
Friday, March 10, 2023

I Didn't Say It

RuPaul, finally speaking out, offhandedly, about the assault from the right on drag queens:

“Hey, look over there! A classic distraction technique, distracting us away from the real issues that they were voted into office to focus on: jobs, healthcare, keeping our children safe from harm at their own school. But we know that bullies are incompetent at solving real issues. They look for easy targets so they can give the impression of being effective. They think our love, our light, our laughter and our joy are signs of weakness. But they’re wrong because that is our strength. Drag queens are the Marines of the queer movement. Don’t get it twisted and don’t be distracted. Register to vote so we can get these stunt queens out of office and put some smart people with real solutions into government. And by the way, a social media post has never been as powerful as a registered vote.”

And along with a vote, Ru, we need people in positions of power, people with a fan base of sorts, to speak up and out and loudly.


D.L. Hughley, responding to the haters who don’t like Chris Rock talking Will and Jada in his new comedy special:

“If you love comedy, if you are a student of the art, if you are one of the few remaining people that allow for creative expression, then you walked away from this with the same sentiment. Side note … That happened to HIM, to CHRIS … and the ENTIRE WORLD got to weigh in and talk trash and make jokes and ‘shoulda, woulda, coulda’ the whole damn thing to death. OTHER COMEDIANS have bits about it, it was an opener for most of us. The ONE PERSON YOU NEVER HEARD FROM ABOUT IT WAS CHRIS!! So NOW, that HE decides to address it on HIS TIME, people have the audacity to say: ‘he’s bitter … Why is he still talking about that … let it go … or the best one WE’VE MOVED ON.’ So YOU got to speak on it but he can’t??? Y’all are a straight f*ckin trip.”

I rarely agree with Hughley but this time he was spot on; we heard from the entire world and from Will and Jada and their demon spawn, while the only one not talking was Rock. Now he has, and, for me, it was brilliant.


Tucker Carlson, the man who was caught on tape saying he doesn’t like Thing 45, trying to rewrite Insurrectionist History this week, proving yet again what most of us know: Fox Lies:

“Taken as a whole, the video record does not support the claim that January 6 was an insurrection. In fact, it demolishes that claim. And that’s exactly why the Democratic Party and its allies in the media prevented you from seeing it. By controlling the images you are allowed to view from January 6, they controlled how the public understood that day. They could lie about what happened and you would never know the difference. Those lies had a purpose. They created a pretext for a federal crackdown on opponents of the uniparty in Washington. The crowd was enormous. A small percentage of them were hooligans. They committed vandalism. You’ve seen their pictures again and again. But the overwhelming majority weren’t. They were peaceful. They were orderly and meek. These were not insurrectionists. They were sightseers.”

Sightseers don’t break into buildings, vandalize it, kill people, shit on the walls and ransack offices, Fucker. But let’s try this: let’s have “sightseers” head to Carlson’s house and break in and wipe their feces on his walls and steal his stuff and see how that little lying bitch complains and moans.

In addition, Fucker Carlson and his ilk at Fox “News” should be held responsible for 1/6/2022 because they knowingly lied about the election and spurred those ignorant MAGAt’s on.


Matt Walsh, Daily Wire host, saying that having a trans child is “a fate worse than death”:

“I hear from parents all the time, just these horror stories of, you know, I raised my kid, I did everything right. I even homeschooled. I did, whatever. And then one day my daughter at 16 comes home and declares that she’s a boy. And from that moment, it’s just she is devoured by this cult almost overnight and becomes unrecognizable. She wants nothing to do with us anymore. I’ve heard the story so many times and it’s terrifying. It’s horrific. You know, it’s—I think as a parent, it’s like a fate worse than death in a lot of ways. You’re losing your child. It’s like a death of a child while they’re still alive and—so that’s what makes it, I suppose, personal for me.”

He hears from parents ALL the time and yet doesn’t produce one parent to corroborate his story? It would be a fate worse than death to have Matt Walsh, ignorant, lying, transphobic bigot as your parent.


Michael Knowles, another host on The Daily Wire, speaking at CPAC about what to do with transgender people:

“The problem with transgenderism is not that it’s inappropriate for children under the age of 9. The problem with transgenderism is that it isn’t true. If [transgenderism] is false, then for the good of society… transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely.”

How very Hitler of him. But keep in mind, he’s preaching to the GOP choir, which means we all need to vote, and get the hate out of Congress.


Steven Spielberg, on the of Anti-Semitism in the world today:

“I find it very, very surprising. Anti-Semitism has always been there, it’s either been just around the corner and slightly out of sight but always lurking, or it has been much more overt like in Germany in the ’30s. But not since Germany in the ‘30s have I witnessed Anti-Semitism no longer lurking, but standing proud with hands on hips like Hitler and Mussolini, kind of daring us to defy it. I’ve never experienced this in my entire life, especially in this country. Somehow, the marginalizing of people that aren’t part of some kind of a majority race is something that has been creeping up on us for years and years and years. Hate became a kind of membership to a club that has gotten more members than I ever thought was possible in America. And hate and antisemitism go hand in hand, you can’t separate one from the other. I think [Anne Frank was] right when she said that most people are good. And I think essentially at our core, there is goodness and there is empathy.”

Still, another quote springs to mind, attributed to many people, including Simon Wiesenthal:

“All it takes for evil to flourish, is for good men to do nothing.”

Stand up against the hate … the anti-Semites, the anti-drag queens, the anti-LGBTQ+, the anti-books, the anti-history, the anti-women …



  1. "Stand up against the hate … the anti-Semites, the anti-drag queens, the anti-LGBTQ+, the anti-books, the anti-history, the anti-women …"
    Spot on, Bob!
    xoxo :-)

    1. It's what needs to be done to stop this shiz!

  2. Ru Paul's hit the nail on the head! And so has Hughley. I watched some of the Chris Rock special and thought he very tastefully destroyed Will and Jade (something) Smith. Everything he said was true. Spielberg also hits the nail on the head. The Haters are everywhere.

    1. Truth should win out every time; sadly, it doesn't.

  3. I have a trans child and he has been the blessing of my life. He has enriched our family in more ways than I can count.

  4. Haters "standing proud with hands on hips like Hitler and Mussolini, kind of daring us to defy it" -- that's exactly what they're doing. The time to condemn Haters and remove them from power is now, not later.

  5. Sometimes I wonder who Tucker Carlson shares his brain cells with. Talk about lies, the man wouldn't know the truth if it smacked him in the face.
    Your last sentence is perfect, and should become a slogan.

    1. I think Tucker spews his lies because it gets him a good paycheck and that's all he really cares about.

  6. In the UK a former football player and commentator talked about legislation to stop people crossing the Channel to seek refuge in the UK. He used terms very similar to Steven Spielberg's and he is being condemned by the anti-refugee portion of the media for using Nazi terminology when talking about the evil legislation the UK government wants to make into law, against the wishes of the UN, the British Board of Jews, of Amnesty and of the many, many British people of all political backgrounds who do not believe in throwing asylum seekers into the sea to swim back to France (if they can). These objectors to the truth use anti-Semitic tropes against their enemies when it suits them, yet are quite happy to stoke anger against the Jews when appropriate.

    1. Anti-Semitism is on the rise AGAIN, proving we have learned nothing.

  7. Yes Mawmah!!
    It was also about time Ru would let them HAVE it. She's one of the most visible Drag artists in the world.
    Walsh and Knowles are soulless ghouls. Hate them.
    Fucker Carlson is a liar and a grifter. His heavily edited 'walks through the Capitol' are propaganda. We saw the MAGAts destroying it. I hope they sue his ass into oblivion.
    I have to watch the Rock special.


    1. I wish Ru had been more in their face, though I will take this.
      Chris Rock spoke his truth, after a year of everyone else having a thought; he deserves that much.

  8. Chris Rock has every right to say his piece - and he did it rather well didn't he!

  9. “I did everything right. I even homeschooled.” Yeah, I'd eventually want nothing to do with you either. I wish Matt Walsh would bring forth all those people. They must be on the roof shooting off guns with Drumpf's 9/11 celebrants.

    1. These fools are of the "some of my best friends are ... " and "lots of people tell me" brand of liars.

  10. I can only quote John Fowles in THE MAGUS. "It is not that one person did something so bad but that it took so long for so many people to do what was right."

  11. Amen, sweetpea! xoxo

  12. RuPaul has a drag show on British TV. It's pretty popular. His reference to the "Hey! Look over there!" distraction technique is clever. It is a technique that politicians have used for decades - diverting voters' eyes from the things that really matter.

    1. That's our GOP, deflect by attacking drag queens so no one sees you're nothing but a bunch of traitorous goose-steppers.

  13. Tourists we welcome, rioters not so much. I can remember when inciting a riot was a crime that would land his fat @$$ in jail in a heartbeat.

    1. Tourists spend money and boost the economy; they don'
      t kill cops and sh*t on walls and steal things. It's really that simple.

  14. Amen! Stand up against the hate.

    I'm not sure RuPaul is correct when he says, "a social media post has never been as powerful as a registered vote." Social media is pretty damn powerful, as we've seen over and over.

    I can't even talk about Tucker Carlson. I'm convinced that guy is on Putin's payroll.


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