
Friday, January 06, 2023

I Didn't Say It

Adam Kinzinger, on what he thinks will happen to Thing 45:

“If this is not a crime, I don’t know what is. If a president can incite an insurrection and not be held accountable, then really there’s no limit to what a president can do or can’t do. I think the Justice Department will do the right thing. I think he will be charged, and I frankly think he should be. If he is not guilty of a crime, then I frankly fear for the future of this country. I feel honored to be at this moment in history and to have done the right thing.”

I hope he’s charged, and I hope he’s tried, though I don’t think he’ll be found guilty. Of course, if he is, then he’ll run to some country where he can hide out for the rest of his miserable life and never, ever come back to this country, or make a dime in this country, I’ll be good with that.


Kevin Brady, Texas GOP Congressperson, thinks lying liar George Santos can be redeemed:

“We’re a country of second chances. And when you own up to this, then do what it takes to earn respect and trust again, you know, we’re willing to do that. So I’m hopeful, you know, he chooses the right path.”

Oh, you fool, this man has literally lied about every possible aspect of his life, from marriage to work to school to family history and is continuing to lie to this day … he Tweeted about being sworn into Congress though he hasn’t been sworn in at all because his party is a clusterfuck of ineptitude.

There is no redemption for this fool.


Michael Lawler, New York Representative-elect, also speaking about Santos:

“Listen, his conduct is embarrassing and unbecoming, and it is certainly a distraction. There are multiple investigations as you said. I have said he should cooperate fully with those investigations. His election has been certified, so he will be seated in this Congress. But ultimately, obviously, we will see what the investigations come back with. There are numerous investigations at federal state and local, as well as international. It’s very unfortunate and disappointing.”

These f%king Republicans. If Santos was a Democrat they’d be losing their shiz about seating him in Congress but their hypocrisy about their own party is boundless.


Chuck Coughlin, Arizona GOP consultant, on QAnon Kari’s fight to prove she isn’t a loser:

“It’s done in Arizona. I think the enormous amount of ill will that [Lake] is going to create as a result of the appeal—I mean, it’s OK to file a case, but then some of the stuff she’s been saying on media and posts and just the degradation of the Arizona institutions—I think is really going to hurt her out here.”

She’s a loon, just read on …


Kari Lake, losing candidate for Governor of Arizona, insists she would have been gracious in defeat if she believed that she lost her midterm election:

“Somebody said, ‘Oh, just be graceful, you lost.’ No, we didn’t lose. If I would have lost I would be graceful. But I don’t walk away when I’ve been the victim of a crime. It’s not just me. The people of Arizona have been the victim of a stolen election. And I promised when I ran for governor that I would stand up and fight for the people of Arizona every single day.”

Stand up and fight for them, Kari, but not as governor, because you lost, and if you don’t see how The Big Lie has ruined Donald J. Traitor, you’re a loser and stupid.

PS And for the love of the goddess, lay off the Vaseline smeared camera lenses.


Lauren Boebert, escort and Ted Cruz protégé, who barely eked out a win in the midterms, proving, sigh, yet again, that she is the dumbest human being in Congress and on the planet:

“Listen, no one wants shootings. No one wants death. But we need a way to protect ourselves. We need a way to actually end it. And if you look at statistics, if you look at the FBI and their database, well, places where American citizens are not infringed on their Second Amendment rights and they are actually able to carry their firearm lawfully, well, there aren’t mass shootings. Because they are an armed citizen presence to neutralize the threat. They’re coming after your guns.”

Oh Bobo, are you that stupid? Don’t answer, dear, it’s a rhetorical … look it up … question.

Texas, where there have been mass shootings at schools and churches and Walmart’s is an open carry state.

Nevada, where 59 concertgoers were slaughtered is open carry.

Even your state, Colorado, is open carry except in some counties, where Club Q shooting just happened.

You really should have stayed in school and not gone the hired escort route.



  1. I know that Adam K is now on his way out but he was almost making me think that there were SOME Repubs around who weren't total fools and clowns. I feel a bit safer on categorising them so now.

    1. I think a few other Republicans agreed with Kinzinger and Cheney but were afraid to speak up out of fear on Thing 45 and the lack of a spine.

  2. I like Adam. I'm glad to see he has a future, even if he's starting it at CNN. Most Republicans are going to go down with the ship. That's fine with me, especially since they seem to be relying on Santos to throw them a lifeline. Funny thing about Boebert: I've several comments now from different people about how likely it is that she's banging Matt Gaetz.😎😎😎

    1. Boebert went from Ted Cruz to Matt Gaetz. I guess it's true that there is no one she won't fuck if she thinks it'll get her attention.

  3. I hear that St George saved the USS Enterprise from the Klingons; why isn't that front page news? It's just pure hypocrisy from left wing media!

    1. Santos is Herschel Walker for the GOP; another Red vote no matter what else he is and does.

  4. "I’ll be good with that."
    Me too!
    xoxo :-)

    1. And take that grifting crime family of demon spawn with him.

  5. I really thought Boebert might moderate her tone, given how close she came to losing her seat. But no! She's doubling down!

    1. Boebert is more interested in social media clicks than do any moderation.

  6. I used to occasionally vote for Republicans in my state because the WA GOP was fairly moderate. But NOW? They are crazy and dangerous like all the rest of them. Will there be any consequences for 45 or Santos? I'm beginning to doubt it and am becoming more and more cynical. And discouraged.

    1. We have to keep voting, up and down ballot, and turn back these election denying, QAnon-spouting loons.

  7. A body that can't police itself is in trouble. Bibbity Bobbity Boebert is out of touch with reality.


    1. Convict with a GED is Lauren Boebert; former escort is Boebert; unfit, uneducated, unqualified is Boebert.

  8. It's Friday----

    Adam K's politics are far from the Democrat's core values BUT the question should be asked---Would You Hit It??

    I will excuse myself from the table.

  9. As usual Adam kinzinger kills it! Truth! I keep trying to mentally prepare myself now for when I go ballistic when Trump walks.

    1. I try to tell myself that when, and if, Thing 45 walks, he will have already run to a country with no extradition treaty in this country. And we ban him from ever returning here, and we seize every single one of his properties to prevent him , and his demon spawn, from making a dime off of them

  10. I have been reading about George Santos. Maybe if he had made one small error in an attempt to improve his political profile he might have been forgiven. However, it seems that this guy lied about almost everything and when his fabrications were unveiled he didn't have the decency to show even a modicum of remorse. Santos is the very definition of fraudulent behaviour. Was Donald J. Trump his private tutor?

    1. To me it sounds like he's lied about everything and that alone should preclude him from holding office.

  11. I can’t imagine Drumpf going to jail, but I do hope he's found guilty of every single thing he's been accused of and I do hope, at best, he loses any money that he doesn't have stashed in off-shore accounts and that he lives the rest of his life in exile and shame (in some shit hole).

  12. I watched the circus for an hour last night, the voters that elected some of these clowns need to seriously think if that is the kind of governance they want. Time for he who must not be named, to go away.


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