
Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Funny Papers

Clay Bennett, Adam Zyglis, Jack Ohman, Ed Wexler, Drew Sheneman, Bill Bramhall, Darrin Bell, Pedro X Molina, Matt Wuerker, Michael de Adder, Lalo Alcaraz, Mike Luckovich, Max Espinosa


  1. Keep in mind that when Trump crashes the economy, he also crashes the Billionaires.

  2. Some days I just want to scream

    1. Do it; it makes me feel better.

  3. There's no thought behind Trump's utterances - he just wants to get a reaction.

  4. These are all right on! And that's the TIME cover that Trump deserves!

  5. That last one says it all.

  6. I fear we are in for 4 years of very unfunny funnies!

    1. All the more reason to work harder and demand more from Democrats or remove them from office, too.

  7. Sadly, not a funny one in the bunch. They all hurt at various levels. Many of us in Canada, would gladly trade Alberta and most of Saskatchewan for the Pacific coast states and the northeastern states as well.

    1. I do like the last two, though ...

  8. Good ones, but yeah, as others have said, not exactly funny. (There's no law that says political cartoons have to be funny, though!)

    It's vaguely funny that the cartoonist who drew the departing blue states left Long Island dangling down between New York's legs...

  9. Anonymous11:13 AM

    All are spot on, telling it like it is.
    Our maga neighbors have a Trump flag that reads, “the rules have changed” on its bottom edge. Just shows their mentality and others of their ilk.

    1. Wait until their taxes go up and prices go up and unemployment goes up and see how thrilled they are with the little billionaires they put in power. Of course, they're all too stupid to realize it.

  10. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Jamie (
    Agree on the Time cover.

    1. I wish that was the real cover; look for his cover on Vanity Fair and see how a real magazine tells his story.

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    the dog's mother
    As always - AK! AK! AK!
    xoxo :-)

  12. Cleora Borealis12:51 PM

    😵‍💫🥹 Sigh! This spiral of trying to deal with sore winners will continue for a long time. Trump is a terrorist and is enabled and elected by terrorists...textbook definition terrorists! My all-time favorite political cartoon is nearly 50 years old and pointed to the difficulty of dealing with terrorists: a heavily-armed, wild-eyed man is holding a dove by its neck and aiming an AK-47 at its head. He says "give me what I want or I shoot the bird!" A voice-bubble on the side asks "what do you want?" The man answers "to shoot the bird!!" And here we are. "Let us win or we will destroy this country!" "OK, you won." "Good, now we have the power we need to destroy the country!" And so it goes...while we discuss how to tweak the Democratic party to be a stronger opposition party, the two-party system has disappeared. We must oppose terrorism outright and that will take strength, not tweaking!! 🤬✊️💪

  13. Punk? That far too nice a word for him. When I heard he came out with a cologne line, I couldn't believe it. Called Fight Fight Fight? Yet he says he meant no will ill on January 6th?

  14. Definitely want to share some of these with friends - When hubby and I get back from your neck of the woods. We’re visiting Leon’s mom in South Carolina.

    1. It's nice out here now; a little chilly in the mornings but nice days ... at least in the Midlands!

  15. The thoughts and prayers one!!! Call me cold, but when the family of the dead CEO was in shock and sadden, I find it hard to be sad for them. I feel like denying any thoughts and prayers and healing vibes back. And will a lesson be learned by this? Nope. Homo sapiens seem to be dumb.

    1. Those healthcare CEOs offered no Thoughts and Prayers when they denied coverage to people who then died, so, yeah, not so sorry.

  16. It just pisses me off that these Mofo's got what they wanted with TFG elected and "the libs owned" not realizing that we are ALL going to suffer because of it! Dumb SOBs! xoxo

    1. It proves my theory: MAGAts are dumb.

  17. Not everyone likes gallows humour, but in times like these, it's either laugh or scream. I'd rather laugh and see those a**holes ridiculed to the Nth degree!

  18. "Should be doing TIME" Yes he should, a few decades at least.

  19. Oh how I wish that had been the real Time cover.

    1. Look for the digital version of Vanity Fair's cover; that's how it's done!

  20. Powerful items imbued with the true spirit of Christmastime. It's like a song with no ending. You have to feel a little pity for #47 as the dementia tightens its knot.


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