
Friday, December 29, 2023

I Didn't Say It

Fran Lebowitz, author and speaker, on the rise in racism and bigotry since Thing 45 ran for office in 2015:

“[Thing 45] allows people to express their racism and bigotry in a way that they haven’t been able to in quite a while and they really love him for that. It’s a shocking thing to realize people love their hatred more than they care about their own actual lives.”

Spot on. If you ask the MAGAts what thing 45 did for them, they will not be able to come up with an actual fact because all he did, and all he is doing now, and all he will ever do, is give voice to their fears and ignorance.


Bob Good, GOP Representative from Virgina, arguing that the GOP loses on abortion because they’re not extreme enough on the issue:

“We just came off of an election in Virginia. And the narrative now is, ‘Oh, abortion is a loser. We got to surrender on abortion. We got to give in on abortion. We’ve got to be like the Democrats on abortion. Then maybe we can win elections.’ I would argue what’s the point of winning elections if you’re not going to fight for life? But beyond that, what was Virginia’s position? What was the state of Virginia’s political leadership position on abortion? We’re okay with 94% of abortions because we want a 15-week ban. And the Democrats, the other side wants 100% of abortions. So we’re going to rally in the red areas and the conservatives and the red base to fight for 6% of abortions? And I submit that’s the reason why we had low red turnout in Virginia.”

Not extreme enough? The GOP wants to ban abortion in all instances including rape and incest. Yup, a man rapes his ten-year-old daughter and she is forced to give birth. That’s not extreme enough? The GOP wants to jail a woman who had a miscarriage in Ohio. That’s not extreme enough?


Debbie Dingell, Democratic Representative from Michigan, on Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl’s Christmas message:

“I think it was one of the most pathetic Christmas greetings I’ve heard when a former president of the United States who wants to return [to office] tells people on Christmas Day that they can rot in hell. After he went after me, quite frankly, there were men outside of my house with assault weapons and I have had threats. Hate and division are creeping into our communities far too easily. Violence is becoming normalized. Every last one of us has to stand up. We can disagree civilly [but] we need to respect every human being with dignity.”

Clearly Dingell doesn’t realize she, and this entire country, are dealing with a sociopathic narcissist. He has no soul, no dignity, no honor.

He’s a pig.


Nikki Haley, stepping into a shitstorm with her town hall answer about what caused the Civil War:

“I think it always comes down to the role of government and what the rights of the people are. And we will always stand by the fact that I think the government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people. It was never meant to be all things to all people. Government doesn’t need to tell you how to live your life. They don’t need to tell you what you can and can’t do. They don’t need to be a part of your life. They need to make sure that you have freedom.”

Haley refused to mention slavery as a cause of the war, saying:

“What do you want me to say about slavery? Next question.”

She later said the question was from a Democrat plant in her audience, and then later said of course slavery was the cause of the Civil War.

This is America under the GOP; slavery was good; it was like a training school for slaves; it was on-the-job training. If we elect people like Nimrata Haley to office slavery will not be discussed in school as anything more than a blip in our history.

Nimrata can fuck all the way off; believe what she says, and not how she spins it later, and then spins it again, even later than that..


Arnold Schwarzenegger, former GOP governor of California, on voting in 2024:

“For the first time since I became a citizen in 1983, I will not vote for a Republican candidate for president. But as proud as I am to label myself a Republican, there is one label that I hold above all else—American. So I want to take a moment today to remind my fellow Americans that it is not only acceptable to choose your country over your party—it’s your duty.”

Hopefully, moderate Republicans and those who aren’t fully invested in the cult will hear these words and know that you sometimes have to take a stand for your country, even if your party loses power.

Otherwise, we’re going to lose it all.



  1. Annie's great! How bad of Bob Good to be so out of touch with America. And Haley's had to change her diaper so many times since making her uncomment. Go, Arnie! Go!

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Fran) (Arnold)
    xoxo :-)

  3. Americans are going to have to stand up and vote for the free world, because if Donald Duck gets in again democracies will fall one by one. There's a neo-fascist in charge in Italy, in Hungary, in Turkey with full out fascists in charge in Russia, China, Argentina, Venezuela etc.; they may not call themselves fascists but that's what they are and they will take all of us down if we are not careful.

    1. Well, the entire world needs to stand up against these fascists.

    2. I agree, but the domino that will fall first and foremost could be the US and then all the other dominoes will follow suit.

  4. Ugh, Nikki Halely is so damned appalling.

    1. She's disgusting; so desperate to get elected and yet every day she proves her ineptitude.

  5. I do hope that more of the GOP turn their backs on IQ45, for the sake of the U.S. and for the rest of the world too. I'm glad to see that Maine has also determined he will not be on the ballot. But, I don't trust your Supreme Court to do what is right.
    Nikki Halely is a useless twit.

    1. The People need to resolve this; don't vote for traitors, vote out the co-conspirators and put term limits on SCOTUS.
      NiKKKI is vile.

    2. Very SHORT term limits on SCOTUS

  6. Cleora Borealis11:22 AM

    🤗 I've been a Fran Fan for decades!! Her wisdom, combined with her perfect deadpan delivery, is comedy gold...and she's never wrong!!
    😢 Oh, Nikki, how sad that you are that kind of sorry-ass person who is not strong enough to apologize. How very toddler. All I can say is to paraphrase another toddler from his debate with Hillary: "Not a plant. Not a plant...You're the plant!" As in, dumb as a 🌳🤪

    1. I love how NiKKKi first blamed it as a Democrat plant because that means she won't work with or for Democrats; and when that was found unprovable, she backtracked. Too late.

  7. Yes, Fran Lebowitz is (as usual) spot-on. As is Arnold, in this case, anyway.

    As for Bob Good, it may be dismissive to say, "Oh, he's a man." But that's kind of how I feel about it. It's easy for him to be anti-abortion. He'll never need one.

    1. I just love how Good thinks jailing a women for having an abortion isn't excessive enough!

  8. Nikki Haley might have had a slim chance at the nomination but after that I think she really cooked her Goose now. And Fran Lebowitz took the words right out of my mouth. I also have to agree with a lot of what Debbie Dingell said.

    1. Haley is now scrambling by declaring, if President, she will pardon Shitler if he is convicted of any federal crimes. I hear her new perfume line is called Eau de Desperation

    2. People need to remember and remind other people what NiKKKI said.

    3. @denimull And NiKKKi has flipped on that story once before; she cannot be trusted because she changes her mind like Demented Donald changes his spray tan.

    4. Panderer, thy name is Nikki Haley

    5. There's really two things I can't stand about Nikki Haley.

      Her face.

  9. I've always been an admirer of Fran Leibowitz. I wish Arnold would have taken a stance years ago and stuck with it. Debbie Dingell is a voice of reason surrounded by the unreasonable.

    1. Fran is common sense, a rarity these days.

  10. *Let it be known that the GOP would ban abortion at any stage, contraceptives as well as the morning after pill. I think I said that right. The GOP just doesn't learn. Sticking their noses in a women's' reproductive business is a non-starter.

    *Fran said it clearly. I have been preaching about this for years. Thing 45 could not have done what he has and is going to do without enablers. We don't have enough folks willing to stick their necks out and put their foot down. We have also had, and will have, like elk in this country. But they were always kept at bay or stomped down. They may hate the man but love the message he represents. They could be dirt poor and still vote for the man. He represents their values.

    *Haley is milk toast and will stand for which ever direction the wind is blowing. We know her history in SC. A softball question-and probably a set-up-and she still could not hit it out of the park. She was confused like a deer caught in headlights trying to come up with an answer to satisfy the base. And who ever is running her campaign should be put out to pasture. The clean-up was worse than the original answer. And as with the GOP it is always someone else's fault/a Democratic plant for their misstep.

    *You know Arnold is all about the money. He had to get back into movies after his governorship to make-up for the lost revenue. As we have said all along, not all GOP folks are rabid dogs. Some have a good head on their shoulders. It's their polices that are the sticking point.

    1. That question just proves that NiKKKi is out of her elague.

    2. And out of her mind.

  11. aussieguy5:12 PM

    Fran said what I've been saying since the orange moron soiled the White House with his presence: he simply gave permission and "legitimacy" to all of the ignorant fuckers to spew their hatred and narrow-minded views. Now, more than ever, we need to round up every blue vote we can locate and then find more.

    1. Hopefully the cult members numbers are shrinking ...

  12. Arnold really voted for Trump 2016 and 2020? I could kind of understand 2016 but I thought he was up by 20

    1. Yeah that was strange; he came out against Thing 45 before the election so his vote in 2020 was completely party over country.

    2. Don't get it twisted Arnie is all about GOP principles to include tax breaks for rich. So it was party over country. He is benefitting from the "rigged" system. BUT when his elk want to burn the WHOLE place down to the ground he can't have that. It will mess up his game.

  13. Yes, it's good that Arnold made that statement, but he's still part of the Republican establishment and he's benefited from it. Not extreme enough on abortion? How can they become more extreme than they are now with women close to losing their lives because they're denied abortions and charged with a crime for having a miscarriage in a toilet? I wonder how many millions of women have had miscarriages in toilets. She feels cramps. She sits on the toilet. A splash of blood might be the only indication she's had a miscarriage. How much tissue has to be present for her to be charged with a crime? I'm tired.


    1. Truth about Arnold, but I will always stand for a Republican who speaks out against that traitor.
      The war against women in 2023 was put in place by the traitor's ability to seat the court.
      We The People need to demand term limits on SCOTUS.

  14. Nikki Haley made it into our Adelaide newspaper with that statement. I like Arnold Schwarzenegger's thoughts.

    1. NiKKKi is having a hard time digging out of that mess; good.

  15. Fran, Debbie are spot on about TFG! Haley is a pathetic pandering disgrace. I hope that Arnold has realized the mistake voting for TFG was and is serious about Country over party! Bob Good can suck rotten eggs! Here's to Sunday! xoxo

  16. The Schwarzenegger quote should have read..."But as proud as I am to label myself a Republican, there is one label that I hold above all else—Austrian".

    1. Arnold is a US citizen so he is an American.

  17. The pigs would like to register a complaint on this quote, "she, and this entire country, are dealing with a sociopathic narcissist. He has no soul, no dignity, no honor. He’s a pig." Pigs have more intelligence, compassion, and dignity than he-who-shall-not-be-named. And they have better taste and they taste better.

    1. Yeah, no disrespect to actual pigs.


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