
Friday, February 10, 2023

I Didn't Say It

Mitt Romney, GOP Senator, after telling George Santos at the SOTU, that he didn’t belong there:

“He should be sitting in the back row and staying quiet instead of parading in front of the president and people coming into the room. Given the fact that he's under ethics investigation, he should be sitting in the back row and staying quiet instead of parading in front of the president and the people coming into the room. He shouldn't be in Congress and they’re going to go through the process and hopefully get him out. But he shouldn’t be there, and f he had any shame at all, he wouldn’t be there.”

Sadly, Mittsy, your party wants him there because he’s a vote they so desperately need. It’s a good thing the GOP has no conscience or spine because if they had then he’d never have been seated.


George Santos, responding to Romney:

“I think it’s reprehensible that the Senator would say such a thing to me in the demeaning way he said. It wasn’t very Mormon of him.”

It was very Catholic of Santos to lie about being Jewish, or his mother’s passing, or his relationships, or his grandparent’s history, so he’s the last person to have an opinion on anyone else.


Kevin McCarthy, House Speaker, for now, admitting Republicans “took the bait” by allowing President Biden to their childish heckling at the SOTU into political gold:

“The one thing we need to be is, we need to be smart. Don’t take the bait, stay with the American public about what we want to do.”

And yet they don’t know what they want to do. The border? They have no plan. Fentanyl? Nothing done. Inflation? Nope. But they have tons to say about a  laptop and gas stoves and drag queens and education and investigating the investigators investigating the GOP.


Steve Bannon, QAnon wingnut and whiny slob, on Sarah Huckleberry Sanders responding to the SOTU:

“If you’re going to give a counter speech, you’ve got to talk about important issues. Don’t get me wrong, the wokeism is very important. But it’s not quite the heart of the matter right now, right? It’s not the heart of the matter. She is not—the reason is she’s just not—she’s not intellectually capable of going to the heart of the matter, let’s be blunt.”

She’s not smart but she’s who the GOP chose which simply means the GOP is not smart.


Raphael Warnock, Georgia Democrat Senator, saying his new children’s book, “Put Your Shoes on and Get Ready!”, could be banned in Florida:

“Black history is the American story. That’s why I wrote this book. We have to reject the idea that our children will be so traumatized by the truth of our complicated American story that they can’t bear it. [This book] shows young readers that they, too, can find the power to be themselves and make a difference when they have the shoes that fit their feet.”

Children of color? Check. It’s definitely not going to be allowed in any Florida school, especially since a Democrat wrote it.


Megyn Kelly, podcaster, ripping CNN’s Don Lemon for screaming at his CNN This Morning co-anchor Kaitlan Collins:

“If somebody ever screamed at me to the point where I was visibly upset and ran out of the studio, I would have that person fired. I will go out on a limb right now and tell you, that’s not the first time. There will be another woman who he’s co-anchored with—I guarantee you—who’s going to come out and say, ‘Me too.’ Because if you behave like that toward a colleague with whom you share the air and you share the show, this will not be the first time.”

Boy, this Megyn Kelly really stands up for women … unless you’re Dr. Jill Biden. That Megyn Kelly was pissy as hell because the First Lady was introduced as Dr. Biden and Kelly says she’s not a doctor.

Typical rightwingnut hypocrite.



  1. Megyn can take several seats, indeed. Such a self-righteous See You Next Tuesday.
    And the Repugs in disarray? Nothing more deserved. The way Mitt read Kitara Ravache? *chef's kiss'. Notice how that poor sap didn't have a comeback like the one she gave Trixie Mattel.
    As for Bannon (barf) letting Fuckabee have it for being, well, useless? Again, nothing more deserved.


  2. There was an interesting bit in The Hill this morning on how Republicans in the Senate are growing quite concerned about Santos, believing he's going to hurt them in 2024. They're growing upset because McCarthy will let the issue continue to grow and fester because he needs Santos' vote. I find this rather entertaining.

  3. I'm glad to see more and more evidence and these idiot republicans being at each other's throats. It would be delightful to see them bring themselves down. Can we hope? Nah... Not with the ugly Americans they have supporting them. That group doesn’t care what their pols do or say.

  4. Santos - what a clown show!
    xoxo :-)

  5. How long will it be before Floriduh bans all books? After all the proletariat does not need to be able to read, just to pull the Repugnant lever.

  6. I had to applaud Mittens for at least saying that to the Little Liar in public! As for the clown squad , those girls need to STFU and sit the Hell down! McCarthy is an idiot if, no BECAUSE, he thinks he can control them with appeals for civility and political common sense! I wish I had stock in popcorn because we're going to be snacking for the next 2 years watching this comedy show in Congress! xoxo

  7. So many turds, so few toilets.

  8. Dr Jill Biden received her doctorate in educational leadership from The University of Delaware in 2007 so suck on that Ms Kelly! Giving her youngest child the awful first name Thatcher says a lot about her. I wouldn't even call my waste-bin Thatcher! Poor kid.

  9. I thought that was so funny when Mitt Romney did that to George Santos I'm like good on you. And this may be the only time I've ever agreed with Megan Kelly that cunt. I do agree with her about Don Lemon. That's a little embarrassing and unprofessional to do on the air in front of the whole country.


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