
Monday, January 08, 2024

Vote Blue. Here's Another Slew of Reasons Why

Here we are again, with a wee taste of the lunacy, racism, criminality, and bigotry and hate inside the GOP …

Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl has suggested building a giant dome over the country to protect us from a hostile source:

“You know, when I watch our guys operate those things, it’s unbelievable. Missile coming in, missile coming in. These geniuses sit down. Most of them are, you know, they’re from MIT. But they sit down, bing bing bing bing, boom, ph-sheee. It’s gone. It’s amazing.”

That’s all.

And then Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl attacked the late Senator John McCain whose “no” vote derailed GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare:

“John McCain, for some reason, couldn’t get his arm up that day.”

Yes, gutless, draft dodging coward who avoided war because his “feet hurt” attacked a man who had both arms broken in an ejector seat and was then being beaten and bayoneted by a crowd when he landed in Hanoi, then tortured in prison with iron bars.

This is the Commander-In-Chief the cult wants.

And lastly, Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl didn’t submit a state loyalty oath that candidates in Illinois have been signing for more than fifty years that asserts they won’t “advocate the overthrow of the government.”

He’s telling us all that he will overthrow the government. Listen when a madman speaks.

Of note, he signed and submitted the document to Illinois election authorities for both the 2016 and 2020 election cycles.

New York GOP Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has already decided not to certify the results of the 2024 presidential election.

She has already decided that Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl will be cheated out of a win even though she has no proof and no knowledge.

She’s an ass-kissing moron who may be saying this stuff so Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl picks her as his VP.

All about party with her ick, er, ilk.

House Speaker and God’s favorite lying racist Christian Nationalist  Mike Johnson walked a fine line between criticizing and defending language by Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl  attacking immigrants for “poisoning the blood” of the nation.

While saying it’s not language he would use he says he believes the “vast majority” of Americans “agree with his position” that it’s “not hateful.”

Immigrants—but not his wife Melanie—poison the blood of America and anyone who is against him is vermin? He quotes Hitler here and ALLEGED Christian Mike Johnson sees nothing wrong there.

Explains everything about how Johnson will goose-step through history.

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is threatening to remove President Biden from the state ballot as retaliation for the two other states that removed Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl  because he “engaged in insurrection”:

“What has happened in Colorado & Maine is disgraceful & undermines our republic. While I expect the Supreme Court to overturn this, if not, Secretaries of State will step in & ensure the new legal standard for [Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl] applies equally to [President Biden.]

While Colorado and Maine have both stated why they wish to remove the former guy from the ballot Ashcroft offers no reason at all, leading me to believe it’s because he’s a pandering MAGAt bitch who wants to kiss the ass of Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl.

Wisconsin GOP Senator Ron Johnson is leading efforts to block a deal on border security because he wants voters to decide on the issue.

The fact is, Johnson and the GOP want to do nothing and then blame Biden for it though they never raised a voice when Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl did nothing about border security.

It’s all party over country for the GOP.

Florida Governor and failed presidential candidate Ron “Lifts” DeSantis offered the clearest indication yet that he would pardon Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl  if he were to be convicted on the multiple criminal charges he faces:

“I think we got to move on as a country and, you know, like Ford did to Nixon, because the divisions are just not in the country’s interest.”

Or in the interests of a moron like DeSantis who is trying to score votes from MAGAts.

And then  from out of left field, DeSantis says the Left doesn’t want people to eat meat:

“A lot of this ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) movement has agriculture in the crosshairs. They don’t want people eating meat. I can tell you when I’m President, I’m not going to let anyone take away your meat, that’s for sure. I mean, I couldn’t subsist if I didn’t have the good meat. So don’t worry about that.”

Yes, you heard it here first, DeSantis likes to eat good meat.

Donald Wildmon, the founder of the American Family Association, a conservative Christian advocacy group, has died from complications related to Lewy body dementia, and to paraphrase Bette Davis:

“You should never say bad things about the dead, only good … Donald Wildmon is dead? Good.”

Wildmon launched campaigns and boycotts to pressure corporations to avoid supporting causes the group opposed, such as LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination measures.

Meanwhile, back at “Lifts” DeSantis … he has come out and said he is opposed to taking down Confederate statues because they erase history.

Odd though, because a few years back Ronnie supported removing Florida's confederate general statue in the US Capitol but now he’s against it. DeSantis is also the one who wants to stop teaching that slavery was a terrible thing because, in his words, there were “personal benefits” of entrapping, imprisoning, enslaving, raping, torturing and killing people of color.

Not to be outdone by DeSantis, Nikki "Some of my best friends are Black" Haley, GOP presidential candidate, has also announced that she’d pardon Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl :

“A leader needs to think about what’s in the best interest of the country. What’s in the best interest of the country is not to have an 80-year-old man sitting in jail, that continues to divide our country.”

At that same event Haley refused to reject the idea of becoming Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl’s running mate in 2024 even though as she announced he campaign she said she’d never take that job.

Lying, hypocritical, moron.

The Republican Party of Texas has rejected a petition to place the question of Texas secession on the 2024 primary ballot and the group behind the effort, The Texas Nationalist Movement, has promised a lawsuit.

I hope they do. This whole country would be better off without the asshattery of Texas and Texas politics.


Ohio’s GOP Governor Mike DeWine struck down House Bill 68 that would have prevented doctors from prescribing hormones, puberty blockers or gender reassignment surgery before patients turn 18. It also would have prohibited transgender girls and women from playing on female sports teams in high school and college:

“Were I to sign House Bill 68, or were House Bill 68 to become law, Ohio would be saying that the state, that the government knows better what is medically best for a child than the two people who love that child the most, their parents.”

Yes, a Republican is standing out of the way and letting parents, and medical professionals, decide what’s best for trans youth.

Federal judge Stephen Locher blocked key parts of an Iowa law that bans some books from school libraries and forbids teachers from raising LGBTQ+ issues.

The law was set to take effect January 1 and has already resulted in the removal of hundreds of books from Iowa schools. The law, which the GOP-led Legislature and GOP Governor Kim Reynolds approved, bans books depicting sex acts from school libraries and classrooms and forbids teachers from raising gender identity and sexual orientation issues with students through the sixth grade.

Locher ruling blocked enforcement of those two provisions.

And that’s just a small taste of GOP lunacy ... pardoning traitors for political points; gibberish speakers; anti-military criminals; ;unatics and Big Liars; Christian Nationalist Nazi sympathizers; party over country fools; unfit for political office; liars and flip-floppers; and Texas.

So what do we do? We ...


  1. Krayolakris9:13 AM

    These people and their crazy followers truly scare me.

    1. The ignorance is stunning.
      i put it like this: Not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republican.

  2. I suspect so many potential voters don't know or don't care to know what is going on. Apathy may very well be the cause of the downfall of democracy. Not only in your country but mine too.

    1. They need to pay attention; they need to watch and listen to the right and see what will happen if they win.
      We learned in 2016 what happened when Blue voters are apathetic and we cannot let that happen again.

  3. The people that need to hear this are not the people who read your blog, Bob. The people that need to hear this have closed their minds to common sense.
    I'm hoping we have enough Blue votes and the former president goes away forever.

    1. Yes, those folks won't read this and if they did they wouldn't believe it. So we need to get Democrats on board and vote because when Blues vote Blue wins.

  4. Who wrote this apocalyptic fantasy? Thank goddess it couldn’t happen in real life.

    1. Who knew this would be America? Fascists and Hitler quotes; criminals and terrorist!

  5. Anonymous9:53 AM

    the dog's mother
    whew! After all that
    I was so glad to see 'good news'.
    xoxo :-)

    1. It's out there, we just need to look for it and vote for it.

  6. Oh, babes.
    We were thinking exactly the same this morning. I should actually link your post to mine and call it a day.
    People are either too into their own agendas or too disconnected to actually think about what this coming elections mean for the country...


    1. MAGAts listen to lunatics and liberals, sometimes, listen to MAGAts ... like about the age. Biden and Thing 45 are effectively the same age so shove your 81 up your ass if you think 77 is better.

  7. It's going to be a rough year. We're going to hear all kinds of horrific rhetoric coming from the MAGAt crowds. And the Dems need to make sure that decent people know just how badly the right-wing wants to turn this country into a theocratic-authoritarian dictatorship. And from Dog Catcher all the way up the legislative ladder, VOTE BLUE, NO MATTER WHO.

    1. Your last sentence is everything ... start at the smallest level and vote Blue because those folks will be running for Congress one day soon.

  8. Democracy is on the line in both the US and the UK. In the US vote blue in the UK vote red or gold

    1. Pick a color, the right, er, left, er best color.

  9. Over here in Britain, red is the colour of the left. Blue is the colour of conservatism but if I were able to vote in America I would of course obey your instruction and VOTE BLUE!

    1. And I would vote Red over there!

  10. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Unhinged and off their sanctimonious rockers !
    The republican party has finally become the cult conservatives always wanted, and a sick one at that.
    Vote blue more for 2024 ! -Rj

    1. It's insanity the things they believe or want to push on the public.

  11. Some of these people are crazy.

  12. aussieguy5:25 PM

    Geez, the only GOP asshat not quoted today was The Pillow Guy! We should find out how he was muzzled and then apply it to these bozos. Put 'em all in the same clown car and drive 'em outta town!

    1. The Pillow Guy is too busy selling sheets and towels because he's broke.

  13. You are right. It is a cult.

    1. The things they do while in office and the things their constituents believe is frightening.

  14. Republicans are going to stay stupid as long as they have a cult following them, and when they lose elections they will shriek Voter Fraud because their aren't enough cultists voting to get them into office.

    1. When they lose Blues cheat but when Red wins everything's fine? Seriously delusional!

  15. The MAGAts have built a Cult around a Person and are just as any Member of any Cult is. Best case scenario is 45 just FOADs before the Election... none of those running the race to the bottom on the ReTrumplican Ticket has enuf backing to be even mildly considered by most, if not all, of the Cult and certainly not any of the rest of us either.

  16. Thanks for the Bette Davis quote... yay. Ding dong... beyotch dead. As for the orange ogre... I think he's trying to save money and is doing his makeup himself. His recent appearances at rallies? The frosting is just caked on his face... no blending, nothing. It is just this mask... there really should be an intervention... but NOBODY wants to talk about it. Talk about dementia.

    1. The man is insane. I am ready to use that Davis quote on him.

  17. It's amazing that the Republicans have any chance at all. It's very likely that Trump could be president again because even if he doesn't get 50% of the popular vote he could win with 46% which is absolutely screwed up

    1. I'm hoping Democrats come out in force and make Biden's victory much bigger.

  18. I've noticed something about all these people who want to keep American blood pure and Americans white. They're all tan! Not white! Some naturally tanned by the sun, some fake tanned like the orange one. Even those who aren't tanned use makeup to colour their whiteness.

    1. But underneath ... lily white racists.

  19. They keep banning books. And then give their reason to ban books. But their reasons would also ban the bible. Because everything they complain about is in it. So wouldn't that also mean that they couldn't be placing the ten commandments in schools. Because that would be supporting a book they think should be banned.


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