
Friday, December 23, 2022

I Didn't Say It

Matt Damon, honoring George Clooney at the 2022 Kennedy Center Honors:

“It has been said that my friend George Clooney is the last of the true movie stars, so I got to thinking about exactly what that meant. Of course, a number of past Kennedy Center honorees have certainly been movie stars in that classic sense. Actors with class and sophistication—Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, Paul Newman, Gregory Peck. And then I think of George; a man who defected in Richard Kind’s kitty litter box as a joke. A man who once stole Bill Clinton’s stationery and wrote fake notes to actors, saying how much the President loved their movies.”

I love a good practical joke, though I doubt I’d ever take a dump in a litter box, but I’d steal the stationary and write all kinds of fake notes.


Dolly Parton, on what had kept her marriage going for 56 years:

“We both have a warped sense of humor. And I think humor, honestly, is one of the best things when you’re married like that. Even if you have a problem, if you have a great sense of humor, if you say something you can’t take back [you] usually have some crazy way of getting out of it. We’ve never had, you know, serious arguments to say bad things to each other we have to take back. I like it when people say, ‘How did it last so long?’ I say, ‘I stay going.’ You know, there’s a lot to be said about that. So we’re not in each other’s face all the time. He’s not in the business, so we have different interests, but yet we have the things we love to do together. So it was meant to be, I think. He was the one I was supposed to have and vice versa.”

I swear, this is what I say about Carlos and me; we both have warped senses of humor, and we don’t take things so seriously, and we also have varied interests. Whenever we have an argument, I always start by saying:

“I’m not mad, but here’s why I’m mad.”

Maybe we’ll last as long as Dolly and Carl.


Josh Hawley, GOP Senator, January 6th Chicken, and self-described masculinity expert:

“The liberal culture, what the message to young people is, the most you can aspire to in life is to be a consumer who sits in a cubicle in front of a computer all day and doesn’t ask questions or do anything meaningful with your life. What we need to say to young men—and young women too—is just the opposite. Aspire to be something more than a consumer, and for young men, aspire to be something more than a consumer of pornography. Aspire to actually create something of your life, like, create a family for instance. That is the single greatest act of rebellion—if you like—against the liberal culture.”

I dunno, every time I hear a Republican accuse a liberal of something, it’s always the Republican doing that same thing.

Leads me to think that Joshie likes himself from porn and so if he tells you it’s bad you’ll never think he sits in a dark room in his house choking Little Josh for hours on end.


Mike Lindell, the Pillow Loon, aiming at a new target:

“What we’re doing now is, I’m going after Dade County in the 2022 election. And everyone says, ‘Well, why would you go after Dade County? This is where Ron DeSantis won Dade County, that’s a Republican won Dade County. Well, for me, I look at deviations, everybody. That’s a deviation. I don’t believe it. So I want to show, it’s gonna show everybody just like we always say about Democrats where they stole their elections. Because that was historical, normally Republicans don’t win that county. I want to find out in Dade County, what happened there because it’s, it’s a deviation from norm, you know, it’s very much a deviation.”

Bitch should stick to pillows because his statement is nonsensical, other than that he thinks if he proves DeSantis cheated to win in Dade County, then DeSantis won’t run against Hair Furor in 2024.

Of course, though, Mike Lindell is the biggest moron on the political scene so I doubt this little theory will go anywhere either.


Adam Kinzinger, retiring Republican Congressman, in his House farewell speech

“Our democracy is not functioning. Where Republicans once believed that limited government meant lower taxes and more autonomy, today limited government means inciting violence against government officials. Following the tragic Oklahoma City bombing, former President George H. W. Bush publicly refuted those who used fear to gain support. In stark contrast, our leaders today belittle, and in some cases justify, attacks on the U.S. Capitol as ‘legitimate political discourse.’ The once great party of Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan has turned its back on the ideals of liberty and self-governance. Instead, it has embraced lies and deceit. The Republican Party used to believe in a big tent, which welcomed the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Now we shelter the ignorant, the racists, who only stoke anger and hatred to those that are different than us. Our constituents voted us in based on our beliefs, but we cannot use our faith as a sword and a shield while ignoring the fact we are all children of God, that we are all Americans … Americans deserve a democracy that values truthful leaders and real dialogue between our parties. It is my belief that we must put aside our differences and remember that the nation itself will only survive if the people have faith in one another. Unfortunately, we now live in a world where lies trump truth. Where democracy is being challenged by authoritarianism. If we, America’s elected leaders, do not search within ourselves for a way out, I fear that this great experiment will fall into the ash heap of history. I can rest at night knowing I was standing up for the truth [but] I know many in this institution cannot do the same.”

Snap. I know many in the GOP didn’t hear him because their heads are too filled with lies and the quest for power at any and all costs.

It’s a shame that the GOP, and the Democratic party as well, didn’t have more Adam Kinzinger's in their midst.



  1. "The Pillow Loon" -- good name for that moron!

    1. I've heard him speak a couple of times and I'm always stunned that anyone, even Fox, would have him on their network.

  2. I like Matt, not too wild about Clooney. Dolly's great. I totally agree with you on Josh, I suspect he's desperately want to be a Sean Cody model for years; young men and porn is a recurring theme for him. Kinzinger Rocks. Seriously. I'm surprised Biden doesn't give him a cabinet post.

    1. Josh protests too much, which means he knows an awful lot about porn.

  3. Of course you know I just adore Adam kinzinger. I will miss Liz and Adam, at least they had the balls to go with her heart and head and not act like a bunch of violent sheep.

    And of course I adore dolly, but did you see her late as Christmas special she had this year? I don't know what the hell that shit was. I sure hope she isn't losing it.

    What's Josh Holly's book going to be about, the masculine way to hold a dick before you suck it?

    1. I saw a preview of that Dolly special and it seemed odd to me, so I skipped it.
      I don't need cock sucking lessons from the likes of Chicken Josh.

  4. It is my most sincere wish that you and Carlos last for eternity just like my Robert and me.

    1. Thank you, sir, I hope so too.

  5. I've been a liberal all my life and I have plenty of friends who are liberals and, guess what? We've all had families, no need of a rubbish person like Trash Howly to tell us how to live our lives.

    1. Hawley is playing the "liberals are bad" line that stopped working several election cycles ago.

  6. The Pillow Loon! I’d not only shit in his litter box, I’d shit in his bed. What the fuck is Josh Hawley even talking about. Maybe some of the words were lost when he was running away.

    1. Take a Dump on his Pillow, eh??
      Hawley is on the Manly Man kick, but he's chickening out.

  7. We are lucky to have humor also
    in our lives. (Bob and Carlos).
    xoxo :-)

    1. It makes life easier and more fun!

  8. Bravo Kinzinger!

    Mike Lindell clearly knows nothing about Miami politics. Republicans have been winning down there for decades. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen? Marco Rubio? Hello?

    Josh Hawley's problem, aside from his obvious obsession with pornography, is his assumptions about what "liberals" want for their children. He has no clue.

    1. The Pillow Loon is trying to pave a way forward for Thing 45 in Florida.
      Hawley is trying to cover his own porn obsession; he probably calls it "research."

  9. Oh the political letters you could write, Dear Vlad, Dear Rocket Man, ; Pillow guy is simply nuts.

    1. I don't think Vlad or Rocket Man would agree.

  10. I would love to steal paper and write notes. That would be so much fun, especially if it were trump's. I "created" a family and I taught my children about democracy. They grew up to be good Democrats. How was that an act of rebellion against liberal culture? The pillow boob says, hl,98yt76ufghbmjnbvjfyru687yiuh.


    1. Pillow guy sounds like he's stuffed with fake feathers.

  11. I agree with Dolly 100%! That being said, my marriage didn't work out (think he had his sense of humour surgically removed at birth)!

    1. I do think humor helps a great deal, but you both have to have a sense of humor.

  12. 53 yer of jail time! Humor and fear of jail time, that's the ticket, sweetpea! Happy Holidays xoxo

    1. "Humor and fear of jail time"
      You're killin' me!

  13. Too bad Kinzinger didn't have his epiphany years ago. He might have been able to make a real difference in the defense of democracy. Nice speech, but sadly ineffective.

  14. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Hawley is today's Lord Hawhaw.


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