
Monday, September 25, 2023

Food For Thought

Sixpence Notthewiser, AKA Six, at (LO) IMPRESCINDIBLE posted something similar a couple of weeks back, but I also want to make this clear as we settle in for the long haul toward a Presidential Election which may be a rematch between two old white guys.

Some say Biden, at 81, is too old, though Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl is just three years younger. But take age out of it, and see who accomplished the most.

First up, Inmate # P01135809 …

—did not get the wall built and did not get Mexico to pay for it

—played gold nearly every weekend even as 1,400,000+ Americans were dying of COVID.

—never passed an infrastructure bill.

—never overturned ObamaCare.

—never revealed his own healthcare plan.

—gave a huge tax break to the 1% that will stand for years while the paltry tax break he gave to the rest of us will expire soon.

—who, try as he might, lie as he might, rage as he might, did not destroy this country on January 6, 2021.

Joe, on the other hand did this …

—1,106 insurrectionists, including Inmate # P01135809, were charged.

—the American Rescue Plan with $1.9 trillion for COVID relief and $1,400 stimulus checks for Americans.

—expanded child tax credit reducing child poverty by 50%.

—signed a Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and The Inflation Reduction Act with $2.2T investment in water pipes, passenger and freight rail, roads and bridges, and high-speed internet, broadband, drinking water, western water storage, public transit, airports; record investment in clean energy to cut carbon in half by 2030, carbon neutral by 2050.

­—negotiated for lower Medicare prescription drugs, including a $35 cap on insulin.

—the CHIPS and Science Act which saw a $280B investment in America's tech manufacturing.

—the Respect for Marriage Act; he repealed the Defense of Marriage Act; now all states must recognize same-sex marriage, plus federal protections if Obergefell is repealed.

—the Electoral Count Reform Act which strengthens & clarifies the process for counting electoral votes, and will prevent another January 6 .

—lead the way on defending Ukraine from Russian aggression.

—The PACT Act which expands healthcare for military veterans, including soldiers exposed to toxic burn pits

—record job creation: 3.8% unemployment. More than 13 million jobs created. More Americans are working than at any point in history.

—750,000 new manufacturing jobs and a $15 minimum age for federal workers and contractors.

—a 79% vaccination rate.

—Inflation reduced from 9% to 3% on its way to 2%.

—Gas prices lowered.

—DJIA: 34,000+

—16M Americans enrolled in ACA health insurance policies.

—Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first major piece of gun safety legislation in three decades.

—narrowed the "boyfriend loophole" to keep guns out of the hands of convicted dating partners.

—funded crisis interventions, including extreme risk protection order ["red flag"] laws; making significant investments to address the mental health crisis in America, including in our schools.

—clarified who needs to register as a federally licensed gun dealer and run background checks before selling a single weapon.

—made gun trafficking and straw purchases distinct federal crimes.

—pardoned all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession and urged governors to do the same.

—Signed Executive Orders to protect access to reproductive health care, including abortion and contraception, and safeguard patient privacy.

—nominated and the Senate confirmed Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court. As of early 2023, confirmed 100 judges including 30 circuit court nominees, 69 district court judges.

And he’s not finished.

Do we need younger leadership? Yes, we do, and I am all for electing younger, more progressive politicians to office ... President Pete has a nice ring to it ... but it appears in 2023 our choice will be between a man who got a great deal done and and a man who caused a great deal of harm to this country, so the choice is simple:


  1. Well I still wish we had non corporate politicians and someone younger, hint, hint, hint mayor Pete, I have no doubt my mind Joe Biden is going to sail back into the presidency. But stranger things have happened , so yes the blue. Up until the elections I'm sure the Republicans are going to cook their Goose even further.

    1. I think we will always have caproate politicians because they have the money to throw behind someone's run.
      And you know how much I am Team Pete!

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    It's not just age. PO113809 is mentally ill. President Biden is not.

  3. The only time Biden looks his age is when he walks. A little unsteady on the ol' pins. But when he gives a speech -- DAMN, he's still got it!

    1. I'd be a little unsteady to at 80+, but let me see the Inmate ride a bike.

  4. Gahhhh!
    I'm Blogger famous now? LOL
    But yes, never too many reminders that the two parties are NOT the same. That voting is fundamental and that Mango Mussolini is a clear and present danger for the country.


    1. The Inmate keeps flubbing things, too, like when he said he ran against Obama in 2016, and now he's saying Jeb Bush started the war in Iraq. #DementedDonald

  5. And there must be a law against the Orange Inmate running the country from prison.

    1. There is the 14th Amendment.

  6. Replies
    1. Plus, one's a traitor and one isn't a traitor.

  7. Trump played "Gold" every weekend? Is that a phone game for small kids where you chase rainbows and click to win pots of gold? I guess he'd be better at that than golf.

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    the dog's mother
    Team Pete!
    xoxo :-)

  9. The world may as well give up if the fat orange "man" wins - any sane person will be trying to jump off the edge before Trumpelstiltskin brings about the bloodiest Armageddon ever imagined and voting for the dyed lump of lard won't save you from the Apocalypse


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