
Thursday, October 03, 2024


Some of you may remember the story of how we survived Hurricane Katrina in Miami—losing only the fence and part of the roof—and how that lead to our decision to move from Florida. But did you know that Carlos and I handle hurricanes differently? That Carlos falls asleep at the drop of as hat and I stay awake wondering if the house will fly away like Dorothy’s in The Wizard of Oz?

Well, as we waited for Helene to arrive I told a coworker about Carlos’s nonchalance regarding the storms and the day after the storm, when we were without power for over 14 hours, Carlos and I drove through Camden seeing what, if anything, was damaged or open or what. We ended up by my office and I noticed a couple of cars in the lot so we stopped to check and the guy I had talked to about Carlos’s hurricane reactions was there, and we started talking storm when the guy said to me:

“How did Carlos do during the storm? Did he stay awake?”

And before I could utter a sound, Carlos goodnaturedly shouted:

“I’m fucking blind! I couldn’t see a thing!”

So, that’s how he handled it.

This Tuxedo Memory if from April 2020 and entitled Things I Like #7:

A while back Maddie posted a series of posts about called Things I Like where the posts displayed Maddie’s home and some favorite things.

I took a look around the house and started with our sunroom and the plants Carlos has there, but then I came upon my absolute favorite thing …

Wasn’t he gorgeous?

I rarely go to Walmart but if they have cakes like that there, I may have to rethink my position on that store!

The great, and I mean The Great Maggie Smith—The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie to California Suite to A Room with a View to Tea with Mussolini to the Harry Potter films to The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel to The Lady in The Van to Downton Abbey—passed away last week at age 89.

RIP Dame Margaret Natalie Smith and thank you for the decades of entertainment.

The Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre in New York announced a proposed global settlement with hundreds of sex abuse survivors, who allege they were abused as children at the DRVC’s parishes, churches, and schools.

The settlement is based on DRVC’s parishes filing for bankruptcy, and it will halt a number of jury trials against the Diocese and its parishes. The law firm of Slater Slater Schulman served as a mediation party in the historic settlement, under which a trust will receive approximately $320.5 million for the benefit of survivors.


Oh, and then Pope Francis promised to “offer all the help we can” to aid clergy sexual abuse victims, after a group of Belgian survivors told him first-hand of the trauma that had shattered their lives and left many in poverty and mental misery.

Howsabout turning the child rapists into the authorities to have them prosecuted? Oh, but the shame on the church …

Fuck you, Francis.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s marriage may be over, but fans still love Mr. & Mrs. Smith even if La Jolie does not. 

And she does not; Jolie was photographed autographing a movie poster for the 2005 action flick and seemed quite stoic about doing so, even averting her eyes from Pitt’s picture on the poster.

Oh Angie, you picked him …

Teo Toranzo is an Italian model, based in Brazil, who doesn’t shy away from an avant-garde photo shoot but the real issue is: Would You Hit It?


  1. $320.5 million? That's all?

    1. The diocese filed bankruptcy and that "all" they have. If the Catholic Church would have these pedophiles arrested and charged ...

  2. Maybe you can redirect Mr Cakes to Target, a much nicer place to shop.

    1. I need to find him and give him a Target Gift Card ...

  3. The catholic church always comes short. They have cause untold pain to many, many people.
    And I was sorry about Maggie's passing. I watched Downton Abbey mostly to watch her chew on the scenery while dragging everybody with just a few words.
    And honey, if that's what they're selling at Wally World, I may have to rethink Target.


    1. And as that church inflicted pain they collected monies based on lies of protesting those in need of protection; they fail miserably.
      I looked back on Maggie Smith's career and didn't realize all that she had done and how much of it I saw!
      I may not go to Walmart to shop, but I might go to check out the cake aisles!

  4. "A lady down the road told me that Repugnants don't like abortions because they want to sell the babies off to the Chinese!" It's funny how all these lies are never backed up with a scintilla of evidence.

    1. People will believe almost anything without a shred of proof!

  5. Besides Tuxedo, the thing I noticed was the Norfolk Pine. Love those and we have one in our foyer that has actually managed to survive.

    1. Any plant that thrives in our house does so because of Carlos!

  6. Angie's had a little too much "work." Carlos hearing is evidently 20/20. I'll pass on Teo, I suspect his 4"10". Walmart sells everything... except cakes like that.

  7. It’s infuriating that the Catholic Church can get away with self-policing. And they pay no taxes. What organizations can get away with that other than crooked ones? Infuriating. Tuxedo WAS gorgeous. Ryan Fournier has no friends. What a liar.

    1. You know how I feel about the Catholic church and most other churches; tax the bastards!

  8. I was in Walmart about a decade ago with Tim shopping for garden stuff. He was outside checking out plants while I was inside checking out pots, rakes, etc. And checking out the hottest older man I'd ever seen in tight jeans and flannel shirt. I think we were checking each other out since we walked up and down the same two aisles way more times than was necessary.

    1. We were last in Walmart buying printer ink because they always have it in stock and it's easy to get ... other than that I don't cross that border.

  9. Cleora Borealis11:09 AM

    ๐Ÿ˜ป Tuxedo memory! Gorgeous and knowing it! Had it...flaunted it...and still gave hugs...quite a little package was he!! ๐Ÿ˜ป

    1. He certainly did like to pose for a photo or twelve!

  10. Anonymous11:31 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Carlos) (Tuxedo always)
    xoxo :-)

  11. I loved the Carlos story!!!!!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ He is a card!!!!

    Oh I love cakes. Unfortunately when Ive been there i only ever see flabby half moon pancakes sticking out.

    And Teo Toranzo? Ohhhhhh yes..I love Italian sausage.

    1. My friends at work thought he was hilarious for his wee tantrum!
      You're so right about the pancake asses at Wally's.

  12. Wal-Mart has NEVER looked so good!

    One wonders how much the law firm of Slater Slater Schulman stands to make from that settlement?

    1. Right? If I didn't loathe that store so much ...
      That is the one question about that settlement that i couldn't find an answer to and that irks me.

  13. When TALES OF CARLOS day arrives I just smile. Because I just know he is the funny one of you two. I loved your coworker's question about how Carlos handled the storm. He knows you guys well. What I love best is Carlos' response. This is why Carlos is the best and deserves a guest spot on your blog.

    The Walmart kid. Cakes for days. When I lived in Dallas the guys would wear their Wranglers, cowboy hats, and boots. You would see guys, like above, for days. And by the way, I have met some sweet good old boys in Texas.

    Angelia is just too much work. She is spiteful and uses her kids to get back at Brad. Takes two to tangle and divorce BUT she is too extra. Really, she gives women a bad name.

    Catholic priests. If you have not seen the gorgeous Mark Ruffalo in the 2015 film Spotlight, may I recommend it? "The true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and cover-up within the local Catholic Archdiocese, shaking the entire Catholic Church to its core."-IMDB

    Have a great evening and give Carlos a hug for me.

    1. In all honesty, I am the funny one, but when Carlos is funny, it's so shocking it seems extra hilarious!

  14. aussieguy4:07 PM

    Ah Tuxedo -- very regal! The cakes are in aisle 7, in case you wondered...Angie can go fuck herself, along with the entire Catholic church. They've always been too busy trying to cover their asses; too bad their priests didn't know how to.

    1. Regal cat, yes indeed.
      I wish all stores had a cake aisle like that!

  15. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Tuxedo knew and kept it to himself, so independent a feline. And you best believe he’s watching over Carlos and you in cat heaven where he is feasting on tender filet mignon and lobster tails.
    I prefer the cakes I’ve seen at Costco, though that Walmart youth will do.
    Maggie Smith, another great gone to Valhalla.
    As for the Catholic church, the priests and all the rest are lucky I’m not the Pope. There would be independent and transparent investigations, and the culprits would be defrocked, excommunicated and sent to the legal authorities for prosecution and every victim compensated along with a very public apology.
    And ya just know some Republicans will vote for Kamala Harris because they know it’s the proper and decent thing to do.

    1. I just like some cakes, wherever I come across them!
      I've a feeling that for every Republican that comes forward for Kamala, there are dozens more planning to vote for her but will do so in silence so as not to piss off The Felon.

  16. I've seen everything you listed that Maggie Smith has been in except Harry Potter.
    I would hope the offer of settlement by the church is not binding on anyone.
    I really like Teo and I would take tea with him anytime.

    1. I want the church to take accountability for allowing this to happen, and continue to happen.

  17. Have you seen The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel? Also with Maggie Smith and an excellent movie.
    I almost didn't recognise Angelina with the hollow cheeks and duck lips.

    1. I did see both of those films ... I'd seen a lot more of her films than I realized.

  18. The only time I was in a hurricane in our house in Florida we were with my in-laws and my ex wanted us all to stay up "to monitor" it. I'd prepared what I could so took the kids and myself off to bed (although I did keep waking up during the night). It didn't really hit until around 6 a.m. anyway and he was as cranky as hell because he hadn't had any sleep. I say "go Carlos"!

    1. I wish I could be more like Carlos in that respect but I have this need to know what's going on with the storm.

  19. I imagine that the little stem on top of The Pope's zucchetto is similar to The Orange Turnip's penis. I hope that it is not in bad taste to say such a thing but it's too late now. I have said it.

    1. No, it's not. I approve this message.


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