
Saturday, December 02, 2023

Why Is It ...

… that I can’t recognize letters under a certain font size, but I can spot an idiot at fifty yards?

… that some people think that if I loved them once I will always love them? I’m not Whitney Houston.

… that speaking my mind is easy, but speaking it tactfully is sometimes hard?

… that as I get older I tell people my body is a temple? Cuz it’s ancient and crumbling and probably cursed or haunted.

… that whenever anyone tries to explain the rules of a card game I literally black out?

… that I give advice but always end it with “I don’t know though”? Cuz if my advice ruins your life it isn’t my fault. I said, “I don’t know!”

… that I start nearly every phone call with “My phone’s about to die? So  I can hang up on you when I get bored.

… that as I get older my friend circle becomes more of a dot?

… that people text me these idiotic abbreviations like “GM” and don’t get it when I respond, “Well, General Motors” to you, too?

… that my best method of multi-tasking is to listen, ignore and then forget all at the same time?

… that lately I’ve been turning off the news and watching serial killer documentaries just to relax?


  1. aussieguy8:12 AM

    I call it a perk of having an increasing number of candles on my birthday cake! Frankly, I'm at a point when I don't give a flaming fuck what some people may think! Embrace the age!

    1. Every age is a new age that you have never been before and will never be again, so why not enjoy it?

  2. General Motors to you too, LOL!

    1. I will admit that it took me a minute to figure out GM.
      No, seriously.

  3. GM to you to, and the last one is so-so true.

    1. GM to you and enjoy the show!

  4. As I've grown older, I've realized that sometimes instead of saying something tactless, it's more effect just to give the offending party and "That Look," which tells them just how big of a dumb fuck they are.

    1. I don't think I'm tactless but if you ask my opinion please note that you will get it.

  5. Good to know I'm not the only one to prefer serial killer documentaries to news.

  6. General Motors to you, Bob. When I read your “Why Is It...” posts, I feel like you're reading my mind — except that I sound much more clever in your read.

    1. Maybe I AM reading your mind and you're the clever one?
      I think that might be it!

  7. Anonymous10:40 AM

    the dog's mother
    I agree, General Motors to you too!
    xoxo :-)

    1. Some of those texting thingies I still don't get.

  8. I can totally sympathize with your first one!

    1. To be fair, I've been wearing the spectacles for several years now, but still ...

  9. Ha-ha! I know what you mean about card game rules. I have never enjoyed playing cards anyway - apart from "Snap!" But over all, "Why is it?"... it's because you are suffering from an undiagnosed mental condition - probably ADHD. Never mind. There's worse things. For example you could be a Kardashian or the guy who has to clean Trump's private bathroom at Mar-a-Lago.

    1. I would never be either one of those things!!!

  10. The first one is easy, the dumb fucks are generally wearing a hat or t-shirt with an offensive (to me) message.
    I love the General Motors - must remember that one, and I wish I could say my phone is dying when my daughter calls for the umpteenth time of the day.

    1. I will seriously use the dying phone one!
      I have a co-worker who will message me on Facebook Messenger, and then text and then call, almost all at the same time!

  11. I was watching a story on Instagram where there were three people on a Zoom type call. Two of them were bashing-speaking passive aggressively, condescending-another guy who thought EOD meant End of December and the other two said no and that is meant End of Day. Now where the guy got End of December is beyond me. To me it means End of Day or one could say EOB-End of Business which means TODAY.

    I always speak my mind and try to do it gracefully. But as with me, folks have told me, my face says otherwise no matter how hard I try to mask the need to rip them a new one.

    I am taking breaks from the news and giving Six Feet Under another watch for a change of pace. What a fucked up family.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. A break from the news is a necessary thing these days.

  12. I will chuckle softly for the rest of the day because of this post! Thank you, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. Laughter is my favorite thing, even when it's a soft chuckle!

  13. I can relate to some of those. What is GM anyway? Gift Monkey?

  14. For me GM is whatever you want!


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