
Monday, June 05, 2023

This Bitch: JessicaTillmann

Down there in Florida, where insanity runs rampant and Hate is the law, Seminole County Public Schools is offering to reprint the 2023 Lyman High School yearbook in order to remove two pages of LGBTQ+ content because some parents, well, to be fair, one hate-filled parent, is upset about it.

Jessica Tillmannn, chapter chair of the Seminole County Moms for Liberty—meaning Liberty for her group of bigots and homophobes, but not for everyone—says she’s concerned about the definitions in the yearbook because she thinks they are teaching children about sex outside the state-approved standards that parents can choose to opt their children out of:

“They shouldn’t have any sexual definitions in a yearbook. This is a yearbook that goes to every student as young as 14.”

I got news for you Jessica, fourteen-year-olds know about LGBTQ+ people, and probably even have friends who are gay and bisexual and trans and genderfluid, so your homophobia is kind of ridiculous, misplaced and a little too late.

But what really has Jessica’s Spanx twisted? It’s the fact that the LGBTQ+ section in the yearbook includes photos of member of the student’s Gay-Straight Alliance, definitions of LGBTQ+ terms, a passage on the evolution of pronouns and a profile of a student who advocates for the LGBTQ+ community.

How terrifying.

And what kind of terms do they explain? How about genderfluid, defined as “a gender identity that changes with time and/or a given situation. This is opposed to a fixed gender identity.” The yearbook also defines aromantic as “someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction. Many aromantics still feel sexual attraction.”

Danielle Pomeranz, Lyman High School’s faculty yearbook adviser, disagrees with the district’s offer to scrub LGBTQ+ content since the book features all aspects of the school’s diverse student body, including Latinos in Action, Black History Month and even the Dungeons & Dragons Club and defended the LGBTQ+ section:

“They are definitions. They are not teaching anything about sex at all. … Nobody is teaching anybody about sex acts. It is ridiculous.”

And while the principal approved the yearbook’s content it is under scrutiny because the Florida Department of Education got involved when Jessica Tillmann had her Hissy Hate Fit and decided only her opinion counts; wrong, again, Jessica.

If fact, Jessica Tillmann is so thrilled it be a bigot and homophobe that she is also requesting that Danielle Pomeranz  and the school be fired. Sadly, Danielle Pomeranz resigned from her job a couple of weeks ago in part because of Florida’s political climate and a lack of support from Seminole County’s school leadership, so there’s one less teacher to care about all students in Florida.

Still, I have a suggestion for Jessica Tillmann: shut the fuck up. If you don’t like LGBTQ+ content in a  yearbook, get yourself a pair of scissors and cut the pages out of the book, but why believe your opinion should rule over all opinions?

On the upside, as of now, no one had requested a reprinted yearbook, not even Jessica Tillmann.

I guess she wanted her Fifteen Minutes of fame as a bigot and homophobe, and I hope she sits all alone in her hate rots there.

As for the LGBTQ+ community, we need to speak up, loudly, and condemn this kind of hate. Staying silent is not an option; use your voice, use your vote. What happens to one of us, happens to us all.

Orlando Sentinel


  1. I am sooo glad I don't live in Florida.

    1. I used to live there and am thrilled that I don't. Hell, I'm liking South Carolina more than Florida.

  2. And it's not just Florida. Ignorant bigots and haters, still the minority in the USA, are trying to take over the country.

    1. Truth, which is why we speak up and stand up and VOTE!!!

  3. You are correct, a pair of scissors would have done the trick for this POS. I wouldn't be surprised her children are embarassed by their mother.

    1. Maybe that's why she doesn't mention her kids?

  4. Those are brave students to speak out about their feelings and beliefs. High school students can be so mean! I'm glad that's included in the yearbook as they are a part of the school too!
    "The more you read, the more you know."

    1. Sadly, those students are braver and smarter than the parents.

  5. Ugh. Flori-duh.
    Such a fucked up place, when one stupid bigot can be this powerful. Fuck Meatball Ron and his fascist crusade to crush education.
    And you are right, hope that Jessica's little ones do not get a phone, because they'll go straight to PornHub with a mom like that.


    1. I wish gay kids upon her. Better yet for her feeble hate-filled mind, a trans kid. Maybe then she'll realize her ignorance.

  6. Funnily enough the scissors option occurred to me and, correct me if I am wrong, but neither of us are Einsteins. It is sad that someone can be so filled with hate. Hate is a very destructive emotion that hurts the hater just as much, if not more, than the hated.

    1. My first thought was scissors, but she doesn't like LGBTQ+ in the yearbook so NO ONE can see it.

  7. "Hissy Hate Fit" just about sums it up.

  8. What a cock-juggling thunder cunt. The hypocrisy of groups like this is so maddening.

    1. I LOVE your description; perfection!

  9. Anonymous11:32 AM

    the dog's mother
    And nobody requested a copy of a reprint!
    xoxo :-)

    1. Maybe the smarter parents are standing up now?

  10. It must be nice to have a life where you have no other worries except what these idiots Ponder and worry over!!!!! I don't know why conservatives like this parent even try. Like you said kids these days know far more than their parents even know about.

    1. Plus, if you don't like it, cut it out of your yearbook, don't push your hate agenda on others.
      She can Fuck All The Way Off.

    2. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  11. These "Moms for Liberty" are running amok. All of society needs to stand up to them. I can't believe the school offered to go to the expense to reprint the yearbook!

    1. The school blew that. And I'm hoping as these loons become emboldened more people will stand up and shut them down.

  12. aussieguy5:49 PM

    As disgusting as this is, and it is abominably disgusting, it is another example of how a significant MINORITY of asshats make so much noise and believe they are entitled to do it. Yet another exhibit of how fucked this country has become. Moreover, going forward I fear what the future holds as they will only get bolder.

    1. The Woke People need to stand up and speak up and VOTE!!!
      I will keep saying that!

  13. Jessica simply loves to Hate. If it weren't for her Hate, she'd have nothing to live for.

  14. I went searching for Jessica Tillman via Google but discovered that there are lots of them out there. I guess they are being churned out like plastic Barbie dolls. How come she's in an organisation called "Moms for Liberty" and not "Moms for Bigotry"?

    1. I Googled "Jessica Tillmann Moms for Liberty" and found her. I always love these hate groups that have such wholesome patriotic titles.

  15. New Header-very nice. I agree, leave the yearbook exactly as it is.

    1. Thanks.
      I never understand how one person can not like something and demand it be changed. If she doesn't like it, let HER change.

  16. Someone needs to teach her what "Liberty" means, it is not censorship. I as groomed and indoctrinated by hetrosexuals for decades and it didn't change me.

    1. Nearly every LGBTQ+ person was raised by, and possibly surrounded by, straight people, and we all turned out right.


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