
Saturday, October 28, 2023

Why Is It ...

… that Halloween is the only day of the year when we get it right? I mean, strangers come to our doors, beautiful or ugly, odd or scary, and we accept them without questions and give them good things.

… that people say asking questions of another person is key to being a good conversationalist and yet all I can think to ask is ‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’

… that if I don’t turn everything into a joke, I think it will destroy me?

… that my favorite winter activity is going back inside where it’s warm and putting pajamas on?

… that I can look past most people’s flaws ... emotionally distant, no problem ... slight drinking problem, I get it ... killed a man once due to circumstances you can’t talk about, been there ... but saying “I seen” instead of “I saw” is something I will not tolerate?

… that I’m at that age where I really appreciate a nice handrail?

… that everyday  I try so hard to be a good person and then someone pulls out in front of me going ten miles below the speed limit and I gotta try again tomorrow?

… that if you think you can win me over with food and drink, you’d be right?

… that I’d rather be “too sensitive” than be whatever the hell happened to half the population?


  1. Ditto on the favorite winter activity, and the good person lines. Why is it, when I was a child, I loved being out in the cold and snow and as I've aged I dread it more and more? Maybe because when I fall on the ice now, I actually hurt myself.
    As for the rotten drivers, when my children were young, they thought every other driver in the city was named asshole...I used that word so much. :p

    1. I am a jammies on a cold day guy!

  2. Handrails are nice, and there's nothing wrong with "I've seen," you just need to make sure you have, otherwise you're wrong.

    1. I didn't say "I've seen," I said it's "I seen" that makes me want to kill people.

  3. A good start to this Saturday morning ... Asking why!!!! Who the hell knows! 🤷😕

    1. We all need a smile these days.

  4. You sound so wise, Bob!

  5. Anonymous10:18 AM

    the dog's mother
    Have a good Saturday!
    xoxo :-)

  6. Cleora Borealis11:19 AM

    🥰🥰 That first one! I've been trying to think of an excuse to celebrate Halloween all year long...welcoming all variations of human creatures all the time is the best excuse ever!!

    1. We should be so welcoming all other days.

  7. You seem to have deep self-knowledge Bob. Are you a Buddhist?

  8. aussieguy5:18 PM

    Maybe we should hand out voter registration cards? Too late for this year, but would pay off down the road...
    You and I must have attended the same driving instruction course!

    1. Hand out the cards and tell your friends and family to register and vote!

  9. There are some very good ones this week, especially the last.

  10. I also hate it when someone says I seen, and also saying I drug instead of I dragged makes me want to scream

  11. Replies
    1. I generally scream in my head, "Go away!"

  12. Ha, "I seen" drives me bonkers too. Well that and "was ya"???

    1. Sadly, I hear "I seen" more often than not here in the South.

  13. Is there anything better to do on a cold winters day?

  14. I missed this yesterday (see the blog) , but it certainly is true today anyway! Phew, let's hope we can get through today, sweetpea! xoxo

  15. I think I identified too strongly with the handrail one


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