
Friday, May 05, 2023

I Didn't Say It

Roy Wood Jr., comic host of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, mocking Clarence Thomas being accused of decades-long corruption through his close relationship with right-wing activist billionaire Harlan Crow:

“Anti-CRT policies are an attack on Black history and an attempt to erase the contributions of Black people. You are trying to erase Black people, and a lot of Black people wouldn’t mind some of that erasure as long as that Black person is Clarence Thomas. A billionaire named Harlan Crow is flying Clarence Thomas all over the world on unreported trips like a Instagram model taking Clarence to the Maldives and the beaches and all—paid for his momma’s house—a billionaire paid for Clarence Thomas momma’s house. I gotta give it up to billionaires, billionaires, boy, y’all, y’all. Y’all always come up with something new to buy. Like just when you think of everything you could buy on Earth, a billionaire will come up with a new thing. Y’all buy space rockets, you bought Twitter. This man bought a Supreme Court justice. Do you understand how rich you have to be to buy a Supreme—a Black one on top of that. There’s only two in stock, and Harlan Crow owns half the inventory. We can all see Clarence Thomas, but he belongs to billionaire Harlan Crow. And that’s what an NFT is.”

Wood ain’t wrong. And now we have learned that Harlan crow, Clarence’s “dear friend,” also paid for the tuition of Thomas’ grandnephew.

The court is corrupt when a justice’s wife aids in an insurrection and when that same justice is bought and paid for by a billionaire.


Samuel Alito, conservative Supreme Court Justice, saying he has a “pretty good idea” who leaked the Roe draft:

“I personally have a pretty good idea who is responsible, but that’s different from the level of proof that is needed to name somebody. It was a part of an effort to prevent the Dobbs draft … from becoming the decision of the court. And that’s how it was used for those six weeks by people on the outside—as part of the campaign to try to intimidate the court.”

He knows but has no proof? That’s how a Supreme Court Justice acts? Well, when it’s an activist justice rewriting the Constitution to fit his own personal conservative world view, yeah. Funny, though, that he gave the interview as the stories about Thomas and Gorsuch and Roberts making money off people with business before the court and not reporting it.

We see you, Sammy Alito, and we know you’re as corrupt as the other conservative justices.


José Andrés, world renowned chef and activist, blasting Texas GOP Governor Gregg Abbott for dehumanizing five Texas mass shooting victims by calling them “illegal immigrants”:

“Nobody is illegal in heaven ‘dear’ governor! Nobody! And in life at the most are just undocumented! You speak with hate about immigrants, and that rhetoric is what may have created this situation in the first place. Show some empathy … that’s what good leaders do.”

It’s as if Abbott suggest that the murder of these alleged undocumented immigrants is somehow okay because of their status … akin to saying it would be okay if they were LGBTQ+ or people of color.

This is the GOP where if you’re killing the people they hate, then there’s no need for concern.

It would be like suggesting that someone push Abbott and his wheelchair down a flight of stairs because he’s a racist POS.


Kristi Noem, South Dakota’s wingnut GOP governor, proving to the world who is really grooming children:

“Little Miss Addie, who is almost two, and Branch who’s just a few months old, they have brought us so much joy. They’ve brought us purpose. Now Addie, who you know—soon will need them, I wanna reassure you, she already has a shotgun and she already has a rifle and she’s got a little pony named Sparkles too. So the girl is set up.”

The child is two years old and needs a gun? That’s what I call grooming and it's sickening.


Lizzo, on bringing out the drag queens at her recent Tennessee concert in protest of the state’s anti-drag bill:

“In light of recent and tragic events and current events, I was told by people on the internet, ‘cancel your shows in Tennessee,’ ‘don’t go to Tennessee.’ Their reason was valid, but why would I not come to the people who need to hear this message the most? Why would I not create a safe space in Tennessee where we can celebrate drag entertainers and celebrate our differences? I don’t have any intersections in my mind about the people who have been marginalized, who deserve to be celebrated and uplifted, so I feel very parallel to the queer community, because I’m fighting for the same freedoms that they’re fighting for. We can march together and make this a party. That’s why I’ve always been so connected to the Queer community. Drag Queens were the first people who put my music on, and saw my music, and identified heavily with it in the beginning. I would be so excited to do Pride this year for a few reasons. I can’t talk about it right now, but when the music comes out, I think people are going to be very happy.”

Be like Lizzo; stand up; speak up; sing out.

Spread the word that this anti-drag hate is a smokescreen to get people to forget the GOP supports slaughtering children in schools, banning books, ignoring Black and Indigenous histories, and trampling on the rights of our trans brothers and sisters.



  1. Replies
    1. I truly admire her for her pro-LGBTQ+ and drag queen stance.
      I also like that she apparently says, after each concert, that she knows she's a big girl, and she loves the way her audience connects with her, and then she dares them to go out into the world and treat all "big girls" like the crowds treat her.

  2. I agree - Listen to Lizzo!
    xoxo :-)

  3. I actually watched the WHCD and it was a riot. Roy was in rare form and Uncle Joe dunked on the Repugs. What's not to love?
    As for Alito and Kristi? Fuck them.
    Love Lizzo and José Andrés. They always make me smile.


    1. Both Lizzo and José Andrés speak up and out and loud! We should all take lessons.

  4. Roy Wood Jr. José Andrés. Lizzo.
    Thank the goddesses for them.

    Samuel Alito. Kristi Noem.
    May they burn in the hell they create.

  5. Seemingly the only SCOTUS right-wing judge without any current scandals is Rabbit Barrel. Perhaps that's because she's a handmaid?

    1. I think we just haven't learned of her scandals.

  6. I am so disillusioned and disappointed with everything and this government and politicians. No one knows who to trust and just why so much crooked activity especially from justices it's allowed to go on. And who wants to investigate? Christ will take 6 and 7 years to investigate. I mean we're still investigating Trump on s*** and it's already been 5 years later. And I was on the South Dakota governors Instagram when I saw that news article a couple weeks ago and asked her just why a 2-year-old needs a rifle and the shotgun? Be a shame if it was the accidentally go off and kill the governor or worse yet her grandchild. How would she explain that?

    1. I don't think these gun nuts would ever change their minds even if they, or a loved one, were gunned down.
      Look at Steve Scalise; he was shot by a loon with a gun and still is all for gun rights.

  7. Thomas is worse than an NFT. Alito's desperately trying to keep the conservative court's heads above the sewage line, and failing. Andres is right, but then we already knew Abbott was shit.

  8. krayolakris1:38 PM

    I’m finding the flight of stairs scenario very attractive.

    1. Yeah, it's kinda mean, though .... ah Hell, couldn't happen to a more deserving asshat!

  9. So when little Addie gets PO'd with her little brother Branch and blows him away with her one will be fussed, right?
    Christ on a cracker, these people are stupid!

    1. I have no problem with people owning guns, if they are stable and responsible, but giving a gun to a two-year-old proves Noem is neither of those things.

  10. I hope there are more Lizzos and Jose Andres out there instead of Abbott and Noem. Sometimes it doesn't feel that way but I really have to believe that isn't the case or I might go crazy. Take care, Bob.

    1. We need all the Lizzos and Joses to speak up!

  11. A two year old with a gun? Child abuse, placing a child at risk,


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