
Friday, March 29, 2024

I Didn't Say It ...

Larry David, Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm creator, on CNN, bashing Thing 45:

“You can’t go a day without thinking about what he’s done to this country because he’s such a little baby that he’s thrown 250 years of democracy out the window by not accepting the results of the―I mean, it’s so crazy, he’s such a sociopath, he’s so insane, he just couldn’t admit to losing. And we know he lost. He knows he lost. And look how he’s fooled everybody, he’s convinced all these people that he didn’t lose. He’s such a sick man. He’s so sick.”

You’re being too kind, Larry, he’s a sociopath and a criminal and rapist and racist.


Jeanine Pirro, Fox News’ resident Box of Chardonnay, showing off her ignorance and hypocrisy:

“You know, people want to hear divergent points of view, and that’s why they tune into this show. And the sad part about it is that MSNBC has an opportunity to bridge the divide, to try to bring the country closer, to use the long-tested way of of testing for the truth. And that is cross-examination. That’s how this country is determined, what the truth is in jury trials for centuries. But they’re not interested in that. They are literally authoritarian leftist. If you don’t believe in their ideology, and if you dare to veer from that conga line, then you are not allowed. And there is no personal freedom. There is none of that. It’s strict adherence to an ideology or you’re out. Honestly, what I think is those hosts should apologize to their viewers and say, we’re sorry, that we want to impose one ideology on all of you and anyone who differs from us is a liar.”

Hey Jeanine, take your lips off the box wine and listen up: the RNC has said it will not hire anyone who says the 2020 election was a real, true, fair election.

The hypocrisy is coming from inside your party.


Rachel Maddow, MSNBC prime time host, blasting her own network over its decision to hire former RNC Chair, and Big Liar Ronna McDaniel as a political commentator:

“If you care what I think about this, the fact that McDaniel is on the payroll at NBC News, to me that is inexplicable. You wouldn’t hire a wise guy … a made man, like a mobster, to work in a DA’s office. You wouldn’t hire a pickpocket to work as a TA screener. And so, I find the decision to put her on the payroll inexplicable. Take a minute, acknowledge that maybe it wasn’t the right call,” she said. “It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to acknowledge when you are wrong. And our country needs us to be strong right now.”

McDaniel’s hiring set off a firestorm of criticism inside the network and McDaniel was subsequently ley go because the people spoke up.

That’s how this works!


Nancy Mace, South Carolina’s goose-stepping, flip-flopping, GOP Congressperson, on the tragedy at the Key bridge this week:

“Look at the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that was done a couple of years ago that the left hails as this massive success, but it was mostly Green New Deal. Actually, in that bill, $110 billion went to surface transportation, which is roads and bridges, and, of that $110 billion, $70 billion went to public transportation, leaving only $40 billion for traditional roads and bridges. If you live along the coast or you live near water, you know that our bridges are rusting out.”

Of note is that Nancy Mace is a fvcking liar: she not only voted against the infrastructure bill, she later claimed credit for a South Carolina project funded by the bill.

That’s Nancy Mace: fvcking liar.


Warren Limmer, Minnesota state GOP Senator, argued against a proposal for safe storage requirements for firearms because cows are dangerous:

“You even walk too close to a cow, and it’ll take you down and trample you into dust. Fumbling around with a lock while a cow or a bull or any other animal is going after your daughter or your son—you can’t fumble around with a key or try and find the lockbox or put your thumb on a biometric key of some sort in your home while the danger is outside. This bill puts those individuals in even more danger.”

Wow. Cows.


Alexandra Billings, actress, transwoman and trans advocate, on self-loathing transphobe Caitlyn Jenner:

“Since she can remember Caitlyn Jenner has been worshipped and adored by an international audience. When she finally found the courage to live her life openly and without shame, she became an instant icon. Without having paved the way for anyone but her, we all gathered around and once again, gave her the global attention she so deeply demanded. As she began to slip back into obscurity and her life became about how to navigate her life like every other trans person in America, the dullness and dreariness become a reality. So she, like many of us, climbed back into her shame that she lived with for decades and now, found a group of people, mostly conservative and mostly religious to the point of fanaticism, and found a family of self-loathing rule makers. Just like her. Her life of living wealthy and white and male presenting came back to her as if it had never left, and now, as our country has been given the blue ribbon for prejudice and transphobia by an orange tanned maniac and his red hatted cultists, Caitlyn has settled back into her privilege, spouting rhetoric even she doesn’t understand and yet finally being what she started out as: A self-seeking attention grabbing rich white privileged Transwoman who pretends to hate the attention, her whiteness and her privilege, all while cozying up to a group of people who abhor the very thing she thinks she isn’t. She exhausts me and I’m sick of paying attention to her. This will be the last post I will ever write about her. Because for me, all the Transwomen that I knew who gave their lives so that I may have the ability to sit here and write about my feelings and live my life honestly and without self-doubt and shame, demand I spend my time being of service to the revolution at hand, and not wasting it on a human whose reflection is aging like the picture of Dorian Grey. Goodbye Caitlyn. You are trauma to me. You are all of the bad people that did all of the bad things to me and pretended they were my friend. You are a see-through hero wearing a villain’s cape. You are a phony. And I cannot look at you anymore. Goodbye Caitlyn. And strangely, I still hope you find your way.”


Jenner is a disgusting disgrace.



  1. I have a question for the Senator, "How many people shot a charging cow in self defense in the past 50 years?" I will wait while you search for the answer (0.) Many more innocent people were killed by in so called "self defense." We have a gun problem people.

  2. Love Alexandra Billings!
    And Nancy is acting crazy cause she thinks Don Poorleone will choose her as VP. Delusional cow.
    And those 25 minutes or Rachel letting the network HAVE IT were glorious. Yes.
    And eff that drunkard. Pirro should stick to boxed wine tastings in parking lots.


    1. Alexandra is my newest idol; she nailed Caitlyn.

  3. Damn glad I never had to appear in court before a loon like Janine Pirro; how come she got to be a judge? Did she win the job in a kid's comic contest?

    And as for Mr Cow - don't walk into a field of cows if you are worried they might eat you.

    1. Jeanine probably drank her way to the bench.

  4. Jeanine Pirro is the gift that keeps on giving. Box wine is a great analogy.

    I don't get Nancy Mace. Every once in a great while she says something I like, but then the rest of the time she's a fucking nut.

    The cow guy -- all I can do is LOL!

    I must admit I am not up on Jenner and what she's been saying or doing, but obviously I have to read up on that.

    1. What you said about Mace is exactly why she annoys me ... well, that and being such a liar.
      Caitlyn doesn't like transwomen, AKA men as she calls them, in women's sports, unless it's golf, that caitlyn plays, and then it's okay.

  5. Anonymous12:07 PM

    th dog's mother
    Blades of grass fear cows!
    xoxo :-)

  6. Cleora Borealis12:36 PM

    Absolutely amazing how many platforms there are for the worst nuts to spew their bullshit! Nancy Mace is among the worst because she uses her taxpayer-paid staff to do nothing but find her several places a day to spew!! And, about that bridge...look at the wreckage. No rust! It was not misallocation of Biden Bucks that brought it down!! But it is Biden Bucks that will stop the bleeding for businesses, consumers, and commuters who are suffering from the ill effects!! Thanks, Joe!! 😎

    1. Nancy is that click-bait politician, not doing anything except seeking attention and reelection.

  7. In my experience, cows are the most stupid animals in the world. Carry a bucket of grain and those suckers will follow you everywhere. A bull might charge and if someone doesn't know the difference between a bull and a cow then they'd better not get in the pasture with them. Apparently Limmer is even dimmer than a cow.
    On the other hand, I think Larry David and Rachel Maddow are among the most intelligent.

    1. I think cows are smarter than Limmer.
      Larry and Rachel speak truth.

  8. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Every legal case Pirro handled as a judge should be investigated, seeing how nuts she is. As well every legal case Giuliani handled as US Attorney. They both have proven to be insane and the universities they attended should be ashamed and should revoke their diplomas. Make them go back to college and take a four year course in ethics. -Rj

    1. I think Jeanine should just be made to go away.

  9. Not another bit of spotlight for Caitlyn Jenner!

    Now I’m going to have nightmares about cows. And these idiots are serious!

    1. I worry about cows with guns.
      And Caitlyn anywhere near a microphone.

  10. It seems as if these people are getting nuttier and nuttier! It is almost like reading a dark fairy tale with evil step-siblings.

    1. Scary the things they believe and say!

  11. Caitlyn---She exhausts me as well---I look at her and see tragedy---A life, with her platform, that could help others navigate being transgender---Being White, rich, and privileged is a drug---I can never forget the outcome of her 2015 car crash that was fatal for the driver of the other car---She had to pay a boatload of money but did not serve any jail time---She should revisit the existing research on transgender women in sports---I suppose causing chaos and instilling hate does help pay the bills---

    1. Caitlyn is privilege and ego and self-loathing in one hideous package.

  12. At least I smiled at tosser Limmer's analogy.

    1. I smiled at the stupidity, and then I frowned.

  13. Jeanine Pirro,, and Nancy Mace. Cunts... and both two faced. You'd think they'd each have at least one pretty one!

    1. Their special brand of ugly goes bone deep!

  14. Hypocrisy and ignorance are alive and well.


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