
Friday, April 26, 2024

I Didn't Say It ...

Bernie Sanders, on the GOP fondness for bailing out the wealthy while utterly ignoring their base:

“I find it interesting that for my Republican colleagues, when it comes to tax breaks for the rich and [for] corporations—that’s okay. But when you demand that we invest in the working families of this country, well, suddenly the sky is falling. I’m tired of that hypocrisy.”

If only there was some way to get MAGAts to listen to reason … Oh, who am I kidding? MAGAts are buying bibles from a rapist racist and shoes from China because a con artist told them to do it.


Mitt Romney, GOP Senator from Utah, on Hair Furor’s criminal trial and the jury:

“I think everybody has made their own assessment of [Hair Furor]’s character and so far as I know, you don’t pay someone $130,000 not to have sex with you.”

Snap, Mittsy!


Jon Ossoff, Georgia Democrat Senator, on the GOP bending over for Hair Furor to kill a bipartisan border bill:

“No one, and I mean no one, is interested in lectures on border security from Republicans. In one of the most stunning acts of political cowardice, a bipartisan border security bill was denied even a debate on the floor, because [Hair Furor] told Republicans to kill it.”

The GOP never even mentions the border until an election cycle and then it becomes the greatest threat to America … Remember the caravans?

They won’t ever fix the border because their base is so ignorant they don’t see that the GOP is the Do-Nothing Party.


Jared Moskowitz, Democrat Representative from Florida, speaking on Fox News Sunday about Moscow Marge:

“What Marjorie Taylor Greene and what Thomas Massie and what Paul Gosar are trying to accomplish by removing the Speaker of the House in this very moment, after October 7, would only embolden China, it would only embolden Russia, it would only embolden Iran. She’s not a serious legislator, quite frankly. That’s why I think the way we’ve been treating her now is she is Putin’s special envoy to Congress. The idea that she would criticize anybody else that somehow we’re not respecting America. The way you disrespect America, is not by standing by our allies, not by strengthening us.”

Marge is a Putin puppet; I imagine she is already trying to build a gym in Russia and trying to get him to join, so she can fuck him, too, since that’s her MO.


William Barr, attempting to justify this week’s announcement that he’ll be voting for the man who recently attacked him:

“I think this is a terrible choice for the country, but it is a choice. At the end of the day, we have to select between two different individuals. And I’ve said all along that I think it’s my duty to pick the person I think will do the least harm to the country. And I and I think that that to me, that’s clearly [Hair Furor] and the Republican administration, which I think is important. I think, you know, getting control over the border, stopping the lawlessness in our cities, building up the strength of the United States and an ever, more dangerous world, stop the avalanche of regulation that is strangling, business and our and our technological superiority. These are critical things that have to be done. And I think that we’ll get them done under a [Hair Furor] administration. At the same time, I think the Biden administration, it is, in fact, the greater threat to democracy. I think they have a totalitarian temper. They have bought into the progressive movement, and they’re trying to squelch opposition and freedom of speech.”

Barr has said that the man who called him “dumb, weak, slow moving, lethargic, gutless and a lazy, a RINO who couldn’t do the job” is the man he supports to run the country.

Oh, and right after Barr endorsed him, Hair Furor once again called him lazy and fat and stupid.


Reverend Benjamin Cremer, a Man of God, on Christianity in America today:

“Christianity in the United States doesn’t need more political power. It needs less arrogance. It needs less entitlement. It needs less animosity towards those who are different. It needs more humility. It needs more generosity. It needs more compassion and understanding.”

This is how you Christian, not with Hate and Judgement and Political Power.



  1. Is William Barr a masochist?

  2. I don't know who Benjamin Cremer is, but that's the most sensible thing I've heard a Christian say in a while.

    Bill Barr -- what the hell?!

    1. Cremer is spot on and Bill Barr is a pathetic tool.

  3. Benjamin Cremer may be a "Man of God" but why does he wear his cap indoors? Hats are for wearing outside - not inside the house. I suspect it is because God decided Cremer would have to suffer hair loss in order to test his faith.

    1. I wear a hat indoors every so often and I have a ton of hair ....

  4. Anonymous9:56 AM

    the dog's mother
    William Barr??!!
    Should just sit down.
    xoxo :-)

  5. Encouraging Putrid to take over Ukraine and start WW3 is better for the US and the world than Joe Biden? What is that fat toad (apologies to toads) on?

    1. Barr is a toadie trying to suck up without looking like a suckup.

  6. I'm amazed that Barr's words were clear enough to be heard, as he's so busy kissing IQ45's ass, I'd think they'd be muffled. Anyone who believes, as he does that Biden is a bigger threat to the democracy of the United States, is several bricks short of a load.

    1. Barr is a party over country guy, which is why he carried Thing 45's water until it looked like he might get into trouble.

  7. Oh, you know that the MAGAt Repugs ARE Russian assets who only care about themselves and the rich (which they aspire to be). The MAGAt minions do not care if they vote against their own interests, they just want their racism, xenophobia and homophobia to flourish...
    On a shallow note, Ossoff could.


    1. I will just say this ... yes, Ossoff could.

  8. I couldn't agree more with Bernie Saunders. It is rather funny isn't it???

    And I adore Jon Ossoff. He is right about that. And if he ever wants to switch side into out community...Id be happy to show him the , huh, ropes.

    1. I think a lot of us would show Jon our ropes!

  9. Bob, I have often wondered who I can pass my torch to, and you have been here all along. No retreat. No surrender.

    1. We gotta speak up if we wanna be heard!

  10. Benjamin Cremer, onward Christian soldier. The worm Bill Barr needs to crawl back under his rock and never again see the light of day.

    1. Barr doubled down yesterday and said he will vote for Thing 45, but that Thing 45 doesn't belong near the Oval Office. I mean, he sounds insane.


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