
Saturday, April 15, 2023

I Didn't Say It

Dan Crenshaw, Texas GOP Congressman, jumped on the Boycott Bud Light bandwagon in a video and showed us all that he’s just another clueless fool:

“Saw Bud Light’s stupid ad campaign, so guess what we’re going to do? We’re going to throw out every single Bud Light we’ve got in the fridge. Alright, well I guess that was easy.”

Oops, no Bud Light in the fridge to throw out because it was filled with Karbach beer … owned by Bud Light parent company Anheuser-Busch.

I was gonna make a joke about the eye patch hindering his ability to see his own ignorance, but I won’t.



Ron DeSantis, on being Bitch Slapped by Mickey:

“Now that the Disney has reopened this issue we’re not just going to void the development agreement they tried to do. We’re going to look at things, like taxes on the hotels, we’re going to look at things like tolls on the roads, we’re going to look at things like developing some of the property that the district owns. They are not superior to the people of Florida. So come hell or high water we’re going to make sure that policy of Florida carries the day. They can keep trying to do things. But ultimately we’re going to win on every single issue involving Disney, I can tell you that.”

Let me allow the Orlando Sentinel to respond, as they did in an editorial this week, asking DeSantis to go back to:

“Running a massive state government where people are dying every day of drug overdoses and mass shootings that you barely acknowledge. Where school boards across the state are grimly awaiting the final price tag of the economically reckless voucher bill you just signed. Where insurance rates are skyrocketing and damage claims from back-to-back hurricanes are being summarily denied. Where, every day, we’re discovering more cracks your machinations have inflicted on the fundamental integrity of Florida’s own government. If Disney executives had responded to DeSantis in the same vengeful vein—by pulling back even a small fraction of the resources the company has invested in Florida—the economic wreckage could have been massive.”

Then the paper Disney’s response to DeSantis “elegant and witty” and said, if anything, DeSantis has created a “situation where Disney has more control, and potentially more secrecy, than it ever did.”



Lindsey Graham, confirmed bachelor, lying about pro-choice Democrats on Fox News … again:

“I’m very pro-life, and I think being pro-life is a winning message. I oppose late-term abortions. I have a bill to set a national minimum standard of 15 weeks. 50 of the 53 European nations ban abortion at 15 weeks. I have an exception for rape, incest, and life of the mother. … The Democratic solution when it comes to abortion is taxpayer-funded abortion up to the moment of birth. That’s barbaric. That’s like China. That’s like North Korea. We can win this issue at the ballot box if we show up with reasonable positions.”

You can’t win, ma’am, because you’re a pandering lying twazcock.

Pro-life isn’t a winning message; allowing women to make their own choices about their own bodies and their own healthcare without the input of an ambiguously—well not so much—gay, lifelong bachelor is a winning message.

Look at Wisconsin, dumbass.


Will Cain, Fox & Friends host, lying about that protest by Democrats in the Tennessee statehouse:

“I’m listening to President Biden, and I’m just trying to understand—and I’m going to feign some inability to understand this because I fully get that the use of protecting democracy or accusing something of being undemocratic is just a proxy for ‘I want you to lose.’ So during January 6th, people condemn-ably rioted and stormed the Capitol and it is described as undemocratic. In Tennessee, people stormed the Capitol, interrupted the democratic process, and used bullhorns. And if you punish them, that’s undemocratic. It’s undemocratic as long as it is in disfavor with Joe Biden.”

Will? You’re an ass.

On 1/6 violent extremists broke into the US Capitol building; broke into private offices of Senators and Congresspeople; some of them were arm; some of them smeared their feces along the walls; some of them attacked police officers; some of them stole private property.

In Tennessee, a peaceful protest occurred with no violence, no injury, no death, but one young Congressman was kicked out of the statehouse because he used a bull horn.

One of these things is nothing like the other and for you to suggest they are the same is so totally Fox News Lies of you.



  1. They never would, but it would be funny if the whole thing with Disney backfire and they announced that they were leaving the state. Could you imagine how that economy would crash and all the jobs that would not be there? That would hurt Florida huge. I admit that would be very entertaining.

  2. Dan should go into stand-up comedy. Ronnie D? That man is oblivious to reality. I'm betting Lyndsey ends up doing jail time for his involvement with Georgia. Fox will lie themselves into bankruptcy.

  3. Yup, it pays to be nice to
    Mickey Mouse!
    xoxo :-)

  4. That Fox News lies is not news, just a matter of course. You cannot believe a word any of their presenters say. As for Lindsay Graham....what can one say other that he need Mummy Donald's approval so badly it makes the viewer cringe.

  5. Wow, that's a whole lot of stupid all in one post. I must admit I laughed at Crenshaw. That's truly MTG stupid.

  6. No, you certainly did not say this. Dumb just keeps getting dumber.

  7. I enjoyed the eye patch very rakish

  8. Every time I see Wrong de SankTizz open his mouth, his tiredly over-used 'anti-' word is always the 'w' one. I just wish someone would PLEASE tell him to define the word other than simply being "anything I don't like" 'cos I'm darned sure that that's how all his zealots use it - so why doesn't he just SAY it? Meantime, as long as he uses it intending it to be a general slur those of us proud to be 'woke' need also to employ it as often as we can. I only wish the Dems would take the lead and brandish the word as regularly as he does but positively, thus removing the present 'sting' that he presumes is contained therein. WOKE, WOKE, WOKE FOREVER!!!!

  9. Florida has gone off the deep end.

    1. The politics of Florida Man.

  10. How about some of that European healthcare, Lindsay? No?

    What Crenshaw doesn't realize is, as a comic book artist explained to me over ten years ago, his ilk are toxic to the brand. They're not wanted in the first place. Simple business calculation.


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