
Friday, June 30, 2023

I Didn't Say It

Kamala Harris, Vice-President, taking  a stand against Florida’s “Don't Say Gay” law:

“I hate bullies. I can't stand it when so-called powerful people intentionally try to strike fear in innocent people. You look in Florida, [the] ‘don't say gay' bill and what this has meant for LGBTQ teachers who are now afraid. I'm looking at some 20-something-year-old teacher in Florida who has dedicated [themselves] to one of the most noble professions, which is teaching our children their God-given capacity, and that teacher who is in a loving relationship or marriage is afraid to put up a photograph of their family for fear that if the student in their classroom asks, ‘Who is that?' [that] it will raise a conversation about a same-sex relationship, and they could lose their job. Outrageous! We just have to make sure that this moment is motivating people to act and not motivating people to be afraid.”

Motivate people to speak up and stand up and vote these bigots from office, because once they come for the LGBTQ+ community and win because people were too worried or afraid to do something, they’ll come for the rest of you.


Don Bacon, Nebraska’s GOP Representative, on Thing 45 and his treasonous acts:

“We don’t have a right to take top-secret information to our home. I’ve dealt with top secrets since I was 22 years old, in the military for 30 years now, and now in Congress. You don’t show our attack plans on Iran to people who are not cleared, or pick documents that talk about our nuclear technology or where our intelligence resources are located throughout the world. And that’s what happened there. And when the government asks for them back, you give them back. And if you deny having them, but then you have them, those are crimes.”

Simple. Direct. Truthful.

And from a  Republican who has the balls to stand up the MAGAts.


Chris Christie, GOP candidate for President, responding to Thing 45 calling him fat—and, yes, this is what passes for politics in America in 2023:

“What? Like he’s some Adonis? Please. I don’t know what his point is. You know what it is? It’s like a child. It’s a bully in the schoolyard who teases you and makes fun of you. But here’s my message to him: I don’t care what he says about me. I don’t care what he thinks about me. And he should take a look in the mirror every once in a while. Maybe he’d drop the weight thing off of his list of criticisms.”

I think you both should look in a mirror and quite being a couple of whiny bitches and really tell the American people why you should be president.

And it’s not because the other guy is fatter than you.


Newt Gingrich, Fox contributor, playing up the GOP lie of stolen elections:

“I think it’s probably almost impossible under current law to ensure an accurate election. And I think the only Republican strategy in the long run is to pick issues and win by margins so big that they can still win if you have a very close election. Democrats have a passion for stealing them. When you have the local union, which takes care of people in a nursing home going in to vote, the people who literally don’t cognitively know what they’re doing, that union is going to vote every single one of them for a Democrat no matter what their personal beliefs were. In states dominated by Democrats like New York, Illinois, California, you just have to assume that the machine will steal as much as it can.”

I think that with the GOP trying to circumvent people of color from voting—just see the latest rulings on voting in Louisiana and Alabama by the Supreme Court— Newt might be right, but he fails to see that it’s his own party that’s suppressing votes and making elections seem unfair.

But that’s Newt.


Adam Kinzinger, former Representative and CNN commentator, on the recent coup attempt in Russia:

“I think you have to start thinking through every worst-case scenario. So obviously Putin out of the picture, I think generally it would be great for the world, but you think about the instability in Russia that will inevitably come from that. Even if this whole supposed coup fails, there will be some instability in Russia, which has nuclear weapons. There’s concern about proliferation if the Russian republic falls apart into even more pieces. I think on the other hand too, this is extremely good for the war in Ukraine because even if as Prigozhin is marching on Moscow, even if that fails, Wagner is out of the fight and they were a significant part of this effort against Ukraine, not to mention that all around the world Wagner protects Russian interests, whether it’s in Africa, Libya, and other places. This is a massive blow to the Russian republic, and a massive blow to their military effort, and I will also say it’s a massive blow to the people here in the United States, like say Tucker Carlson, who have been parroting Putin talking points, to have Prigozhin, the head of Wagner himself, say those have been lies. There have been a lot of people parroting those Putin lies, and the head of Wagner even just said those are lies.”

Tucker Carlson would switch gears and say he’s never been pro-Putin because once a liar …



  1. “What? Like he’s some Adonis?" HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    1. Seriously, this is their attacks on one another?

  2. Harris is right! Bacon is smart! And Kinzinger's smart as a whip. Gingrich, on the other hand, started the "do nothing party," and the "shut up we're in charge" mentality that's become pervasive with Republicans and now knows history is going to write him off a loud mouth loser.

    1. Newtie has been irrelevant since Bill was in the White House but somehow people still think he matters ... I mean, people on the wingnut side.

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    the dog's mother
    And then the Supreme Court just
    ruled - you can refuse business
    to same sex couples. ak!
    xoxo :-)

    1. SCOTUS is not currently fit for purpose

    2. This is why elections matter. If people had done the right thing in 2016 rather than play the I Don't Like Her card, we wouldn't have this kind of Criminal and Backwards SCOTUS!
      Helen is spot on.

  4. The problem with Putrid is that someone worse, like Pregozhin, comes along and the tyranny descends into nightmares that even Heironymus Bosch was able to picture. Or a Putrid off balance could descend there on his own cognisance. At the moment Russia is unstable and Xi could take advantage of that.

    1. Vlad off his rocker is more terrifying than Vlad shirtless ON his rocker.

  5. Kinzinger's right. And Russia is a time bomb. If it's not Vlad, someone else will be at the helm of that dumpster fire of corruption, greed and politics. It's not going to end well.
    Love me some Kamala. And Newt can go fuck himself and his mistress cum wife.


    1. I like the common sense and intelligence of a Kamala, Bacon and Kinzinger!

  6. Kamala Harris also made an appearance at the Stonewall Inn this season as well. And iil take Christie over the dump any day....but i think he is running simply to irritate and drive the dump nuts. Now give those boys a Krispy Creme.

    1. I cannot believe Christie thinks he has a shot, but maybe he just wants to siphon votes away from Thing 45 and DeSaster?

  7. Chris Christie is hardly my favorite guy but he IS right about Trump and the bullying. Trump has the emotional mentality of a 7th grader.

    Isn't Newt Gingrich dead yet?

    My concern about Prigozhin is Lukachenko's motive for giving him sanctuary in Belarus. Lukachenko has always been a steadfast Putin ally and I'm sure he wouldn't do that unless it helps Putin in some way. So why is it good for Putin to have Wagner in Belarus? Attacking Ukraine from another angle, perhaps? Hmmmm...

    1. But then here's Christie stooping to that, "No, you're fat" politics and it's not gonna work. Ignore the jabs and go after the criminal record.
      Newt is dead but no one told him.
      Putin is never to be trusted; even if he dies I wouldn't trust it.

  8. Christie... the worm turns. Gingrich... the maggot. Like Kamala Harris said, “Outrageous.”

    1. And Kamala was being polite!

  9. How fast can I vote for Kamala?


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