes! Not so much Ms. Underwood, and I like country music; just not hers (and Lee Greenwood and…)

    1. You think you know Carlos and me .... ? Hmmmmmm 😔

  14. All kids are born with little hoofs, some of them lose them during puberty, man Republican babies do not. Odd thing about Amazon changing their tune is that in retail, you want to grow your base, not cut it back. And yes to the nip guy.

  15. Awww Carlos, what a sweetheart he is, as well as a great teacher. As was Tuxedo!
    The confirmation hearings are certainly showing that IQ45 has the ability to pick the most unqualified, stupid people. Between Hegseth and Bondi, the bar is set exceptionally low. Though I did hear that Rubio did well.

    1. Carlos does like kids, he just pretends otherwise.
      Oh, the people he's set up for positions in his cabal are the dregs of any society.

  16. Really?? I thought Amazon was big enough to be above that type of meanness. I'll have to find somewhere else to search for my annual calendars.

    1. Many times, when you see something Amazon is selling, you can buy it direct from the company that makes it and they may give you the same price Amazon is promising.
      I will never buy from them.

  17. Good for Carlos for being so open with those little girls. My little grandson saw a lady with an artificial leg and asked his mom "what was that" so being a nurse his mom told him it was a prosthetic leg. The lady thanked her for being so open with him and then spent the next five minutes telling him all about it. He was thrilled!

    1. It's funny because the kids are so open to questions and understanding, while adults are afraid to sometimes even look at Carlos.
      But I see their expressions and they see mine.

  18. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Well done, Carlos. I'm joining your fan club...
    Dana from Orlando

  19. I'd only hit Djordjevic if he smiled at me, as doesn't appear to be the smiling type.

    1. What could you do to get him to smile?


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