
Saturday, August 19, 2023

98 Things ...

I was perusing Voenix Rising, where there are some hot mens, some cool memes, and a pretty awesome take on politics, and saw that blogger Mark Alexander had written a list of things about who he was and how he lived a few years back and then recently revised to see if, and how, he changed. Now, I don’t have an original list, but here are 98 things about me …

1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? With cats you either sleep with the closet doors open or be prepared to have a cat demanding the door be opened in the middle of the night.

2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? Yes, I do.

3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Tucked in at the bottom always.

4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before? I have not but now the thought has crossed my mind.

5: Do you like to use post-it notes? I don’t think I’ve ever used post-it notes at work or otherwise.

6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I have but haven’t in a while since most stores give you the card that offers up discounts.

7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? I don’t think the bees would attack me and eat me alive so … bees?

8: Do you have freckles? A few, on my shoulders.

9: Do you always smile for pictures? Not always; I smirk a lot.

10: What is your biggest pet peeve? Thoughtless people, either of the rude variety, or those who don’t think for themselves.

11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk? I have now that you mention it.

12: Have you ever peed in the woods? Of course.

13: What about pooped in the woods? No, I am not an animal.

14: Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing? There’s always a song in my head so, yeah, sometimes I will bust a move.

15: Do you chew your pens and pencils? I don’t.

16: How many people have you slept with this week? Just the one; Carlos.

I7: What size is your bed? King.

18: What is your Song of the week? Right this second, the song playing in my head, is ‘Walk Like An Egyptian,’ by The Bangles.

19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Sure, except for my boss, who owns a pink shirt, but every time he comes in wearing it, he’s in a pissed off mood. No lie; he walks in and the staff shrieks, “Not the pink shirt!”

20: Do you still watch cartoons? No, unless I stumble upon old school The Flintstones or The Jetsons or Bugs really.

21: What’s your least favorite movie? A Tom Cruise movie, though I never watch them, so is that fair to say so? Yes, it is.

22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? In my back yard?

23: If you're a girl, bra size? If you're a guy, pants size? 33

24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in? I have never had that type of nugget and don’t think I ever will so ….

25: What is your favorite food? Mexican. Thai. Asian. Indian. Anything that’s got some spice to it.

26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love? The Red Violin. Poltergeist. Sunset Blvd. Anything with Bette Davis or Daniel Day-Lewis. Lady Sings The Blues.

27: Last person you kissed/kissed you? Carlos.

28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Yes, I was a Boy Scout; not my favorite thing.

29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? I don’t think so and no one has asked.

30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? I think it was last century but I still send actual birthday and holiday cards.

31: Can you change the oil on a car? Yes; do I? No.

32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Bitch please; of course.

33: Ever ran out of gas? Not yet; knocking on  wood.

34: Favorite kind of sandwich? Some kind of meaty sub sandwich.

35: Best thing to eat for breakfast? An egg wrap with a scrambled egg, some andouille sausage, cheddar cheese and tomato.

36: What is your usual bedtime? Around 11 PM on work nights.

37: Are you lazy? I can be.

38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Ghosts and goblins, mostly. I always liked the scary.

39: What is your Chinese astrological sign? Dog.

40: Are you horny? I am; not as much as my younger days, but yeah.

41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions? For some reason we get Out magazine and yet we don’t pay for it and have never subscribed, but it shows up every month.

42: Which are better Legos or Lincoln Logs? Lincoln Logs.

43: Are you stubborn? Yes, I am; it’s a family trait.

44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman? I was a Letterman man; Leno was, and is, too generic for my tastes.

45: Ever watch soap operas? Dark Shadows and One Life to Live.

46: Are you afraid of heights? Up high, nope; up high and looking down, yes.

47: Do you sing in the car? Always.

48: Do you sing in the shower? Always.

49: Do you dance in the car? And cause an accident? Nope.

50: Ever used a gun? Yes, I once went skeet shooting with friends.

51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? High school, I’m guessing.

52: Do you think musicals are cheesy? I most certainly do not! I adore a showtune.

53: Is Christmas stressful? It can be, but I don’t let it.

54: Ever eat a pierogi? Yes.

55: Favorite type of fruit pie? Blackberry.

56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Architect.

57: Do you believe in ghosts? Yes.

58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yes.

59: Take a vitamin daily? No.

60: Wear slippers? In the winter if it’s really cold.

61: Wear a bath robe? Nope.

62: What do you wear to bed? T-shirt and shorts or nothing.

63: First concert? Rod Stewart.

64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Forced to choose, I’d say Target.

65: Nike or Adidas? Neither; I don’t think I’ve ever owned either brand.

66: Cheetos Or Fritos? Fritos; Cheetos are gross.

67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts.

68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? No.

69: Ever take dance lessons? No.

70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Whatever makes him happy.

71: Can you curl your tongue? No.

72: Ever won a spelling bee? In the fourth grade: the winning word was photosynthesis.

73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy? My wedding day because I never thought I’d be allowed to get married.

74: Own any record albums? A few.

75: Own a record player? No. Now that doesn’t make sense.

76: Regularly burn incense? No.

77: Ever been in love? Yes; still.

78: Who would you like to see in concert? We’re seeing Itzhak Perlman in February; looking so forward to that.

79: What was the last concert you saw? Audra MacDonald.

80: Hot tea or cold tea? I like both.

82: Sugar cookies or snickerdoodles? Neither; Oatmeal Cranberry cookies or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups for me.

83: Can you swim well? Yes, I can; I love swimming.

84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Uh, yeah.

85: Are you patient? Not as much as I could be. Next!    

86: DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ, for the variety.

87: Ever won a contest? Yes; an art contest in school.

88: Ever have plastic surgery? No.

89: Which are better, black or green olives? Kalamata olives.

90: Can you knit or crochet? No.

91: Best room for a fireplace? The Living Room.

92: Do you want to get married? If married, how long have you been married? Together almost 23 years and married almost nine of them.

93: Who was your HS crush? An Australian exchange student named Ian; I think our entire class had a crush on him.

94: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? No.

95: Do you have kids? No, we have pets.

96: Do you want kids? No, we have pets.

97: What’s your favorite color? Greens; moody greens.

98: Do you miss anyone right now? Several people and pets.

There you have me … some of me.


  1. That is 19 weeks worth of Sundays.

  2. Yes I can curl my tongue; weirdly it's one of those things, you either can or can't do. I remember as a kid the issue came up at my Grandma's dinner table. Everyone but my Grandma could curl their tongues and we sat there with our curled up tongues poking out at her and we all laughed, including Grandma.

    1. I just mentioned that i couldn't do that to Carlos and he promptly curled his tongue at me! Damn him and his talents!!!

    2. Anonymous11:11 PM

      It's genetic (really).

  3. I answered "no opinion," for many... but: truly dislike Tom Cruise, I too watched Dark Shadows, I use post-it-notes like they're going out of style, and... surprisingly I am extremely patient and also, it seems, very forgiving, which even I find surprising.

  4. Wow! Thanks for all of the info, Bob! You sound so happy with Carlos!

    1. As Charlotte once said of her marriage on an old episode of Sex and The City, I am happy every day with Carlos; not ALL day, every day, but every day I am happy.

  5. Never used post-it notes? I couldn't function without them!

    1. Carlos has a box of office supplies in the house and there is nary a post-it note.

  6. Interesting list of questions and answers. The one that stood out for me, funnily enough, is your breakfast wrap. I've tried and failed to find andouille sausage here in Saskatchewan. We'd spend a few days in New Orleans after a cruise; I cam home with an appreciation for red beans and rice with andouille sausage...oh and beignets as well. :)

    1. I love some andouille and we are lucky to find it because I use it in a lot of things ... Jambalaya, Red Beans and Rice, Breakfast wraps, homemade pizza ....

  7. I can curl my tongue and wiggle my ears at the same time. I married my high school crush 48 years ago. It wasn't the awe-inspiring way I looked when showing off said talent that drew the boy to me. Holding my first grandbaby made me happy cry. Oh, also when my first son was born. Different happy cry. Happy that ten pound critter was out of my 112-pound body!
    Last but not least, chorizo, eggs and biscuits for breakfast.
    I like your list, Bobulah. It was a breeze to read and held my attention. Oh, dear, back to practicing being terse.

    1. I like your answers, too; especially the happy cry one.
      And chorizo? Yes, ma'am, serve it up.
      i like you both terse and not.

  8. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Lincoln Logs, really? Old school Legos are an open ended system

    Also, does Kmart exist any longer? Weren't they gobbled up by Sears which was picked clean by Vulture Capitalists?

    Will Jay

    1. I said what I said, and I stick to it.
      We had a Kmart here in Camden up until a few years back when it was closed.

  9. Anonymous11:15 AM

    My goodness! :-)
    Have a good Saturday!
    xoxo :-)

  10. Whew! A lot to take in. LOL to No. 9; Awww so sweet to 73.

  11. aussieguy2:54 PM

    Interesting read! Me? Almost 50 years married, and as you say, bumps along the way but still happy. Snickerdoodles for me!

    1. Bumps are okay, all a part of life, as long as they don't trip you up permanently.

  12. 98 questions and 98 answers but what about Questions 99 & 100?
    99. How big is the universe?
    100. We all know he has his failings but what is Donald Trump's best personal quality?

    1. There were 99 but I combined 93 with 92.
      BUT ...
      99. As big as one can imagine.
      100. I got nothing.

  13. I enjoyed reading your answers to the 98 questions. We have some similarities. Kalamata olives and swimming!

  14. King is the only way to bed

    1. Even when single I had a king-size bed.

  15. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I thought it was great.

  16. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Your magazine answer had me laughing...
    12 years ago our best buddy died. I was his executor so I got his mail forwarded to us. 12 years and we still get his OUT MAGAZINE. last month I got a notice that without payment they were going to stop it "in the future." PLEASE STOP IT FOR ALL OF US.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      That's my comment above that I'm replying to.

      Ps, I read you every day, live half way between Portland and Seattle, and can relate to your Portland train experience. Portland has some real problems now and I miss it when it was so much more fun. Did you go to Rooster Rock?

    2. We did not get to Rooster Rock but now it's on the list for the time we're out there.
      Thanks for reading.

  17. “Cheetos are gross.” I love you, Bob!

    1. I loathe Cheetos. All that orange dust???

  18. I am with you on not enjoying the Boy Scouts. Torture!

    Oh, and I always have a song in my head, too! (Now it's "Walk Like an Egyptian," but only because I read this post so THANKS FOR THAT.)

    1. And now you've given it back to me.


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