
Friday, June 21, 2024

I Didn't Say It ...

Michelle Obama, on Juneteenth:

“On Juneteenth, we celebrate our freedom, our resilience, and our progress. Today we’re honoring all the Black folks who came before us—who helped build our country with their bare hands—who marched and fought to do everything they could to build a better future for us all. This Juneteenth let’s pledge to keep using our voices and our votes to create the change we want to see in our country. Juneteenth is all about celebrating our collective freedom and fighting to protect it. Our power, our rights and even our planet are on the ballot this year. So now is the time to think about how you’re going to make your voice heard in this election. Get yourself registered to vote, and then text three friends to do the same. Do not sit on the sidelines this year, because this is a critical moment for all of us.”

I know she’ll never do it, but I would love this woman to run for office; she takes prisoners, speaks the truth, goes high.

Do as Mrs. O says, “VOTE!”


Doug Burgum, North Dakota GOP Governor, ass-kissing and boot-licking on Fox News:

“The Democrats seem to have two strategies. One is, be afraid. And the second strategy is, be even more afraid. Under Joe Biden, we’re actually living under a dictatorship today, where he’s bypassing Congress on immigration policies, bypassing Congress on protecting our border. He’s bypassing Congress on a student loan forgiveness, and he’s defying the Supreme Court. I mean, those are the things that authoritarians and dictators do. They don’t follow our democratic processes and they just assert their own liberal view. And that’s what the Biden administration’s doing.”

Says the guy who wanted his last Vice President to ignore the law and the Constitution to keep him in power. And damn that Dictator Joe, trying to do the work to make life better for all Americans, unlike The Felon who has said he wants to win so he can punish his enemies.

Fuck off, Doug, you traitorous POS.


Chris Colfer, on why he came out after receiving a note from a young fan:

“I grew up in a very conservative town where being openly gay was dangerous. I remember when I got [Glee], the role was written for me, but I did not know what the role was going to be. So, I opened the script and when I read the script for the first time is when I saw that it was an openly gay character … I had a lot of people tell me, ‘Do not come out, whatever you do, because it will ruin your career' …They said, ‘Don’t worry as long as you never address it, you’ll be rewarded for it in the end.'” [But at a Glee poster signing tour a little boy secretly slid me envelope] I opened it up and there was a little note that said, ‘Thank you’ and there was a little paperclip chain that was in the colors of the rainbow. In that moment I knew, I have to come out. At the time, I was thinking if I’m an openly gay actor I may never win a major award and I may never get to play a superhero, but I think being a beacon of positivity and providing comfort for people is way more important.”

I’ll say it again: every time one of us comes out it makes the way a little bit easier for someone else.


Cavalier Johnson, Milwaukee Mayor, calling The Felon a liar:

“I’m a Democrat and the mayor of the largest city in the state, and we’re proud to host the Republican National Convention. We worked really, really hard to get the convention though. Folks at the RNC have been great. Right before I was initially elected mayor, I took time off the campaign trail to go to Washington, D.C., to go to the RNC headquarters, do the final pitch to bring the RNC here, and it was the RNC that selected Milwaukee. I think I would remember if [The Felon] had anything to do with that. He was nowhere to be found. That is a complete fabrication. I am stunned by that.”

Why stunned? The man can’t tell the truth ever, and lies, literally, all the time.


Carliss Chatman, Washington and Lee University law professor, on the idea that a fetus is a person:

“If a fetus is a person at 6 weeks pregnant, is that when child support starts? Is that also when you can’t deport the mother because she’s carrying a US citizen? Can I insure a 6 week fetus and collect if I miscarry? Just figuring if we’re going there, we should go all in.”

Sadly, these male lawmakers who want to control, women’s bodies, won’t ever think child support should start at 6 weeks. They don’t wanna tell men what to do, they just want to control women.


Nathan Lane, saying Bette Midler helped him shrug off the haters:

“One of the first lessons I learned about being a public figure was to try to ignore what people write about you. As Bette Midler once said to me, angrily, ‘Don’t read that shit. You can go on the internet right now and find The Society to Assassinate Bette Midler. What are you going to do? Fuck ’em!’ She has a way of getting to the heart of things.”

And that’s just one of the reasons why Miss M is divine!


Nicole Wallace, MSNBC host, and former Republican:

“[He] is a convicted felon. He offers no vision for the future and instead rants and rambles about sharks, electric boats, windmills and toilets. He constantly lies about the border, even though he’s the one who killed the bipartisan border bill. He lies about the rule of law and the system of justice. He calls January 6 insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol ‘warriors.’ [He] has made it clear that his entire campaign is about himself.”

Don’t ever forget that he told a rally of MAGAts in Las Vegas that he didn’t care about them and only wanted their votes. And they cheered.

He must not ever be allowed to hold power in the country again.


J.D. Vance, Ohio GOP Senator on CNN, once again trying to say MAGAts are peaceful, and then getting a smackdown:

“[Hair Furor]’s supporters are not violent people. You live in a country of 330 million people, of course, some people are gonna do some bad things. But, if we want to get back at the New York sham prosecution, my message to every [Hair Furor] supporter is go to [Hair Furor].com, volunteer, support him, and vote in November. The only language that these people speak is power. We’ve got to win the presidency ... and save this country.”

Vance was instantly fact-checked about the Capitol riots by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, leading Vance to concede, “a few people were violent, certainly.”

Yes, the mob, the few, the loud, the insurrectionists.


Orville Peck, country singer from South Africa, on the term LGBTQ+ ally:

“We all hear the term ;’ally’ a lot these days. It gets thrown around a lot but, you know,, for me, ‘being cool’ with queer people is not allyship. That’s just f*cking common decency.”

Funny, then that many of those folks who declare their Christian faith are the ones with the least amount of decency.



  1. Christian folk, god save us from them, surely could not possibly vote for #45 to be #47. Do they not read what kind of person he is?

    1. I don't think they care being they're in a cult and believe whatever he tells them.

  2. Have you heard about Nathan Lane's upcoming new sitcom "Mid-Century Modern"? Sounds suspiciously like a gay Golden Girls reboot -- the Golden Boys?

    1. I also heard his co-star is My-Husband-In-My-Head Matt Bomer.

  3. krayolakris8:40 AM

    Michelle Obama and Pete Buttigieg would be such a power ticket.
    (And while we Ohioans don’t want to claim him, J.D. Vance is from here, not Texas.)

    1. I don't know why but I think every time I mention Vance I say he's from Texas ... maybe he should be?

    2. krayolakris8:17 PM

      Texan is more than welcome to him, but they might be at their max limit for @sshats.

    3. Still, they do deserve him!

  4. Anonymous8:58 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Michelle Obama)
    xoxo :-)

  5. Burgum is toting the strict party line of transference. Whatever Thing 45 accuses is exactly what he and the GOP are actually doing, and exactly what they intend to do with a win.

    Dear Orville, Don't be an ass. We allies vote, we attend Pride festivals, we pay memberships to HRC, we support the LGBTQ+ homeless shelters with donations of food, toiletries, clothing, and cash. We think that's pretty 'decent" and you sure as hell aren't getting that from the asshats in the churches or on school boards or.....

    1. Burgum so wants to be VP; I'd like a cage match with all these loons who want that job.
      I took Orville's comment to mean that being an ally is just decent common sense; I don't think he meant it as a dig.

  6. Orville should run for president. Adore Bette... even angry Bette. Or maybe, especially angry Bette. Don't mess with her. She will cut a beyotch.

    1. I love Take-No-Prisoners Midler, too!

  7. What a contrast between Michelle Obama and IQ45's piece, one exudes class, the other is just plain trash. It would be amazing if Michelle ran for office but I suspect she's had enough time in the world to be done with it.
    Would more former Repubs step forward like Nicole Wallace and speak the truth? I realize the Magats will never change their minds, but at least some moderates might get the message.

    1. Michelle says she has no desire to run for political office, but I can dream, right?

  8. The bigots who demand that all foetus are sacred do not want to help them in any form whatsoever. If a child is sexually abused then it is no concern to the holier than thou crowd. If the mother cannot afford food and can't get a job to pay for that food, it is all her fault, not theirs for refusing her the chance to make her own choices for her own body. As for paying for the children to get the best chances in their must be joking. They're bastards one and all, whether conceived in wedlock or no.

    1. The rightwingnuts scream and cry about the fetus but once the fetus is outside the womb they stop caring at all.

  9. How yogic. The Divine Mrs. O and The Divine Miss M. OMMMMMM

    Will Jay

  10. Common decency. But nothing common about Orville Peck, Nicole Wallace, Nathan Lane, Bette Midler, Carliss Chatman, Chris Colfer, and Michele Obama.

    1. Yes, it was a nice grouping, for the most part, this week.

  11. Vance is meant to be someone who promotes respect for the law. What evidence has he got that Trump was the victim of a "sham prosecution"? I know the answer to that - no evidence at all! Vance is all about kowtowing to Trump in order to possibly win the VP nomination. As slimy as a garden slug.

    1. Vance wants to be VP so he'll lie and lie and lie and lie just to make The Felon happy!

  12. Someone should tell Burgum that the reason Biden "bypassed Congress" on those issues is because the Republican majority in Congress vowed not to work with him.

    Some interesting ideas there from Carliss Chatman.

    1. Burgum conveniently "forgets" the truth.

  13. The good outweighted the bad (looking at vance & burpgum) today, sweetpea! Let us go smiling into the weekend! xoxo

  14. Orville rocks (literally). Vance is the point man for the hillbillies he wrote about. And thanks for Michelle, Chris, Nathan, Carliss, Cavalier, and all the rest. Voices of reason are so important.

  15. I've always loved Michelle Obama. She is so impressive!

    1. I think she'd make a great President, but she won't run; she's not a politician.

  16. I have a "Miss Me Yet" t-shirt with a photo of Obama on it, I wore it the other day, and had two complements before I left the building.


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