
Friday, June 23, 2023

I Didn't Say It

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., running for president, repeating an old Alex Jones lunatic claim about trans boys:

“I think a lot of the problems we see in kids, particularly boys, it’s probably underappreciated on that how much of that is coming from chemical exposures, including a lot of the sexual dysphoria that we’re seeing. I mean, they’re swimming through a soup of toxic chemicals today, and many of those are endocrine disruptors. There’s atrazine throughout our water supply.”

Yes, trans is in the water. Dear Baby Jeebus, save us from this brand of Robert Q. Kennedy crazy.

Odd, though, he doesn’t say what makes girls “turn” trans.


Nikki Haley, 2024 Republican presidential candidate and certified Flip-Flopper, says she would be “inclined” to pardon Thing 45 if he is convicted of federal crimes:

“We need to see exactly what happened. But when you look at a pardon, the issue is less about guilt and more about what’s good for the country and I think it would be terrible for the country to have a former president in prison for years because of a documents case. That’s something you’ve seen in a third-world country.”

Three days and three different thoughts from braindead Nimrata Haley.

First she said there was no case at all and it was a politically motivated case.

Then she said if the charges were true, Thing 45 was “incredibly reckless” and “put our military men and women in danger” including, as she said, her own husband who was about to be deployed again.

And now she says she’d pardon the man whose reckless behavior put the lives of many at risk.

Nimrata can fuck all the way off.


Tim Burchett, G OP congressman from Tennessee—a state not known for intelligent representation—claiming giants are real because they’re in the bible:

“I’ve never seen a UFO, but they’re in the bible. I mean, read the first chapter of Ezekiel. It’s the King James version, it’s a translation, but it describes a wheel within a wheel. It describes what you and I would call the classic saucer shape UFO. It’s in the bible. It’s in hieroglyphics. It’s in, you know, Dark Ages paintings. It’s there.”

Burchett has also blamed a mass shooting in his own state on a lack of Jesus in public schools, and then claimed that “people who pray” never commit mass shootings. He’s also best known for saying that there’s simply no way to “fix” the epidemic of mass shootings.


William Barr, on his former boss, Criminal Grifter:

“It started out under the Presidential Records Act and the Archives trying to retrieve documents that [he] had no right to have. But it quickly became clear that what the government was really worried about were these classified and very sensitive documents. And so the government’s agenda was to get those, protect those documents, and get them out. And I think it was perfectly appropriate to do that. It was the right thing to do. And I think the counts under the Espionage Act that he willfully retained those documents are solid counts. I do think that even half of what Andy McCarthy said, which is if even half of it is true, then he’s toast. I mean, it’s a pretty, it’s a very detailed indictment, and it’s very, very damning.”

This, coming from Thing 45’s most notorious henchman is quite telling.


Demi Lovato, on why she switched back to identifying as she/her:

“I constantly had to educate people and explain why I identified with those pronouns. It was absolutely exhausting. I just got tired. But for that very reason I know that it is important to continue spreading the word.”

Really? It got too hard to explain? Doesn’t really sound like you identified as they/them as much as you identified as media whore.

It saddens me because an ALLEGED ally thinks it’s just a flick of a switch. Think of all those people begging to be accepted as gender nonbinary and being called all sorts of names, and Demi just changes her mind.



  1. OMG these repugs are just exhausting!
    The level of stupidity, dumbfuckery and asshattery are just off the hook! Kennedy is a stupid idiot that makes millions off the moronic things that come out of his mouth. Nimrata knows she'll never be president but wants a book deal and a tv program. And Burchett? But it's Tennessee, so yes.


    1. RFK Jr is a disgrace to his family name; he should change it to RFQ.
      Nimrata thinks she'll get a Veep call out of this; um, no.
      Burchett is one of those dumb GOPers that ISN'T Greene or Boebert.

  2. Disappointed in Demi... but she's been all over the road re: her sexual identity, etc. Barr... he better be called to testify. Man. I want that orange ogre behind bars. Robert F. needs to STFU. He has no idea what he's saying. Why isn't someone doing an intervention? The statements he makes make no sense, are grounded in thin air and are embarrassing. He should not be in public office. He is not serving the public spouting garbage conspiracy theories. Same goes for Tim Burchett... what utter garbage. And Nikki? Her 15 minutes was up a long time ago... she's the new Sarah Palin - never finishes anything she starts.. not as governor, not as UN representative, not as a WH spokesperson... nada. What a waste of space. Thanks for posting this, Bob.

    1. With all those people begging to be called by the pronouns they choose, Demi is making the case for the right: that it's meaningless.
      RFK is a loon, plain and simple.
      You're spot on re: Nimrata. I know, she was my governor for a spell.

  3. Anonymous10:18 AM

    the dog's mother
    Good stuff coming from Barr!
    xoxo :-)

    1. One of Thing 45s "only the best people" hires who is now the worst person ever according to the Indicted One.

  4. krayolakris10:20 AM

    OK, Nimroda…it would only be bad to have a former POTUS in jail, but not bad that the whole world knows what he’s done. Right. Got it. Moron.

    1. Nimrata cannot make up her mind on which side of any issue she falls on.

  5. Kennedy's got so many cracker jack crazy theories, you could write a book on them. Burchett should go back to living under a rock. And Demi was being trendy; she's not the only one who changed her / him / they / them / their mind.

    1. I think Demi should change her pronouns to Not Much Of An Ally

  6. I did wonder what all those anti-hetero chemicals were doing to girls. The mind boggles; glad my brain doesn't work like Kennedy's.

    1. Now RFK is saying vaccines are responsible for all his health issues.

  7. Has Kennedy always been such a moron or is it all the toxic chemicals he's been exposed to?

    1. I guess he was a Closeted Moron? And now he's out?

  8. I cannot stand Robert Kennedy Jr!

  9. I sure am glad I don't believe everything I hear or read, some of these people obviously do.

    1. I think for some of them it's mostly the stuff they hear as I don't think they're readers.


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