
Sunday, January 01, 2023

Happy New Year

I love a New Year.

A new start, so to speak, and the thought of infinite possibilities. The knowledge that we are coming out of those dark years after so long. I like the idea of being another year wiser, another year older … okay, that last one not so much. But, as I once told my sister who thought I never looked any older, The Gays aren't allowed to age, I don't mind the extra year under the belt … as long as it doesn’t puddle over my belt.

And I do look forward to doing more, and learning more, thinking more, reading more, loving more, laughing more. These aren't resolutions, as I don't make resolutions because when I do, they last about as long as it takes me to say ‘resolution.’ These are promises and wishes, hopes and dreams, positive thoughts that 2023 will be a far better year for all of us, around the world, than 2022.

So, I'll leave you all to have a good day, with a repost of some New Year’s Day thoughts:

The more things change :::blibbety blah blay bloo touch me::: the more they remain the same:  I am a believer in happiness. My parents raised their children to believe that happiness is all we really get in life, and that everything else follows. 

Things don't make us happy, at least not for long. And you can't expect people to make you happy either; you either have it to begin with, and others add to it, or you don't. If you don't believe that, just look around at all the sad, angry, lonely faces you pass on the street. Happiness is something you possess, that you give out, and get back. But we are each responsible for our own happiness; responsible to find it, to hold on to it; to nurture it and share it.

Without happiness in ourselves, for being ourselves, how can we expect to live fully and completely. We suffer loss every day; I've had my share and, sad to say, I know there's more to come, but I feel happy in the memories I have of those who've gone on ahead. I still, even as I reread this from years past, mourn the loss of our MaxGoldberg; that one hit me hard because he was pure happiness, and now he’s gone.

And, yes, I know it's hard to be happy when times are hard … 2020 and 2021 anybody? Sure, we have a new, better, smarter, kinder, more compassionate president, and he’s gotten a lot done, but there’s still more on his plate which makes me wonder if things will ever get better. I like to think it will, though it might not be the better I was thinking it would be, but I have seen tough times and I have seen it get better, so I will remain hopeful, because of the things I have learned.

I learned, from my Father the Teacher, never to stop learning and reading and speaking and, well, ranting; the more you learn, the more you grow, and understand, the more happiness you can accept. I've also learned that the best thing you can do for the people you love is to be there, when they need you.

I learned, from my Mother the Nurturer, to care for things, for people, for animals, for life; to make each day better for those around us, and to make it better for ourselves in the end. I have learned to hold family close; never let them go; whether it's the family you were born into, or the family you created out of necessity; hold on to them, and protect them, and love them. 

I learned, from my Sister the Temper, to speak up; why sit quietly and let things happen to you? Stand up and demand the things you want, the happiness you want. Don't settle. 

I learned, from my Brother the Father … well, let’s just say he taught me that people change dramatically … ignore science, even after contracting COVID; that people who never voted will support a traitorous rapist racist. He taught me that people change, and not always for the better.

I learned from the internet that, while we all may have different lives and different backgrounds and different ideas, we can communicate and listen and learn. I thank all of you for your blogs and the things you say that make me laugh and smile, cray and rant, and even sometimes sing and dance.

I learned, from my Husband the Optimist, how to actually let go and be in love and damn the torpedoes; how to be open and honest and know that it won't hurt; how to love yourself, and everyone around you; how to take what you’re given, the good and the bad, and live with it, and adapt to it. His eyesight continues to worsen with each passing year and yet he soldiers on, telling people that he may be losing his eyesight, but not his vision.

So, I once again realize that I have learned to be happy; I've earned happiness and I am responsible for keeping it. It is, after all, all you really get in life.

Happy. New Year.


Bob, Carlos, Tuxedo, Ozzo, and Consuelo.


  1. You write so beautifully and eloquently. Time is an opportunity to learn and grow, even when those lessons are painful. The base word of resolution is resolve and that's what we need to have, just (in my opinion) not narrowed down as much as people tend to do. Hoping for more joy than sorrow in 2023 and more positive than negative, although there will be both. There always is. Happy NY!

  2. I was born happy and life was good, but this past year has hit hard. Still, it's over now and the new year brings new possibilities. I love your writings, even if I don't always understand them. Happy New Year and congratulations on your Laughing Horse Award.

  3. Great thoughts to begin a new year. It's like an empty journal waiting to be filled. Congratulations on your prestigious "Laughing Horse" Blogger of the Year award!
    P.S. Number typo at the end of the third paragraph.

    1. I fixed the typo, thanks, will my award be rescinded, because I've already sent out announcement! 😁

  4. You have such an exceptional way with words and of expressing your thoughts so clearly. I admire you and what you’ve learned and am always grateful for your wisdom, your wit, and your wise ass.

  5. Hey Hey Bob.
    Happy New Year!

  6. aussieguy8:11 AM

    Congrats on your award! And on writing a thought-provoking blog I love to come to daily for insight, humor and love. My 2022 sucked, so I'm hoping (always) for a better 2023. Oh, and I think we have the same brother!

  7. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Happy new year to you all, hope you have a good one.
    Best Wishes. Patrick

  8. Happy New Year! Thank you for being a part of our days,

  9. (Bob, Carlos, Tuxedo, Ozzo, and Consuelo)
    Very best-est of wishes and loves to you all!
    xoxo :-)

  10. Leon's resolution FOR ME: Spend less time on the internet.

  11. Damselfly12:10 PM

    Thank you for sharing this beautifully written post.
    Wishing you and yours a new year filled with prosperity, good health, contentment, and all that fills you with peace & joy.

  12. Happy New Year and all it brings to you and yours...two legged, four legged, or whatever happen along. Oh, and I really really like your last paragraph. The last couple of years for me have seemed to have more downs than ups and yet here I am heading into 2023 with high hopes and even higher dreams.

  13. Happy New Year, and the best to you and yours in 2023!

  14. Another thoughtful and meaningful post, sweetpea! Thank you for letting me get to know you and your delightful family! Happy New Year! xoxo

  15. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Happy New Year! It’s Fearsome Beard here, as usual blogger will not let me sign in. It’s why I never comment anymore but do come around. It’s so frustrating when I can’t log in. I hope your 2023 is fabulous.

  16. And an extremely happy 2023 to you too, Bob - happier even than you ever thought possible - with affluence, enlightenment and, most of all by far, great health throughout. And all of the same to your own nearest and dearest.

  17. Happy new year

  18. I too wish you and yours a happy new year!
    I try to remember to take this approach every day if I can.

  19. What a great post. You really put our crazy world in perspective and remind us of what's important. I admire your ability to be angry when you need to be -- your sister's influence, perhaps? -- yet back up and be reasonable too.

  20. I loved, loved, loved this post. It was so heartfelt. Thank you.


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