
Friday, November 10, 2023

I Didn't Say It

Matt Bomer, actor and longtime Husband-In-My-Head, accepting HRC’s Impact Award with a message on not shying away in the face of oppression:

“The other day I went to a home store with a Pride flag hanging outside. The two men who owned the place told me their store had been vandalized, their Pride flag torn down a few times and hate-filled people drove by on more than one occasion screaming expletives at them. With the brutal murder of shop owner Lauri Carleton not far away in Lake Arrowhead still very much in their mind they told me they were closing their store and moving their business online. And in that moment I felt that child in me that denied my true self for so long creep back into my head. I know that urge to run. When I left their shop I thought of that line from ‘The Normal Heart,’ “New oppressions are always forming from the ashes of the old.” The fight for justice, for a better world, for civil rights or access to medicine is a never-ending fight. When we compartmentalize, hide or separate it only emboldens the haters of the world. We change hearts and minds by continually being who we are. This coming election year, more than ever, our community has got to show up, for my kids, for yours, for shop owners that want to hang a rainbow flag outside their store without the fear of it being torn down, and for anyone who yearns to hold their partner’s hand in public and know the glorious feeling of being whole.”

He's right; silence gets us nowhere, especially when the Right is gunning for us. Speak up, act up, come out, live out. and vote.

All day, every day.


Marjorie Taylor Greene, wingnut ReTHUGlican, crying about her own party:

“Republican voters across the country are sick and tired of Republicans because they never do anything to hold this government accountable. Republicans go out on the campaign trail and go on TV and do their five-minute hearing videos, and posts up on social media, and say all this garbage about how they’re going to fight it and stop it. I feel like many of the American people that think that Republicans in Congress completely failed them. I feel the same way, and I’m a Republican member of Congress.”

Maybe try working for The People, Marge, and not for your own  GOP interests. The problem with your party is you and The Groper and The Predator and The Pedophile Enabler and The Christian Nationalist at the podium.


Brad Pitt, on the idea of beauty:

“When you see a person, do you just concentrate on their looks? It’s just a first impression. Then there’s someone who doesn’t catch your eye immediately, but you talk to them, and they become the most beautiful thing in the world. The greatest actors aren’t what you would call beautiful sex symbols. I’ll tell you who my favorite actress is Dianne Wiest. And you wouldn’t call her a sex symbol [but] Dianne Wiest is, to me, the most beautiful woman on the screen.”

He's right about Wiest; she’s a brilliant actor. I first saw her in a film called Independence Day—not to be convinced with that Will Smith monstrosity—and she takes over the screen every time she’s on it.

PS In the interests of transparency, I will also say that Brad Pitt is a Husband-In-My-Head, too, which, yes, I know, makes me a Mental Bigamist. Sue me.


Kayleigh McEnany, on Hannity, about that vote in Ohio on Tuesday:

“On the issue of abortion in Ohio tonight, we continue the losing streak in the pro-life movement. Every ballot initiative has been lost post-Dobbs for the pro-life movement. As a party, we must, we must not just be a pro-baby party. That’s a great thing. We must be a pro-mother party. We need a national strategy to help vulnerable women because the results of next year’s election could be determined by that.”

First off, Bullshit Barbie, you are not the pro-baby party if you force women to give birth and then allow those children to grow up to be slaughtered in schools. And a pro-mother party would be the one that allows women to make their own healthcare choices.

Be honest, your party is about controlling women and forcing them to follow the rules of your invisible friend.


Kelly Johnson, Christian Nationalist Mike Johnson’s wife, on her wonderful man:

“I know it goes along with the territory here, but I will say it makes me very sad, it breaks my heart. Because I just wish that they knew this guy that I know. He is one of the most loving, kind, genuine people I know. He loves all people and would give you the shirt off his back. I used to be a schoolteacher and I loved that, but I just felt burdened for so many people and I felt the calling to go back to school to become a Christian counselor. And it’s because I love people and want to help them through the times when they’re struggling and suffering. I love what I do.”

The Gays don’t want your help, and The Gays didn’t ask for your help, and no matter how much you talk like a little girl—and if that’s what Mike is into, time for a rethink—you can’t hide what you’ve tried to do to the LGBTQ+ community with your conversion therapy ideas.

We are only struggling to have people like you faux Christians simply let us be.


Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation, speaking to Stephen Colbert about Mike Johnson’s claim that gay marriage brings “dark chaos”:

“Maybe we’ll just have him over. If he could see what it’s like when I come home from work, and Chas is bringing the kids home from daycare or vice versa, and one of us is getting the mac and cheese ready and the other’s microwaving those freezer meatballs—which are a great cheat code if you’ve got a toddler and you need to feed them quickly—and one won’t take their shoes off and one needs a diaper change. Everything about that is chaos, but nothing about this is dark. The love of God is in that household.”

Mike Johnson is a hate-filled man who believes the invisible man in the history book is his ruler, but then he uses the so-called word of god—yes, little g—to make himself feel superior to others and to keep others … women, people of color, LGHBTQ+ people … down.

If you believe in god you cannot believe that god is hate. That’s your own choice.



  1. "the invisible man in the history book" -- LOL!

  2. Bomer's right! Do not walk away. Do not cave. That means the evil wins. Dianne Wiest is great! MTG needs to look in the mirror if she really wants to know what's wrong with today's Republican party... of course, that's something she'll never do. And Kelly Johnson wants to be a slut for Jesus.

    1. The LGBTQ+ community and our allies need to stand up to the hate and shut it down; and we need to stand up to racism and Islamophobia and anti-Semitism and shout it down, too.
      I adore Dianne Wiest!

    2. I first became aware of Diane Wiest in her role as the 'odd-ball' sister in Woody Allen's (is it yet safe to say his name?) 'Hannah and Her Sisters', which I still think is that director's best of all his films, despite it including well more than a dozen other truly marvellous ones. But since then, Wiest, in whatever film she appears in, is the one actor I always unfailingly recall, even if it's in an understated role, never failing to make an impression. She's ever been a most remarkable screen presence.

    3. Look for her an the abused wife in Independence Day; it's a supporting role but you cannot take your eyes off her.

    4. Although it rather undercuts what I said about her, I need to watch 'Independence Day' again (a film I wouldn't otherwise have cared to re-watch) just to pay more attention to her presence. I'm sure that immediately I see her in it it'll all come back to me.

    5. I just remember thinking her part and her performance would have made a much better film.

  3. "All day, every day." That's all.
    And Large Marge and Bullshit Barbie are furious because their lies did not work. Too bad.
    Johnson's beard is a vacuous See You Next Tuesday with a baby voice and a business based on hate. Of course nobody knows the kind of dick your husband likes, you spineless ***t.


    1. Out, loud and proud and voting!
      I did love how the GOP presidential candidate losers have all suddenly switched their views on abortion and are now trying to be less hardlined about it. The hypocrisy is real.
      Widdle Kelly can f**k all the way off.

  4. Anonymous10:23 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Matt Bomer) (Pete Buttigieg)
    xoxo :-)

  5. What is it that has fomented government by hate? You have people like Margarine, Matt Gates and Mikey Johnson (about whom I am pleased to say that I don't know him and with any luck never will) who hate anyone who is not part of their band of discord. For our part we have a Home Secretary (one of the top three posts in government) who is calling in the Wild Boys of the Right, almost begging them to attack a march calling for a ceasefire in Gaza tomorrow on Armistice day. Buddhist Cruella uses far right anti-Semitic catch phrases, despite being married to a Jew, and she hates Moslems. If only we could all agree to disagree without attacking one another for our different beliefs. But then the extremist parties would lose any chance of hanging on to power.
    And sad to say but I suspect that Johnson M would feel himself smirched to receive an invitation to the Buttigieg household - more fool him.

    1. The GOP thinks Hate is a winning strategy; they're THAT ignorant.

  6. Cleora Borealis10:57 AM

    Everything in this post fills me with hate (the good kind if such a thing can be said). The hate that makes me want to do more and do it better. I hate that EmptyG and McAninny plead for accountability and pro-woman policies only to bleed votes off of the party that already does that! I hate that people are judged by their covers! I hate that Pete and Chas and Bob and Carlos and Matt and his husband should ever be confronted by hate and ever have to explain yourselves carefully and with goodwill to people who don't accept your beautiful families! Most of all, I hate being an ally to the LBGTQI etc. community...because it shouldn't need allies, just fellow beings!!! ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ

    1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
      Brava!!!!! And thanks for being an ally until we no longer need them because ... we're all human!

  7. Hmmmm...has anyone entertained the thought of a Thing45 presidency and a Democratically controlled Congress?

    1. I just loathe the idea of that criminal, traitor, con artist getting any kind of power ... even the power to choose the movie for his cell block on Friday nights.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Re: Matt Bomer. I agree. We are fortunate to live in a small village that is mostly liberal and one of our neighbors ( still don't know for sure who) got us a new rainbow flag to replace the old faded one we had, while we were away on vacation. We display it proudly and have never gotten any flack. Somewhere else, we might be fearful.

    1. We, too, are lucky to live in a small town that is welcoming and liberal--for the most part.

  9. It's Friday and I'm going into the weekend with positive thoughts and even more love for Matt (I have an autographed, personalised photo of him because my niece worked on his series!), Brad, and Pete! Part of my positive thought process is how much I POSITIVELY hate those three bleached blond bitches! Have a great weekend, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. I'm jealous of your Matt photo!!!
      Focus on the good and ignore the twits!!

  10. You know me by now. I do have a few thoughts:

    *I don't follow Matt B.'s career closely but I am glad that he has continued to shine since his work on White Collar with the magnificent Diahann Carroll.

    *Kelly J. as a "Christen Counselor." No thank you. That is why the world is in the mess we are in. Those two words together is a oxymoron. We will pass. The stepford wife can stay at home.

    *You do know that Brad P. is right from the frosted tips of his head down to his toes. There are many character actors who many not be famous or out of this world good looking but continue to produce outstanding work. I have read interviews with a few and they don't want to become blockbuster famous. They want the opportunity to continue to work and excel in taking on the various roles they are asked to play. They love the exploration of it all.

    *Mike J. is full of hate for sure. Why would I want a world where everyone is just like me. Where is the spice, the variety. Don't let the glasses, the affable nature fool you. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing and a hypocrite. I will let Mike do Mike BUT I don't want him coming into my yard and espouse his worldviews. He may not like what is coming next. I think I can take him.

    1. I'll just focus on Brad because I fully share his love for Dianne Wiest and the fact that beauty isn't just a physical thing.

  11. You, me and Brad Pitt all love Dianne Wiest. I am overjoyed to be in such good co!mpany!
    Everything you posted today is on target, Brother Bob, but I particularly appreciated your admonition about disproving the adage "silence is golden." Silence is a kind of purgatory for the LGBTQ+ community - when we fail to speak up, act out, be authentic or otherwise confront evil, we condemn ourselves to our own version of hell reserved for the desolation of loneliness. And that we must not do. Onward.

    1. Silence = Complicity of thought, and I am not here for that.

  12. Mayor Pete - (a personal opinion)
    Oh, why does he have to 'spoil' it by bringing in religion - and Christianity specifically? Well, okay, I know why he does it - votes - or, more exactly, the fear of alienating those whose personal beliefs, never mind if they be irrational, set the definitive criterion for their voting choice. Such a shame!
    Despite the U.K.'s many, many flaws - including in our own elections too - I'm ever so grateful that the issue of religion (of any 'variety' including even Islam) hardly ever raises its head throughout campaigns, as well as all the time in-between - and if it does it soon gets ignored and plays no significant part at all in our politics - and I'm pretty sure that that also holds true for the rest of Europe too. However, having said that, when some far-right autocrat comes on some country's scene, and moreso when they gain actual power, religion, in a supportive manner, inevitably raises it's ugly head once more. And, just like as in present-day America, such politicians will wear their religion (=' Christianity' - without stipulating precisely which 'brand') proudly as a badge of honour which, for them is a mark of superiority. Oh weep!
    Will, for once, some politician PLEASE boast his or her humanism at least as vociferously. There must be millions of them the world over, but just too frightened of negative consequences manifested in withdrawal of support. So let's have less of this namby-pamby "Look, I'm religious too!" stuff. Bravery calls and NOW!

    1. I think Pete is just trying to say that being gay is not a chaotic darkness and that in his house it proves the adage 'God is love.'
      Still, it would be nice if politicians kept their religion to themselves.

  13. That’s my favorite portrait of Marjorie Taylor Greene. The photographer captured her essence.

    1. Her Inner Howler Monkey which is basically the same as her Outer Howler Monkey.

  14. Replies
    1. Yes.Yes.Yes. Once again, this past week's election showed us that voting makes a difference!

  15. Brad is my husband in my head, too, and I know he longs to meet an older, kind of boring woman who has three dogs so he can settle down and be truly happy at last. He just doesn't know it--yet. I also love Dianne, and I remember the Independence Day you're talking about. I know Brad and Dianne vote blue.


    1. Voting Blue; all the more reason to love them both!

  16. Weirdly, I have never seen or heard of the Wiest "Independence Day" film. Maybe I'll watch it tomorrow! I can't believe my family never rented it on VHS. That's how we caught up with pop culture after VCRs came out!

    Brad Pitt talking about inner beauty is pretty ironic.

    And Pete Buttigieg once again delivers an important message in a non-confrontational way. I love that guy.

    1. I think maybe Brad is a little peeved at being perceived as only a "pretty boy."
      Pete is my guy for the presidency.


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