
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Mid-Week Update

We had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon, and the good news is that my Dad doesn't need surgery. The not so good news is that this kind of break may take six weeks to heal, so he'll be on limited duty for a while but gets better every day. He has a checkup with the doctor again in two weeks and will be able to start some rehab exercises to get the arm and shoulder back to normal.

I will stay the rest of this week to see how he's doing, then get his list of friends and such to help him out as needed.

Thanks' for all the positive thoughts; much appreciated.


  1. Good to hear from you and great
    to hear the news. All the good vibes
    for ease of healing.
    xoxo :-)

  2. No probs. Looking forward to opinion returning to the Internet.

  3. This is indeed good news!! As a dutiful son you will line up the monitors to ensure Dad is doing is therapy/rehabilitation as required. As you know, patience is key. Wishing Dad a speedy recovery.

  4. So much better than the news could have been. Glad to read it. Thanks for keeping us informed. I think about you and your father every day. You are an exceptional son.

  5. I am sure that, like the good son that you are, you will be preparing a load of meals for the freezer for your Dad to make sure he's eating well to help him get well

  6. Well, not needing surgery is good news indeed! Wishing your Dad all the best as he heals.

  7. Will your dad be able to drive his car when you have flown home?

    1. Not right away, but he has a friend who will help him with that [driving] especially now that he doesn't need surgery.

  8. I hope the healing process is fast and painless

  9. Well that certainly good news he doesn't need surgery. Also on the plus side at least you get to spend some time with your father. We're just glad all is well involved.

  10. I'm glad our Dad doesn't need surgery. Hope he heals quickly.

  11. aussieguy6:02 PM

    No surgery is always a good thing. Quality family time is a good thing. All in all, great news! So glad for all of you.

  12. Ohhh
    That's good news. I hate surgeries. Ugh. Can't.


  13. Good to hear, safe travels

  14. Get well soon dad!

  15. Really good news. No surgery is always best if it is an option. Just hope he is not as stuborn and pig headed as I am. Physical Therapy/Rehab is not painless and I bitch and moan every step of the way.

  16. krayolakris8:50 AM

    That’s great news! Best wishes for speedy recovery.

  17. That's great news! I'm sure Carlos will be happy to have you home when it's time.

  18. Happy to hear surgery isn't required. I hope the recovery goes smoothly. Thanks for the update.


  19. Hi Bob. Good to hear that no surgery is required. Hang in there and take care.


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