
Friday, June 16, 2023

I Didn't Say It

Spencer Cox, Utah’s GOP governor, issuing a proclamation marking June as Pride Month and calling on Utahns to be more welcoming and accepting:

“There should be nothing controversial about supporting a group of people in our state who have historically felt marginalized. We love you; we care about you; Utah is an awesome place… for everyone.”

Cox might be the only GOP governor in the nation to issue such a proclamation but it seems off somehow …

Maybe because he didn’t mention the LGBTQ+ community at all; not once. His previous proclamations on Pride in 2022 and 2021 both mentioned our community … by all the letters … LGBTQ+, but this year not a single letter.


Sarah Palin, when asked if MAGA is a cult:

“No. You know, the definition of a cult is a group of people who are excessively supporting one another and a cause. [Cults are] all about conformity and compliance and intolerance of anyone who doesn’t agree with what their mission is. Okay? That’s the definition of what the left is engaged in right now, speaking of cults. [They’re] all about conformity and compliance. And heaven forbid you don’t agree with them.”

Seriously, we dodged a massive bullet when John McCain lost his presidential election … because of her.

You can’t fix stupid. You can’t fix Palin.


John Kelly, former Thing 45 Chief of Staff, on Thing 45’s reaction to another indictment and then turning it into a campaign event:

“He’s scared s—less. This is the way he compensates for that. He gives people the appearance he doesn’t care by doing this. For the first time in his life, it looks like he’s being held accountable. Up until this point in his life, it’s like, I’m not going to pay you, take me to court. He’s never been held accountable before.”

I certainly hope this time he’s held accountable, and the next time in New Jersey, and the time in Georgia, and the time in New York …


Lindsey Graham, crying about Thing 45 being indicted, clearly worried he won’t have Fat orange ass to kiss for much longer:

“I’m an American who believes that if you believe Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted, you probably should believe that Trump should be prosecuted. If you believe she should get a pass, Trump should get a pass. No, I’m not in a cult. You know, I have taken the president on when I think he’s wrong, but what they’re doing to President Trump is a game changer for the presidency. They’ve taken the law and turned it upside down on numerous occasions to get him. You don’t have to be in a cult to find this offensive. Let the people decide whether Donald Trump should be president. Quit trying to destroy his life through a bunch of bogus legal cases in Manhattan, now in Miami, and eventually in Atlanta.”

Lindsey’s whataboutism is the classic case of what’s wrong with the GOP; deflection and lack of accountability. He’d be best served to remember that the FBI investigated Hilary for over a year and found that her server did not contain any information or emails that were clearly marked classified.

Now, if you think the FBI is corrupt and the DOJ is corrupt, go after that, but to let a criminal off because you don’t like how an earlier case ended is fucking stupid.

Just like Miss Lindsey.


Jackie Goldberg, president of the LA Unified School Board, calling out the “BS” from anti-LGBTQ protestors in California and reading from a children’s book titled The Great Big Book of Families:

“I’ve been confronting this issue my entire life I have been threatened. I have been harassed. I have been denied jobs because of who I am and who I love. At the little discussion at the school after [reading the book], as soon as the book was over, one little girl sitting at my knees said, ‘I have two mommies.’ A little boy on my other side said: ‘I have five grandmas’. What do you think [the protests] did to them?!” It made them afraid! How dare you make them afraid because you are! I’m sorry, I told you this was personal. Nobody has to accept me. I’m not looking for your acceptance, but you better treat me the same way you treat everybody else. That’s how we live in this country. “You don’t have to love me. You don’t have to like me, you can think I’m the devil incarnate. But you treat me like a decent human being because that’s how I treat you even though you don’t believe I have the right to exist.”

She continued: Her son was once harassed for having two mommies and said that the fact that her grandchildren aren’t is a sign of progress.

But there’s room for a lot more.



  1. Replies
    1. We ALL need to be like Jackie, and speak up!!!! 🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈

  2. Oh, Lady G is kissing the ring like there's no tomorrow. It's that Kompromat, you know? And she was pissed on TV when she could not push her whataboutism.. I almost brought the salts.
    And they all keep talking about a cult... cause they're in one. The Golden Calf is their god and they cannot deny it. Just project.
    And yay for Jackie Goldberg indeed!


    1. Lady G was a pathetic hissy mess.
      Palin can't spell 'cult' let alone define it.
      And Yes yes yes to Jackie. We all need to take a page from her playbook.

  3. I'm amazed that Palin actually knows what a cult is; the fact she can't recognize one when she sees it, is not a surprise.
    I was able to watch the video of Jackie Goldberg - it was so well said and presented. I hope some of the idjits who were protesting will have heard what she said and gain some understanding.

    1. I'm sure someone explained it to her, and then told her what to say.
      Jackie Goldberg is one of my new heroes!

  4. John Kelly speaks sense to those who will not listen. But this is the same John Kelly who squandered his reputation to become the Trumposaur's Chief of Staff for a few embarrassing moments. Those who have committed their souls to purgatory for several millennia (if you believe in that kind of c...) won't change their minds whatever you say.

    1. Kelly also propped up Thing 45 until he finally saw the mess for what is was and is; I like him speaking up, but remind him that he's kinda late.

  5. Oh my God Sarah Palin really is a stick of shit!!!! What a dumb broad. She has no idea the difference... cuz when it comes to her and her group there is no difference.

    1. I always say Lauren Boebert is like Sarah Palin, but somehow dumber; but Palin really sank to below GED levels with this nonsense.
      Jackie ❤❤

    2. I say that too! But I'm not sure I didn't steal it from you, TBH.

      (Sorry about the removal -- I'm replying to Bob, not Maddie, in case that's not clear!)

  6. Lyndsey Belle is doing everything possible to keep from being thrown under the bus, it ain't gonna help him. Kelly's smart, Palin's... well, stupid is too kind. And, GO Jackie!!

    1. Lindsey is a drunken mess because he knows how far down he's gone, but it's too far to turn back now.

  7. Anonymous11:44 AM

    (Jackie Goldberg)
    xoxo :-)

    1. πŸ’—πŸ³‍πŸŒˆπŸ’—πŸ³‍πŸŒˆπŸ’—

  8. When will Palin crawl back under her rock and stay there? Can any of this Stupid ever be fixed, I wonder.

    1. She is an utterly lost cause, as is any media outlet that gives her any time at all to speak.

  9. I knew Jackie Goldberg in the late '90s when I worked in City Hall here in LA. She was fantastic on City Council and even better now on LAUSD (school) Board! As for TFG's apologists, fuck'em and let them go down in history as the dumb shits they are!
    Have a fantastic weekend, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. Yes, to knowing Jackie; she seems amazing.
      and YES to the apologists!!!
      You and MITM have a faboosh weekend.

  10. I love what Jackie Goldberg said. It was perfect. And the photo of Miss Lindsey is priceless!

    1. Jackie is an icon, now, to me, and an example to follow.
      I save that picture of Lindsey and use it quite a lot!

      If I don't comment before, have a wonderful time in Japan!

  11. Looking back, Sarah Palin was incredibly ignorant and outspoken with a very wonky moral compass. Perhaps she paved the way for Trump - making him believe that even he could reach high office. I still can't understand why Trump had all those boxes of secret files as just like Boris Johnson he has never done his homework. Can he read?

    1. She did set the stage for stupid refusing to accept their stupidity.
      Thing 45 kept the boxes for leverage or ego.

  12. Why, oh why, would any journalist ask Palin a question? So many idiots, so few villages.

  13. Wow, good job, Jackie! Way to go!

    Lauren Boebert is Sarah Palin all over again. So not only are some people listening to Palin, they're essentially putting her back in office!

    I think Spencer Cox's comment is fine. So he didn't name the letters. That doesn't seem so terrible, does it? Perhaps there's some wider context that I'm missing.


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