
Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Funny Papers

Drew Litton, Adam Zyglis, Jeffrey Koterba, Mike Luckovich, Matt Wuerker, Gary Huck, Michael de Adder, RJ Matson, Steve Breen, JD Crowe, Bill Bramhall, Clay Bennett, Jack Ohman,


  1. It's a tie between the Trump Chumps and the Brain Eating worm, especially since it seems as though the Chumps have been infected with their own parasitic worms.

  2. As a strong paid up unionist for the forty something years of my employment, Kay Ivey strikes a chord with me, but not in the right way.

  3. Yes, Harrison Butker needs a good Swiftie kick!

  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    the dog's mother
    Poor brain eating worm! Needs food!
    xoxo :-)

  5. The Buttker ones are my fave. I'm just too tired of the constant IQ45 b.s. to laugh at those.

  6. That hat should've been all the warning that worm needed to stay away from that "brain".

  7. Harrison Butkick. What an asshole.

  8. Cleora Borealis11:39 AM

    🏈 I have been a rabid Chiefs fan for the entire 58 years of their existence and I was momentarily taken aback by Butker's comments, but in any group of human beings there will be jackasses so why get too worked up over it? I have listened to all 21 minutes of his speech...masochism?...and he was very well received by that audience because he was speaking to the choir. What was so much more remarkable than his boring beliefs about women were his nasty, rigid demands on the Catholic church he claims to love. Even as an atheist I found his comments insulting because he had the audacity to tell Catholics that if they are not practicing the exact Catholicism he does they are wrong and had better shape up. He repeatedly told parish priests to "stay in their lanes;" to only teach the Bible and to stop being so pleasant and "familiar" with their flocks (although he never said a word about familiarity with children)! He repeatedly told people they should only attend churches that practice "TLM" (traditional Latin mass) as he does. Butker's rigid thinking managed to piss off the order of Benedictine sisters who founded the school he was speaking at...they believe in the inclusiveness of Christ's teachings. Presumably, Butker also believes that the ultimate parish priest, Pope Francis, should get back in his lane because the Pope has been saying rigidity will destroy the church he is trying to save! I kinda wonder how Butker rationalizes not staying in a rigid lane when he breaks the Sabbath several Sundays a year to kick a ball around for money!! 🏈🤬

  9. Sorry, but these should be titled "The Unfunny Papers" until they become funny once again! I wonder if they ever will!

  10. Can I just stay here?

  11. I love the brain worm and the real housewives!

  12. I do think Harrison Butker is going to be sorry he ever opened his stupid mouth. Why any woman would want to marry or date him is beyond me. Course rumors swirl that back in that day he enjoyed cock from time to time.....

  13. oh so ugly and sadly spot on

  14. aussieguy9:07 PM

    I do love the brain worm editorial cartoon! Harrison Butker? Total ass-wipe. And obvious brain worm victim.

  15. Love that review!

  16. Michael de Adder's style is terrific. I wonder if The Orange Monster can draw. He has shown zero interest in the arts.

  17. Alito and Thomas should resign.


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