
Monday, July 10, 2023

This Bitch: Ryan Walters

Out there in Oklahoma, the state’s far-rightwingnut superintendent of public instruction, Ryan Walters, wants the schools in his state to teach students about the Tulsa Race Massacre, as long as they don’t teach that it was about white supremacist murdering Black people for EWB … existing while Black.

If you haven’t heard about the Tulsa Race Massacre, maybe take a gander here … Tulsa Race Massacre: We Can't Fix Racism If We Don't Learn From It  … at one of the vile parts of American history.

This post isn’t about that necessarily though it is about teaching about the massacre, but it’s mostly about Ryan Walters, who took office in January, and who is, big surprise, anti-CRT [Critical Race Theory] because the right believes that if you teach white children about racism and white supremacy you’ll make them feel bad about themselves.

Here’s the deal: I’m a grown-assed man and I was never taught about the Tulsa Race Massacre, though I learned of other examples of racism in America … Slavery … Emmett Till .. Rosa Parks … church bombings … Medgar Evers … Martin Luther King … Selma … and so much more.

And yet how many of these topics aren’t taught in school, save for the obligatory hour or two spent on slavery, or a couple of classes about Civil Rights; if we fail to learn from history we’re doomed to repeat it and we are on that precipice again thanks to people like Ryan Walters who doesn’t want it taught lest white people get their feelings hurt. So I will say this once more:

I don’t feel bad about being white in America because I had nothing to do with that massacre or any of those other events; I feel horrible for what was done to Black citizens of Tulsa, who had their homes and businesses destroyed and those who lost their lives because of hate and I loathe the fact that much of that still goes on today, but how can we teach our young people, any people, that hate is wrong, that hate kills, if we don’t teach them  the history of hate?

Ryan Walters recently held a public forum at which someone in the crowd asked him how teaching about the Tulsa Race Massacre doesn’t violate his ban on CRT and he said:

“I would never tell a kid that because of your race, because of the color of your skin, or your gender or anything like that, you are less of a person or are inherently racist. That doesn’t mean you don’t judge the actions of individuals. Oh, you can. Absolutely, historically, you should … But to say it was inherent in that because of their skin is where I say that is critical race theory. You’re saying that race defines a person.”

You are not a racist because you’re white; you’re a racist because you’re a racist and never learned any better and yet Walters does not want children to be taught that; but the Tulsa Race Massacre was all about race, hell, it’s been called the Tulsa Race Massacre for over a hundred years!

The Tulsa Race Massacre occurred because a young Black man may have, or actually may not have, brushed up against a white woman in an elevator. And because a Black man might have touched a white woman, he was arrested, and a mob gathered at the courthouse demanding the right to lynch that young man. When the crowd of white men, many of whom were deputized before the massacre began, didn’t get their wish to lynch that young man, they marched to the Greenwood District in Tulsa, a thriving Black neighborhood also called Black Wall Street, and destroyed it, burned it to the ground, set private homes on fire, leaving 100,000 people homeless, and murdered some 300 Black people; it was all about race.

It was all about a Black man allegedly disrespecting a white woman in the eyes of white men, and if we don’t teach that to our children they will never learn. And we’ll see it happen again.

Lastly, let this sink in: Ryan Walters has no problem teaching about the Tulsa Race Massacre as long as you don’t mention race.

 The Republic


  1. I'd love to know how they explain the carnage without mentioning race. What else could possibly be the motive? Like you, I never learned about the Tulsa massacre in school. Makes me wonder what else we were never taught -- what else was "whitewashed," so to speak.

    1. These WHITE men didn't go burn down a Black city because they were racist, they were simply protesting the idea that a judge wouldn't let them lynch the young BLACK man accused of bumping into a WHITE girl.
      It's justice in the eyes of racist asshats.

  2. Oh, yes. Sounds about wyte.
    The emphasis on whitewashing -literally- the story of this country never ceases to amaze me. Really. The fragility of white people when it comes to what their ancestors did and how this country came to be what it is today thanks to three hundred years of slavery is unparalleled.
    Also, Oklahoma.


    1. I think the only white people butt hurt about teaching racist American history are the ones who KNOW that if these situations were to ever arise again, they'd goose-step along with the people burning down Black neighborhoods and killing Black Americans.
      Fuck 'em all.

  3. Racism has been inherent in white peoples ever since they came across people from different parts of the world and decided that white people's cultures were obviously superior to those of non-white people. And Christianity is obviously right and everyone else's religion is wrong. And from that comes racism and all the massacres that stain history. And it's not just white people; look at the massacre of the Rohingya and what the Chinese are doing to the Uighurs, and all because they are different from the majority ruling class. We do fail to learn from history and I fear nothing will change.

    1. And here in America we put these morons in positions of power!

  4. This phony white Christian is the epitome of pure evil. There is so much hatred in his heart for everything not included in his white supremacist's Bible.

    1. Hate is fueled by ignorance and he is overflowing with both.

  5. Anonymous11:51 AM

    the dog's mother
    This fellow needs to sit down.
    xoxo :-)

    1. A good loooooooong sit down.

  6. People are just plain damn ignorant. How can we learn to move on if we don't learn for history??? Yeah.....nothing to be proud of in history...but it is history. But then...these dumb asses don't want to move on and their true colors reflect the country they want and direction they want us to go. Fuck em.

    1. If you learn history you may not repeat it, but you have to know it and remember it.

  7. Yeah, the Tulsa Race Massacre was a tragic moment In the history of elevators. Dickhead.

    1. Don't give him any ideas about how to belittle this horrific racist unprovoked attack on People of Color by White People.
      Though I did find your sarcasm brilliantly funny!

  8. As a history teacher, I guess a former one, it is so important to teach about these things and not whitewash them.

    1. This is worse than a whitewash, he wants it taught that it didn't happen exactly the way it happened; it was a Race Massacre lead by white people.

  9. Ryan Walters is only 38 years old himself. Intellectually and in terms of experience, he is still in what Americans call diapers. Over here in England we call them nappies.

    1. Sadly, some Americans, well the ones who like in Oklahoma, think he's a good fit in government. Sad.

  10. I guess OK is not so OK after all thanks to douche canoes like Ryan Walters.

    1. The gall of someone to say that the Tulsa RACE Massacre wasn't really about race is disgusting.

  11. I just heard on TV that a judge dismissed the reparations suit that was held for survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre. These survivors are over 100 years old and they kept postponing the trial hoping they will die before they have to pay them money. And now a judge has dismissed the case without making an explanation to the black people and lawyers involved! White people are STILL cheating them out of what is due to them!

    1. They believe reparations means acknowledging guilt for white people TODAY; it's not, it's acknowledging that it happened and that it was wrong.

  12. There is something in that mentality that just does not add up. What next teach about WWII without teaching that politics was trying to bring about the rise of the "master race?", that people were angry and followed a mad man because of economic woes in the wake of WWI? If we don't understand history we are doomed to repeat it.

    1. And look where we are ... Senator Tuberville was on CNN last night saying "white nationalist" means American.

  13. If you look back in history. It seems that all major changes in society always have a major backlash before the change. I'm hoping that's what this is. The last vestiges of the mentality that skin color matters.

  14. With the rise of black conservatives, I kind of wonder if they're really blind because the white supremacist aren't really trying to hide it anymore


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