
Sunday, April 02, 2023

The Funny Papers


  1. For some reason, Orange Life Matters stuck because he will say and do anything to endear himself to his base.

  2. Sad and funny this week, very-very good selection

  3. Saw a meme the other day which said: "'Thoughts and prayers' is American slang for 'Tough Shit.'" -- just about right.

  4. Some very pointed strong ones today and all and all of them sadly true. I still suspect something bad is going to happen in this country yet.

    And is it me or has Trump looked even more crazier and more orange on the news lately?

  5. A great group, Bob. Children on a cross is brutal.

  6. The shooting ones are depressingly right on target. No further words needed.

    1. Hadn't intended the horrible pun, but there it is.

  7. aussieguy11:02 AM

    Definitely joining the Alvin Bragg fan club! We often comment around the house how fucked up this country is and we don't see things improving anytime soon. Truly a sad & depressing time for all of us. Sickens me that the orange moron's supporters are actually rallying behind him and donating. Keep hoping to wake up and realize this was just a horrible nightmare.

  8. t____ in the high chair!
    xoxo :-)

  9. Damn, the ones with the young children are absolutely heart-breaking. AND the fact that one political party is in bed with the NRA and gun nuts is beyond disheartening.

  10. I miss the day when the funny pages made me laugh.

  11. They should make billboards of some of these cartoons and put them up all around DC and in every state capitol. How can anyone not be moved to action on gun control?

  12. I agree with Mitchell. These are so very depressing, I think I'll go over to Maddie's Casa and look at the flowers again.

  13. You're going to need a few dozen new pencils to see you through to summer break.

  14. It's fascinating how caricatures seem to evolve with passage of time as artists become more and more familiar with their subjects. For example, I love the way that Hajo de Reijger from The Netherlands now depicts Trump with his extra long tie and his tiny little feet. Swift, confident lines as the former (fake) president takes on a blocky appearance.

  15. This Sunday's comics were especially brilliant, Bob. I was particularly struck by the 1970s v today. Gosh. WTF.
    The gun violence epidemic is more deadly than Covid and apparently has no vaccines.
    Thank you for continuing your passionate support of the right side of history on every issue. Onward.


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