
Saturday, July 29, 2023

Why Is It ...

… that, out of the blue, for no good reason, I’ll say things like, “Who in the hell in their right mind would buy living room furniture with cup holders in it?” to the person who has living room furniture with cup holders in it?

… that the Barbie movie made more in one day than Ron DeSantis has fundraised in his entire political career?

… that Americans keep reelecting all the old white people to Congress? I mean, god love her, but Dianne Feinstein is no longer able to serve; and then there’s Mitch McConnell’s little freeze this week. Start voting out these in for life politicians and get some new blood into office.

… that people talk about their inner child? I don’t have one; I have an inner old lady that calls everyone a c*nt and wants to be in bed by 8:30.

… MAGAts want to impeach President Biden? Maybe cuz he’s creating jobs, infrastructure, manufacturing, 140 federal judges, and getting inflation down and all they have is fake outrage about laptops, gas stoves, M&Ms, and Barbies.

… that Michael Elizabeth Pence thinks he has a shot at the White House? Democrats hate him. Pro-choice Americans hate him. MAGAts hate him. The only one who appears to like him is Karen Pence and even she’s waffling.

… that the people shooting up Bud Light cans and burning Barbies call everyone else “easily triggered?”

… Rick Scott, Republican, keeps Tweeting that Joe Biden is a criminal when  he’s the one who defrauded millions from Medicare in a healthcare scam? Oh, yeah, GOP.


  1. God love ya...I wish I had answers for any one of these questions.

    1. Some are easy, others? Not so much.

  2. I don’t know, but I also have that inner old lady.
    Furniture with cup holders?! There’s a thing!

    1. I saw a photo on Facebook, then said something to a co-worker and he said, "We have those."

  3. The "easily triggered" one is spot on! (As are all the rest too)

    1. Those "easily triggered" folks are the real snowflakes.

  4. Anonymous11:46 AM

    the dog's mother
    chortle! Good questions!
    xoxo :-)

    1. A brief look inside my head.

  5. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Helen not as anonymous as claimed

    There are too many old people who really ought to be taking their ease rather than involving themselves in power games and I think we can assume that Kevin McCartney (alias McCarthy?) has early onset dementia; he seems to think that der Trumpenfuhrer's crimes were committed by Joe Biden. We know he has no taste by getting involved with Margarine.

    1. I just need fresh thought, new blood, and not he crowd of people looking for a lifelong payday.

  6. Spot on--but I don't know the answers at all except that their hypocrisy needs to be pointed out to them by numerous and LOUD voices.

    1. Yes, it does! LOUDLY! OFTEN!!!

  7. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I'd add "qualified and tempermentally suited" to the new blood recommendation. If I recall correctly, there was a recent politician who was "new blood" and going to "drain the swamp." Similarly, Sarah Palin, Empty Greene, and Boobert are "new blood." What I would like to see is the development of the bench - the Katie Porter, Adam Schiff, AOC, etc. People who show up and do the work.

    The case of Senator Feinstein is particularly sad, especially since all she would need to do to shut down RWNJ's discussion of gun control is to start with "In my experience..." , although with the race to the bottom in education, some of the younger members of Congress might not have a clue what she was talking about and how she was a part of leading San Francisco out of that dark time.

    Will Jay

    1. I like Feinstein but she has clearly overstayed her welcome and now it's just sad.

  8. A few random thoughts from Denver:

    *I might have to reconsider following this blog when I found out that TWO gay men have furniture with cupholders in them. There goes the gayberhood.

    *I was listening to a news report that the average age in Congress is 59 years and the median age in the US is 38. The report went on to say younger voters will turn the tide of the average age in Congress. The younger folks just want someone the REPRESENTS THEM. I see their point. For me it is not about AGE but more if one CAN DO the job on all four cylinders.

    *I was seeing some statistics the other day on the percentages for qualifying for the first Republican debate. Mike Pence is not even in the running. Mike, I can't be alone in a room with a woman, Elizabeth Pence is in single digits. What an embarrassment. He IS a former vice president. Pack it up, buddy you are embarrassing yourself.

    *Let's not get it twisted. Rick Scott oversaw the largest Medicare fraud IN HISTORY which earned HCA $1.7 BILLION in fines.

    1. I never said it was gay men who had the cup-holder furniture, and it's certainly not me.

  9. I do believe Barbie made more on the first day than all of the Republican candidates combined. And it case you didn't know, Pence is like a lot of Evangelical Christians, he doesn't want to think because then he might ask question.

    1. Go woke, makes millions at the box office.

  10. I have a couch with cup holders in the back of my house where I like to read or watch TV, but not in my living room. The couch also has a console thingy that opens up where I can plug in my laptop or phone or myself when I need to recharged, which I usually need desperately. I suppose I'm persona non grata now that I've confessed to my cup holders. Woe is me. I'm very concerned about the many elderly people who hold government offices. Dianne Feinstein doesn't know what's she's doing. Mitch the Bitch appears to have mini-strokes or something else seriously wrong with him in addition to being such a creep that he can't stand for women to have basic human rights. I'd rather have Joe Biden as president than donald jessica, but they're both old. And I don't see the younger people in government stepping up the way they need to do so they can take over.


    1. Ah, but you used the most telling phrase, "in the back of my house."
      I agree about what may be our two choices for president; we need younger voters and younger candidates to step up ... are you listening, Pete?

    2. Pete will not go up against Joe Biden. I hope Pete is planning for the future, though.

    3. Oh no, I don't mean Pete to go against Joe, but maybe run after Joe's second term is up. We need good common sense in the White House and a younger voice.

  11. The cupholders! Why is it I felt the need to talk about my distaste for a certain breed of tiny dog to two guys who it turned out had 6?

    1. It's Foot In Mouth Disease, Mitchell, and I fear we both have it.
      I once told my boss that if he ever caught me wearing leather shoes, no socks and shorts he could shoot me WHILE he was wearing leather shoes, no socks and shorts. Oy.

  12. McConnell's freeze made him look like a Kentucky Fried Chicken. Hell, Joe Biden looks like a spring chicken in comparison.

    1. It is unsurprising that Fox News mare scarce mention of McConnell's standing nap, but railed about Biden wearing sneakers while traveling on Air Force One. They called him demented and senile, but Mitch gets a pass.

    2. Stupid question here: Why is it wrong for Biden to wear sneakers on Air Force One?

    3. It isn't but Fox News ran with that like they ran with Obama's tan suit.

  13. Rick Scott! LOL! What a f*cking hypocrite.


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