
Friday, August 04, 2023

Vacation: I Didn't Say It

Nancy Pelosi, on Kevin McCarthy reportedly promising Thing 45 he’d try to expunge the traitor’s two impeachments:

“This is about being afraid. As I’ve said before, [Thing 45] is the puppeteer and what does he do all of the time but shine the light on the strings. These people look pathetic. Kevin is playing politics. It is not even clear if he constitutionally can expunge those things. If he wants to put his members on the spot, his members in difficult races on spot, that is a decision he has to make. But this is not responsible.”

It’s all so McCarthy doesn’t rile the wingnut base who may vote to remove him from his leadership position, and be clear, many Republicans in the House are not going to vote to expunge the impeachments.

As for the Senate? Never gonna happen.

It’s Kevin McCarthy’s desperation.


Chris Christie, on government overreach regarding transgender Americans:

“I don’t think anything can replace parents when you’re talking about major decisions that are needed to be made for our children. And I ... want all parents out there to think about something. How many other decisions do you want the government making for you in your home regarding your kids? I don’t want any of those decisions made by the government. Parents are the ones who love their children the most, who care about their children the most, who understand their children the most. And parents should be the ones making these decisions. I’ll tell you, it’s more of a parent’s decision than it’s a governor’s decision, for goodness sakes … you really think that Sarah Huckabee Sanders should be making this decision for children in Arkansas? ... I don’t think she would ever allow the government to substitute her judgment as a mother for their judgment. And that’s what I’m saying ... I want those decisions to be made by parents, not by the government.”

I don’t care for Christie, but he’s spot on about these GOP governors and such, legislating what parents can and cannot for their own children.

The GOP calls itself the party of family values, as long as there are no trans kids in the family. They paint themselves as the party of small government, then try to come into your home and tell you what you can and cannot do for your own children.

It’s hypocrisy and bigotry and hate masked by the GOP as family values.


Jack Schlossberg, Carolina Kennedy’s on and JFK’s grandson, on his Cousin Robert’s special brand of crazy:

“President John F. Kennedy is my grandfather, and his legacy is important. It’s about a lot more than Camelot and conspiracy theories. It’s about public service and courage. It’s about civil rights, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and landing a man on the moon. Joe Biden shares my father’s vision for America, that we do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. And he is in the middle of becoming the greatest progressive president we’ve ever had. Under Biden, we’ve added 13 million jobs, unemployment is at its lowest in 60 years. Biden passed the largest investment in infrastructure since the New Deal and the largest investment in green energy ever. He’s appointed more federal judges than any president since my grandfather. He ended our longest war. He ended the COVID pandemic, and he ended [Thing 45]. These are the issues that matter. And if my cousin, Bobby Kennedy Jr., cared about any of them, he would support Joe Biden too. Instead, he’s trading in on Camelot, celebrity conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame. I’ve listened to him. I know him. I have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president. What I do know is his candidacy is an embarrassment. Let’s not be distracted again by somebody’s vanity project. I’m excited to vote for Joe Biden in my state’s primary, and again in the general election. And I hope you will too.”

Also keep in mind that the majority of donations to RFK Jr.’s campaign are coming from the right; don’t be fooled by Fox News suggesting Kennedy is the future of the Democratic party because if he was, they’d be attacking him instead of Biden.


Nikki Haley, flip-flopping again on Thing 45’s run for the White House:

“We have to move forward. We’ve got to quit living in the past, and I don’t want there to be all of this division over the fact that we have a president serving years in jail over a documents trial. None of us want to be talking about indictments. I don’t even know if it’s the third, fourth, or fifth indictment right now, but what I can tell you is, it’s a distraction, and frankly, the media is talking about it nonstop. But when I do these town halls, the American public is not talking to me about that. They want to know what’s going to happen, how we’re going to go and change government for the better. They’re worried about the future for their kids and I think we owe it to them to be answering that, not how Trump’s going to defend himself.”

This is the exact opposite of what she said a few weeks back, which was slightly different than what she said a few days before that.

This woman cannot form an opinion and stick to it; she’s sooooo transparent.


Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation, calling out House Republicans’ obsession with restricting the rights of LGBTQ+ people while there are more pressing problems in this country:

“When I’m out in Wheeling, West Virginia, or Pittsburgh at the airport or anywhere else, the questions are not about beer bottles or drag queens. The questions are about making sure that we can deliver these transportation assets that people can count on. If it is socialism, then it seems to be socialism that these Republicans love when it’s coming their way. It is maddening sometimes to look at the split screen on cable TV, and I’m trying to make sure people are aware of the literally tens of thousands of good projects we’ve already supported around the country. We need to do two things and it should not be hard to do: one is to safeguard vulnerable groups as a matter of policy, which is something we believe in as administration and is the right thing to do, and another is to keep doing the work of taking care of the basics.”

The Basics? According to the GOP that's voting to remove funding for several community centers from a Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development funding bill; Republicans struck out the earmarks for three LGBTQ+ community projects out of a list of over 3000 similar, non-LGBTQ+ projects receiving similar funding, all the while claiming they are not targeting LGBTQ+ people.

And the GOP has attacked LGBTQ+ people in amendments to larger bills, too, including an air travel bill and a military funding bill. GOP presidential candidates have made LGBTQ+ issues—specifically attacks on transgender children’s rights—central to their campaigns and many GOP-controlled state legislatures passed legislation attacking transgender kids’ rights.

Think of all the problems we face in this country and yet the GOP only has one goal: punish the LGBTQ+ community. Vote them all out.



  1. RFK Jr is a disgrace to his name.

  2. I never thought Chris Christie would be a voice of reason. Looks like Jack Schlossberg is preparing for a career in public service/politics. I hope he serves well. Kevin McCarthy is such an idiot. Is he also going to find a way to expunge all these indictments? Good luck, Kevin.


  3. Nikki's never going to stop flipping. Christie is right, So's Schlossberg (I just love that name!)

  4. As Cap't Chaos says when talking about our family, "3 outta 4 ain't bad, Ma!" I think that sums up how I feel about today's selections, sweetpea! Nikki can go kick rocks, as far as I'm concerned! xoxo

  5. VOTE THEM ALL OUT! It's now or never time, folks.

  6. What is it about the political right? They try and scare you into voting for repellent policies and to hate your neighbour, especially if they are a different colour from the white supremacists who slime about on the far right. Why can't they live and let live? They must be very afraid of those of us who don't want to lock up everyone who doesn't agree slavishly with their evil views.

  7. I love Jack Schlossberg's comment. I hadn't seen that before. And yes, it's amazing how the Republicans all holler for personal freedom until it's something that they object to -- allowing families to make medical decisions for their transgender children, or allowing women to decide what to do with their own bodies.

  8. Nimrata is just jockeying for ANY position at this point. She'll never amount to anything. She's not white and she's a woman. Anathema among the Repugs.


  9. When Christie was governor in New Jersey he actually was not that bad. He actually crossed the aisle many a time to work with the Democrats. I can remember when Hurricane Sandy hit he and Barack Obama work together swiftly to get recovery and funds to both States. And both got jabbed because they are working with the other. I have found Christie to always be liberal when it comes to issues like this

    And then there's mayor Pete. I hope to say president Pete one day. He just makes so much sense and is sane.

  10. Anonymous1:23 PM

    the dog's mother
    Yes, after Biden's second term -
    President Pete!!!
    xoxo :-)

  11. Thanks for sharing the quote from Jack Schlossberg. I don't know how I missed that.

  12. Nikki Haley bends whichever way she thinks the wind is blowing.
    The quote from Jack Schlossberg is terrific.

  13. So to sum it all up... America continues to drift from day to day in a bubble of perfect happiness... like La La Land, Barbie Land, Nirvana or The Emerald City. Cue theme music: "There is a happy land far far away/ Where saints in glory stand,/ Bright, bright as day."


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