
Saturday, September 16, 2023

Why Is It ...

… that when a friend is telling me some story and I say, ‘Wow, that’s crazy,’ for like the hundredth time, they keep talking? Don't they know that means I don't believe them?

… that I have never, in my whole life, tried to pronounce an ‘L’ so hard as when I’m in Lowes and asking where I could get some ‘caulk'? God only knows where they'd send me if I left the 'L' out.

… that some  people spend all of their time complaining about their lives when there are literally millions of people living in Florida?

… that my therapist told me “write letters to people you hate and then burn them"? I did all that, but now I don’t know what to do with the letters.

… that not one of the Oathkeepers ever realized that they worship a guy who has never kept an oath in  his life?

… that body parts are often metaphors, like guts are courage, balls are courage, spines are courage, but toes are small pigs that participate in the market economy?

… that you can’t fix stupid, but you can sell it a red hat?

… that my doctor refuses to admit that drinking a Bloody Mary is as good as a juice cleanse?


  1. As someone who managed a paint department for HD, I can tell you it's pronounced Cawk, though I can't tell you how many times (1000s) people said cock because they thought it was funny... it isn't.

    1. Yeah, I know how it's pronounced. It's just humor ...

  2. ROFLMAO at burning the people, rather than the letters, but an understandable error. The therapist should have given his instructions more succinctly.

    1. Right? Be clear before people die???? 😳


  3. “… that my therapist told me “write letters to people you hate and then burn them"? I did all that, but now I don’t know what to do with the letters.” ... And the cremains! (I love you, Bob.)

    1. I mean, c'mon people, speak clearly. Right? How many people had to die???? 😲

  4. Anonymous10:25 AM

    the dog's mother
    Much ak-ness!
    xoxo :-)

  5. Why is it ...that I have to switch to Google Chrome in order to make comments here? I use Firefox by default so having to switch is just a hassle. Which is to say I read more often than I comment. And on my iPhone...forget it. Can't post comments there either without going through a gauntlet. And while I'm at it, Why is it...that I don't get notified when someone comments on my blog even though my settings say to email me when that occurs? Why oh Why?

    1. Short answer? Blogger, mixed with Google.

  6. My feed isn't showing up in anyone's reader lately, typepad won't let me flip photos, I don't know any difference between the pronunciations of cawk and cock (prior commenter)--otherwise life is peachy.

    1. Peachy. Unless you need caulk.

  7. I also got a kick out of burning the people you hate. LOL

    1. Not that I would really do it.

  8. Love your sense of humour.

    1. It's warped but I like it too!

  9. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Well I guess to avoid any awkwardness at Lowe's you could ask for sealant which is also technically correct. However if you ask about caulking guns and they say "Big Tony is on break" or "Men's room, third stall"....

    Will Jay

    1. Okay, never asking for the caulking gun!

  10. The therapist joke is good.
    I would be changing my doctor.

  11. What a difference pronunciation can make. I love the red hat one.


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