
Friday, September 29, 2023

I Didn't Say It

John Fetterman, Pennsylvania Democratic Senator, mocking Fox News over a report about the loosening of Senate dress code by taking down Fox, the GOP and Bobo:

"I figure if I take up vaping and grabbing the hog during a live musical, they'll make me a folk hero."

Aaaaaand scene!


Cassidy Hutchinson, former aide to Thing 45 lapdog Mark Meadows, smacking down Florida GOP loon Matt Gaetz after he claimed they dated:

"I will give Matt credit [to] his part of the statement that we did have an amicable working relationship and we were good friends—at points [but] Matt Gaetz, in my opinion, is somebody that I personally do not hold in high regards in terms of trust, and I do not think that Matt Gaetz has the best track record for relationships. I will say for myself: I have never dated Matt Gaetz. I have much higher standards in men, and Matt, frankly, is a very unserious politician ... I don't really have much else to say to somebody that is more concerned about a soundbite than actually passing legislation."

So, basically she’s saying Matt Gaetz is a moron who is woefully out of his depth and nowhere near her league.

Sounds right; he’s one of those social media politicians who want clicks but have no real interest in doing their job.


Vivek Ramaswamy, smarmy GOP presidential candidate, discussing transgender youth at this week’s debate:

“Transgenderism, especially in kids, is a mental health disorder… It is not compassionate to affirm a kid’s confusion. That is not compassion, that is cruelty.”

I wonder when this slimeball used car salesman asshat became an expert on transgender and why he disputes the American Psychiatric Association which says diverse gender expressions “are not indications of a mental disorder.”

Perhaps he’s just catering to bigoted MAGAt asshats ... or he’s just a lying fuck himself.


Tim Scott, at that same GOP debate the other night, saying that welfare assistance was harder than slavery for Black Americans:

“Black families survived slavery! We survived poll taxes and literacy tests. We survived discrimination being woven into the laws of our country. What was hard to survive was Johnson’s Great Society, where they decided to put money—where they decided to take the Black father out of the household to get a check in the mail.”

Funny, sounds a little like Scott might actually be acknowledging systemic racism, something he says does not exist.

As for welfare being harder than slavery … I can’t.


Tim Burchett, Tennessee’s GOP Representative, on Kevin McCarthy and his future as Speaker:

“I have my doubts right now because I’m seeing—we need leadership … We don’t need someone just to say we’ve got 218 votes or whatever that jumps on the train after it leaves the station. Speaker Pelosi, I don’t agree with her ever, hardly on anything, but she was pretty successful. And the way she did it was she put an issue out amongst her caucus. She met with them. She figured out what they wanted, and then they put it out on the floor and they passed it and they rallied around it. A lot of work goes into that but I’m not seeing that work right now. And it’s very disappointing to me.”

Cuz it’s all games, Tim; it’s all show for Matty and Marge and Bobo, and Kevin’s hanging onto his power by a thread, so they can’t get anything done. Your party doesn’t work; it stopped working a long time ago and in the last six years has become a group of traitorous jokes.


Howard Stern, embracing being called “woke” by the wingnuts:

“I kind of take that as a compliment, that I’m ‘woke.’ To me, the opposite of woke is being asleep, and if woke means I can’t get behind [Inmate # P01135809], which is what I think it means, or that I support people who want to be transgender, or I’m for the vaccine—dude, call me woke as you f—ing want. I’m not for stupidity. I am woke, motherf—er. And I love it. I think that’s a compliment. These guys who I see on the internet who say they’re not woke, but they seem to be really angry, super against gay people—especially transgender. Am I for kids being able to read about anything in school? Yeah, I am. I don’t give a s— what kids read. Give me vaccines, man. I’m all for it. I like being woke.”

The opposite of woke is asleep, and the Republicans, many of them, in America, are asleep as to what they’re being told; they’re too fast asleep to even question the lies; they’re far too sleepy to see that what they’re being fed is hate.

Unless they all just hate, which might be true, too.

PS  A USA Today-Ipsos poll released in March found that 56% of Americans have a positive association with the term “woke,” understanding it to mean to “be informed, educated on, and aware of social injustices.”

I feel sad for the 44%.



  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    the dog's mother
    chortle John Fetterman!
    xoxo :-)

    1. He has zero f**ks to give the GOP.

  2. 44% of Americans do not have a positive association with the term “woke.” THAT is frightening.

    John Fetterman For Folk Hero!

    1. Those unwoke people I think might be brain dead?

  3. Once again, Howard Stern speaks the truth.

  4. I find that the fabricated outrage (Faux News) over the dressing code by the Repugs is just more hot air. Do they ever work? Fetterman did read Bobo there, though. LOL
    Oh, and Nimrata did the same with Vivek during the 'debate/cle'. That after she wrote a glowing blurb for his book that is. Hacks.
    But nothing like Tim Scott. YIKES!


    1. Haley is a flip-flopping, can't make her mind up, asshat.
      And Tim Scott? Honey, just admit you and Lady G are a thang?

    2. And there is a pool to determine who is the top and bottom of the Tim and Lady G.'s relationship. Well one does have to contend with Lady G's Lady Bugs.

  5. I'm not a fan of Howard Stern, but in this case, I'm glad his words are so blunt. Being woke is a far better way to live one's life, than in the nightmare that is anti-woke. The latter is an angry place.

  6. Go, Fetterman! (Actually meaning please DON'T go away!)

    1. I don't think he will, and that'll drive the GOP nuts!

  7. Ramasmarmy is a used car saleman....presumably that means we shouldn't trust a word coming out if his mouth, plus of course he is a Repugnant so double down on untrustworthiness. None of the GROPE party candidates are acceptable as leader of the free world and even less so of the unfree world.

    1. Vivek is slime in every sense of the word.

  8. Cleora Borealis11:05 AM

    I really would like to be in a debate or interview with Vivek Ramaswamy for about 30 seconds. Just so I could be the first to remind him and the country that the Alzheimer drug "business" story he’s so proud of…the one where it didn’t work and human trials would be dangerous…is actually just a remake of the plot of “Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes” and the grifting business owner in that movie got just what he deserved: A beating by a gorilla before being thrown 1000′ into San Francisco Bay!! Here’s hoping Vivek gets his just desserts!

    1. Vivek is a grifter con man just like the Inmate and we'd be best served to not allow that kind of criminality back into the White House.

  9. Well it started out good with John fetterman and Cassidy and that is just went downhill with a bunch of garbage. God....the GOP is full of idiots.

  10. The fact that they're calling Howard Stern 'woke' says everything.

    1. Howard is calling himself woke.

  11. Not so long ago Republicans threw fits over Michelle Obama wearing sleeveless dresses. Now Marge and Boobert wear what they please, especially when Boobs goes to a show and lets her fake tits hang out, yet somehow it's a sin for Fetterman to wear his uniform of hoodies and shorts. As for woke, I sure as hell hope I am, especially since I live in the state where woke goes to die, according to duhsantis.


    1. The GOP is the Party Of Lies and Hypocrisy. Family values is getting felt up in a theater while you rub one out for your date.

  12. I care more what a person thinks and says, than what they wear. Anyone want a few dozen ties I will never wear again? There are some fundamental flaws in welfare and SSI, designed to keep the poor, poor forever. The programs keep people from starving to death on the streets, but do little to help them lift themselves to their fullest potential.

  13. I never liked Howard Stern but I'm coming around! This might be my new favorite quote: "Am I for kids being able to read about anything in school? Yeah, I am. I don’t give a s— what kids read. Give me vaccines, man. I’m all for it. I like being woke."


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