
Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Funny Papers

Steve Brodner, Nick AndersonKevin Kallaugher, Adam Zyglis, Ed Hall, Mike Luckovich, Bill Bramhall, Jack Ohman, Ann Telnaes, Michael de Adder, Lalo Alcaraz, Clay Bennett


  1. I got a good laugh from the Trump / Carlson debate, is it any wonder why the Democrats were the winner?

  2. The finger printing one with the paper towels being tossed at Trump. PERFECT!

  3. The one of P01135809 on the scale DID make me smile. But it all just makes me sad.

  4. All good ones, Bobulah. The paper towel one made giggle-snort.

  5. Good morning, Bob. All of these are knee slappers, but the height and weight nonsense...good grief.
    Say her name: Lauri Carleton.
    My new Jacksonville hero is the police chief. He doesn't play.

  6. Anonymous11:42 AM

    the dog's mother
    oh my, when a window is
    not enough!
    xoxo :-)

  7. Some good ones Bob! The first one still makes me very sad.

    Saw the debate. What a joke. The only one to hold his ground and speak his mind was Chris Christie. The only one with some sense and the least likely to be evil.

  8. aussieguy4:17 PM

    50 Pounds? Snort!

  9. Sunday is our fun day thanks to you, sweetpea! xoxo

  10. Trump's presidency began with a tantrum about the paltry numbers at his inauguration. We could all see the huge spaces. Now he's even lying about his body weight. Don't they have any scales at Fulton County Jail? It's obvious that he is a fat fucker.

  11. Does the last one have real hope?

  12. Absolute genius

  13. Excellent. I hope that last one is right! Trump's tiny hands in the fingerprint one crack me up, and I gotta say I'm glad my name isn't Hank.

  14. 50 lbs? I'd say closer to 100.
    The thing one can say about IQ45 or P01138509 is this: he provides lots of fodder for comics. Beyond that, he's simply a waste of skin.


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