
Friday, January 26, 2024

I Didn't Say It

President Biden, on his opponent:

“He calls those who oppose him ‘vermin.’ He talks about the blood of America as being poisoned, echoing the same exact language used in Nazi Germany. He posts the words that describe his 2024 campaign: revenge, power, and dictatorship. There’s no confusion about who he is.”

Think about the last time a candidate for president of this country quoted Hitler in speeches.

Think about it.


Sean Hannity, Fox “News,” after repeatedly praising Thing 45 for every stock market record, now dismisses stock prices as inconsequential for most Americans since a Democrat is in office:

“Now, stocks did hit an all-time high. What did we learn last week? Is that the stock market impacts 8% of Americans. It does not impact the other 92%. It’s one of the main reasons I’ve never used it as any kind of real barometer in terms of the health of our economy.”

The S&P 500 hit a record high this week, further reflecting a booming economy after some pundits had worried that it would fall into a recession.

Hannity is an effing blatant bold-faced liar.


Charlize Theron, guest judge on RuPaul’s Drag Race, speaking to the queens in the workroom:

“I just wanted to say, given the climate in our country right now, there is a lot of energy being put toward your community not existing. I truly believe that all of that is coming from a place of fear. The beauty of who you guys are, what your community brings to all of us and the truth of who you are and represent will come out. Don’t give up. I have two small children, and I want them to grow up in a world where they know what it means to accept what’s not you, what is different and love that, to not be scared of that, and to embrace it, and that’s my job as a mom. They were born who they are and exactly where in the world both of them get to find themselves as they grow up, and who they want to be, is not for me to decide. My job as a parent is to celebrate them and to love them and to make sure that they have everything they need in order to be what they want to be. I feel like we’re living in a day and age where our words can so easily be weaponized against us. I worry about us, as people, and what we can do to each other, and how powerful it is when you love and how powerful it is when you hate. One destroys and one builds.”

Good on her; a longtime supporter of LGBTQ+ causes, Theron revealed in 2019 that her eldest child, Jackson, is a transgender girl.


Michael Elizabeth Pence, rejecting the batshittery of Thing 45, top Republicans, and the cultists:

“I’ve seen the director of the FBI repeatedly assure the American people that the FBI were not the instigators of the riot that occurred on January 6. And frankly I’m very grateful for the efforts of the FBI to bring nearly a thousand people to justice who ransacked our Capitol and did violence against police officers that day. I believe everyone that conducted that riot at the Capitol needs to be held to the fullest extent of the law. I’m pleased that many have.”

I still hold Mike Pence accountable for goose-stepping along with a criminal and for the months and months after January 6 when he kept his mouth shut to protect Thing 45 and the GOP.


Wilson Cruz, actor and gay man, speaking at a congressional roundtable to discuss the GOSAFE Act, a bill to prevent gun violence:

“I am a nephew and a family member devastated by gun violence. My aunt, Brenda Marquez McCool, was murdered at the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting while she placed her body between the shooter and her son, who survived. I’m also here as a citizen who’s exhausted. This bill calls for a ban on weapons that were literally created in order to end human life, to destroy human bodies. If we claim to be a society that values life, the very least we can do is pass this bill and save more human lives by removing these instruments of terror.”

The GOSAFE Act, introduced by Democrat Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico would restrict access to certain semi-automatic firearms, large-capacity magazines, and machine gun conversion devices that make guns deadlier; it would force would-be mass shooters to reload their guns more frequently—giving people time to flee and law enforcement time to arrive on the scene—while also maintaining law enforcement access to regulated firearms.

Simple, right?



  1. The good, the bad, and the grotesque. Thank goddess for the good.

    1. Always thank goddess for the good.

  2. Hannity is also one of "those" billionaires. Yeah to Wilson, and Charlize! I'm wondering if Pence is sort of speaking out because Mother told him that unless he does, history is going to list him as a big douche.

    1. Pence is trying to make himself look better but as soon as he sold his sold to Team Fake Christian Lying Adulterer he was done.

  3. Replies
    1. Common sense and good parenting; you gotta love that!

  4. I've missed the latest episodes of RuPaul's Drag Race. I will have to look and see what night it is on. Thanks for reminding me, Bob.

    1. The newest season is just a couple of weeks old so it might be easy to find.

  5. Maya Angelou said "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" Donald Duck shouts it to the rooftops.

    1. He has always shown us that he is an adulterous lying conman and I have seen no difference while he was in office.

  6. I'm feeling it with this one, too Brother Bob. Your quotes say once again what your heart gives your voice every post. I am grateful for you!! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Sheila and right back atcha.

  7. Biden is not wrong, and hopefully the moderates in the GOP are listening. Mike Pence is, was, and always be an idiot. I'm glad he's finally coming to some semblance of sensibility but too little, too late in my opinion.
    As for the guns issue, I've always thought that the bigger the gun the bigger the need to compensate for something else. Here in Canada, it's jacked up big trucks.

    1. Biden is spot on and if the GOP wants a Hitler in office then they will get what they deserve as they all turn on one another.

  8. Anonymous12:07 PM

    the dog's mother
    Yup, the good, the bad and the ugly!
    xoxo :-)

    1. I looked to the good this week.

  9. Cleora Borealis12:36 PM

    🥰 Sing it, Charlize! ✊ I come here to ISBL every day to feel good about how many open and loving people there are in the world and I thank you, Bob, for bringing those reminders!! It is fear that creates the hate. Some folks just wanna feel like they have some control and get really afraid when they find out they aren't in control.When people question my atheism with "but something must be in control of all this," I just tell how accepting I am of the randomness of the universe! Once you accept that everyone and everything is just another beautiful part of the weird tumbling around of an unconcerned cosmos, it's really fun and not scary to find out what's around the next corner!

    1. I thin k the haters and the fearmongers get the most press and we need to acknowledge and celebrate those who speak truth to power, common sense, and love and understanding.

  10. Let's do a little critical thinking.

    I went on a deep dive. Does the stock market truly represent the economy. It is stated that around 61% of Americans invested in the stock market-Gallup. According to Motley Fool the top 10% of America own 88.6% of stocks.

    "Again, the US economy and stock market showed high correlation throughout most of this period. Correlations only fell off considerably four times: during the Great Depression, World War II, the 1990s, and the global pandemic. All of which suggests the S&P 500 was a good proxy for the US economy for much of the last 120 years.

    "Again, the US economy and stock market showed high correlation throughout most of this period. Correlations only fell off considerably four times: during the Great Depression, World War II, the 1990s, and the global pandemic. All of which suggests the S&P 500 was a good proxy for the US economy for much of the last 120 years."

    Here is another viewpoint.

    "There’s a common belief among financial advisors and sophisticated investors: “The stock market is a leading indicator of where the economy will be in the not too distant future.” In fact, economic and finance courses at universities often teach this. However, there’s a challenge with this understanding because the stock market doesn’t seem connected to any underlying economic frame of reference, especially in the near term. Instead, near-term market gyrations are the product of rapidly changing investor sentiment, which impacts demand to buy or desire to sell shares with its finite stock market supply."

    1. I don't believe the stock market represents to economy, but the point is that when it was up under Thing 45 Sean Hannity cheered and when it's up under Biden he says it means nothing.
      It's like gas prices; when they went up the right blamed Joe, but when they came down the right says narys a word.

  11. Fuck Pence. Fuck Hannity's hypocrisy.
    I saw Charlize in the workroom. Great ally.
    Love Wilson Cruz (and he's right).
    Vote Blue.


    1. Charlize was perfection in the workroom!

  12. Senator Martin Heinrich is from New Mexico, not Nevada. Go, NM!

    1. I even Googled it to see and still didn't get it right. Thanks for the correction.
      And, yes, go NM!

  13. I wonder if Pence has noticed the wind blowing in a certain direction?

    1. I don't think Pence notices anything. Not even the fact that his political career is all but over.

  14. It's good to come to "I Should Be Laughing" to see what is really going on in America. Thanks for making it easier for us.

    1. It's never dull, I'll say that much!

  15. At least Sister Michael Elizabeth doesn't run around proclaiming that he and his savior won the last election. He has redeemed himself an itsy bitsy bit. President Biden speaks the truth and he has to continue to do so, while those of us who understand continue to support him and share the same message. We must win this election.


    1. I am feeling hopeful, but I won't let my guard, or voice, down!

  16. I like Charlize Theron and her values.

    1. Hot, smartm, compassionate!

  17. The rhetoric of he-who-must-not-be-named is terrifying and should be used against him. How did we ever allow weapons of war into the hands of anyone who wants them?

  18. Yay for Wilson and Charlize. I think Hannity is full of shit, and not just because of his hypocrisy. I'm sure more than 8 percent of Americans are invested somehow in the stock market, whether through mutual funds, IRAs or (for the lucky few) pensions.


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