
Friday, March 17, 2023

I Didn't Say It

Chasten Buttigieg, on Michael Elizabeth Pence’s homophobic and misogynistic “joke” about Pete Buttigieg taking “maternity” leave after the birth of his children:

“The thing about what he said is, it flies in the face of what he says he is. He says he’s a family values Republican, so I don’t think he’s practicing what he preaches. But it’s part of a much bigger trend: attacking families. And it wasn’t just about attacking the LGBTQ community, because someone wrote this [joke] and he checked it and purposely said, ‘maternity leave’ rather than ‘paternity leave,’ but also, it’s a bigger conversation about the work that women do in families, right?  … I think is a pretty misogynistic view, especially from a man who just last year said that we should be supporting more people who adopt. And you know, I spoke up for two reasons. One, I’m always going to stick up for my family, especially my kid. I know we all struggle to find a balance between work and family life and I’ve never seen someone work harder than my husband to find that balance. But I think Republican or Democrat, we can all agree that when your child, our prematurely born child, barely five pounds, when your kid is connected to a ventilator, you don’t want to be anywhere but at their bedside. So watching Gus in the hospital, for anyone who has ever experienced having a child in the ICU, when their tiny little hand is gripping around your finger. You know, I would watch Pete have to peel Gus’ fingers back and duck into the little bathroom in his room so he could do a Zoom with a virtual background so nobody would see that he’s in the hospital. The other reason I spoke up is because, like I mentioned, we all have an obligation to hold people accountable for when they say something wrong, especially when it’s misogynistic, especially when it’s homophobic. And I just don’t take that when it when it’s directed at my family.”

Let’s be clear, Michael Elizabeth Pence cares about children of straight white people, and that’s all. And, as Pete said, when asked about the “joke,” he was shocked because just the week before he’d met Pence and Pence specifically asked how his children were doing.

So, clearly this “joke” was meant for his base of haters and homophobes and misogynists, and Michael Elizabeth Pence won’t ever apologize because he’s a spineless asshat.


Michael Elizabeth Pence, former Vice President, trying to prove he has some balls and will stand against Thing 45:

“[Thing 45] was wrong. I had no right to overturn the election and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know that history will hold [him] accountable. ‘Tourists’ don’t injure 140 police officers by sightseeing; ‘tourists’ don’t break down doors to get to the Speaker of the House or voice threats against public officials. Make no mistake about it, what happened that day was a disgrace, and it mocks decency to portray it in any other way.”

And yet this little bitch won’t testify about what Thing 45 did on January 6.


Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader rebuking Fox News Lies for airing selectively edited footage of the January 6 assault on the Capitol:

“With regard to the presentation on Fox News last night, I want to associate myself entirely with the opinion of the chief of Capitol Police about what happened on January 6. My concern is how it was depicted, which is a different issue. It was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that’s completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks.”

But, again, Fox Lies; I mean, we’ve all heard their boss and the minions admit as much.


Ben Shapiro, MAGAt host of a podcast, on Thing 45 at CPAC:

“This is not the [Thing 45] that’s going to win him any primaries or the presidency. The [Thing 45]  who is on the revenge trail for his 2020 loss is not the guy that people actually love. It doesn’t make people love him to see this sort of stuff. Again, if you’re a [Thing 45]  fan, you should be encouraging him to do more of the East Palestine stuff and less of this.”

More of the East Palestine stuff? Like going to McDonalds? Like basically campaigning on the site of a natural disaster created by his administration.


Michael Steele, former RNC chair, on Large Marge’s call for national divorce.

“She has no clue what the hell she’s talking about. Why do we listen to this crazy fool? Marjorie Taylor Greene, please just shut the hell up. Do us all a favor. You are an embarrassment to the Republican Party and to the country as a congresswoman. We fought that war. A Republican president lost his life over trying to save the union, and this fool wants to split it? So, here we go. This is the kind of crazy that requires a lot of heavy thinking because she isn’t. Red states are paid for largely by blue states. If you want this divorce, figure out how you’re gonna pay for it.”

Nice sentiment, except Large Marge says these things for the clicks and the social media hits; sure, she’s an ignorant, racist, Adulterous, dumb bitch, but most of the crap that falls from her mouth f for attention.


Junior, crying and high, about being banned from Fox News by … Paul Ryan?

“[Paul Ryan] is the guy on the board of Fox News, which also explains a lot about the direction and some of the content I’m seeing out there folks. This explains, to me, almost everything, frankly. I know I haven’t been invited on in six months, so I’m sure that’s him pushing his RINO, America Last, war-forever garbage to the Democrats’ agenda.”

Er, Junior? Maybe Fox News wants to wait until you come down from your cocaine induced frenzy before allowing your jittery stuttering ass to spew more lies on the network.



  1. Pence is desperately trying to get the Evangelical vote, so expect worse things to come out of his hypocritical mouth. Steele understand the damage MTG is doing and his complaint might actually accelerate the downfall of the Republican Party. And Junior? I suspect he will flee the country once the indictments start to fall.

    1. MEP claims it was a joke, but, yeah, homophobia is never funny.
      Junior will go to work for one of the cartels when the empire, such as it is, falls.

  2. All of this is getting hard to seems to get worse each day. And mostly, there is little we can actually do to change the minds and hearts of the haters and bigots.

    1. All these GOPers who aren't Thing 45 are p[laying to his base and the more middle-of-the road Republicans; but playing both sides will never get you to the White House.

  3. (Chasten Buttigieg)
    xoxo :-)

    1. I'm right there with you!

  4. Oh, Pence is as exciting as week-old mayonnaise. He does not have a chance to win anything but he'll try. You know Mother will not let him go online to do 'research' if he does not hit the election trail...
    I love Chasten. I think his story with Pete is super cute. I have friends like them.
    As for Junior, he REALLY is that high all the time, right? It cannot be an act. It cannot...


    1. I like that Chasten has zero fucks for the likes of MEP!
      Junior is clearly almost always on something.

  5. Dang it, I missed the tales of Carlos this week because I am day late. Sorry, Carlos. I listened to a speech from Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney about LGBTQ adoption and it was amazing. He also shared a different perspective that I never considered. If you have not seen it, Bob, I highly recommend it. I wanted to mention that after reading about Pence and how the GOP says they are for the kiddos but their words and action don't back it up. Rolling back child labor lows? Hello. Have a great weekend and happy St. Patrick's Day.

    1. The GOP is not about children, they're abut guns and control, but NOT gun control!
      I look for Maloney's speech. Thanks for the tip.

  6. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Bless the Buttegiegs. Fuck the rest (channeling Anne Marie).

  7. That's me, Moving with Mitchell, channeling Anne Marie. I'm suddenly anonymous.

    1. Never Anonymous!!! I spotted you as Anne Marie right away! Both she and I stand with you!!

  8. May we conclude that life is hunky dory in "the land of the free"?

    1. We might be more funky gory?

  9. Only a bigoted bloviating idiot (who thinks he has a chance in hell of being the Republican nominee in 2024) would be unpleasant enough to sneer at a man spending time with his child in hospital. I cannot bear these "faux" Christians who don't seem to follow the lead of Jesus in loving everyone.

  10. I am beyond Thunder Dome over Thingie 45 and his jolly ignorant crew of haters. Over as in past done. Past done as in how is this man still walking around without handcuffs, playing golf in anything other than an orange jumpsuit that matches his orange hair?
    Surely Murdaugh and Thingie 45 belong in the Big House together.
    Lock him up.
    Lock the Fox News Nuts up with Large Marge.
    Lock Thingie Junior up with Daddy and Murdaugh.
    I am way over these people.
    Oh, yes, and Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day.

    1. I am loving all your thoughts!


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