
Saturday, November 18, 2023

Why is It ...

… that when people say, “You suck,” I always respond, “Not for free”? Cuz the look on their faces is priceless.

… that I wish pets lived longer and life wasn’t so expensive and people weren’t idiots?

... that when you find someone who is obsessed with you and wants all your time, it turns out to be your boss at work?

... that I used to envy people who could do cartwheels, but now I’m jealous of anyone who can get up off the floor without making grunting noises and holding onto furniture?

… that I am at that “Oh look, there’s a bathroom. I should probably go pee” stage of life?

… that one day you’re young and fun and the next you’re pissed off because you left your kitchen reading glasses in the bedroom?

… that my level of bein g tired goes from exhausted to I might be dead and I don’t know it?

… that each day I understand the phrase “I’m getting too old for this shiz” on a deeper level?

… that my idea of a fun Saturday is to go to some unknown wedding and shout “I still love you!” and then wait for the drama?


  1. I could still probably do a cartwheel, but then I'd have to grunt and groan, and grab onto something to pull myself up off of the floor.

    1. My cartwheel days are way behind me!

  2. Because you have a very creative mind, you have been around forever, and you just enjoy making trouble.

    1. I do like keeping people guessing as to what i might say or do!

  3. Never pass up a bathroom!

    1. You always need to know how to get to the closest one.

  4. Anonymous9:10 AM

    the dog's mother
    Yes, pets who live much longer!
    xoxo :-)

  5. Every bathroom is my friend! I cannot identify with the first one and the last one! Those two are yours to keep! 🥴

    1. A little drama at a wedding is fun!

  6. I've been talking about feeling older lately myself. Since turning 73, I have really started noticing that I am becoming an old lady with all of the aches and pains that go with it. And I used to seem so chipper and felt younger than my age. But now I use words like "chipper", holy shit.

    1. But now I use words like "chipper"
      That slayed me! I think I say chipper, too!

  7. Cleora Borealis11:48 AM

    Whoa! That second one is a mighty big ask! I agree on expenses and idiots...too many of each! I'm torn about pets. Of course I want them around longer, yet I am now at an age when I do calculations about my age and that of any new cat. I worry that if I go first there is no one who will be as good for my babies as I was. Even my hubby...he loves the cats we've had, but doesn't make that unexplainable bond that is demonstrated by a creature who sleeps on your head and chews on your hand as they fall asleep and kneads/needs your tummy and yours alone. Augh, the awful idea of who should die first!! 😢😿

    1. It sounds gruesome, but if my pets and I went at the same time?

  8. I'm not quite to the bathroom thing myself, but I will take advantage of one when traveling... just in case there is some unknown accident or something. Nothing worst then trying to hold it when traffic is stopped.

    I do make some of my friend's sick. I can still sit Indian style with my feet bent up over my thighs. But is hurts more than a bit then I recall. I still try to stay understand.

    1. I can sit like that, too. I always have and I don't know why but I can still do it.
      Limber is a gay man's friend.

  9. That last one would be fun EXCEPT having to attend a wedding for pretty much any purpose is agony.

    I can still get up from the floor, but I'm noticing in the last couple of years it's gotten harder.

    1. I agree about wedding agony, so drop a bomb and then head to the reception!
      I look at the floor and think, "No, I'll stand."

  10. I never could do a cartwheel, but I certainly know all about the groaning and use of furniture to get up. In fact,
    However, retirement has been great for overcoming my daily exhaustion. I highly recommend it. :)

    1. Having to find something you dropped and watched roll under the bed, knowing how the getting up will be a chore, I'd just as soon lose whatever I dropped.

  11. aussieguy4:59 PM

    As I always say, "Getting old ain't for the weak at heart!" All your points hit too close to home! Especially the second one.

    1. As my Dad says about getting older, "Consider the alternative."

  12. Even better with the last one, yell it directly at the groom.

  13. I'm wondering, did you read my mind? All of these thoughts apply to me.

    1. Shows how much alike we are ... all of us.

  14. Why indeed? Though I can still get off the floor without holding onto furniture. And I'm 71.

  15. An old friend has given me some advice I take to heart: Never get down on the floor unless you have a plan in place to get back up.

    1. Sage advice!! I need that on a t-shirt.

  16. You have some mischievous thoughts Bob but they show keen insight into the human condition. I used to leap off the floor like a coiled spring but now I flounder like a sealion above the tidemark. I also make involuntary sealion noises and probably smell like one too.. "Arf! Arf!"

    1. I remember being able to get down and get right back up ... and without the sea lion noises.
      Oh, how times have changed!


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