
Monday, November 28, 2022

My Two Cents: Lauren Boebert Can Fuck All The Way Off

In the wake of the shooting at the Club Q in Colorado Springs, Representative, and moron, Lauren Boebert is defending her past anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-transgender tweets, but let’s first read her statement, where bigot, homophobe, criminal, liar Lauren Boebert says she is a victim of the Club Q shooting:

“I have been accused of just about every mass shooting there has been since the Left has learned of my name. Whether it’s Uvalde, or the King Soopers shooting in Boulder, Colorado, or the Buffalo, New York shooting, or even Paul Pelosi getting hammered. I have been blamed for all of that. I think the Left is pissed I won my election. And so they’re trying to find something to go after me about. I expressed my concern for the family, for the victims. And the way that they came after me is absolutely disgusting.”

I personally don’t care that she won her election by about 500 votes; that’s a cross for the voters in her district to bear. I care that Lauren Boebert, who was nowhere near Club Q that night when the lunatic was shooting strangers, thinks she’s a victim because her pro-gun stance and her anti-LGBTQ+ stance are seen by many as reasons for the shooting.

Your words are one of the man y reasons for the shooting, You spew hate and intolerance and then fight for the rights of anyone to own and carry a weapon, and what happens as a result of those two things is your fault,

The only thing Lauren Boebert might be a victim of is being woefully out of her depth, incapable of thoughtfulness, and following the line of rightwingnuts who put guns over people lives, especially LGBTQ+ people. She carries some of the blame for this latest mass shooting because she has failed to support any effort that might have kept guns out of this shooter’s possession, and might have allowed  Daniel Aston, Raymond Green Vance, Kelly Loving, Ashley Paugh and Derrick Rump to go home safe and sound that night.

Lauren Boebert claims to be a victim of the Q shooting because of what she has said in the past about drag queens and LGBTQ+ people:

“I have never had bad rhetoric towards anyone and their personal preference as an adult. What I've criticized is the sexualization of our children. And I've criticized men dressing up as caricatures of women.”

She didn’t have “bad rhetoric”? Let’s just skip the fact that Boebert has no high school diploma, nor has she attended college and perhaps forgive her ignorance this one time, but … she also needs reminding that sexual orientation is not a preference, unless she can explain when and how she came to “prefer” men over women? But let’s also note that she thinks drag queens reading children’s story to children “sexualizes” those children and “grooms” the children.

Grooming? Not a new word, though a new word the right uses to describe the LGBTQ+ community and drag queens; but “grooming” is the word once used to describe how child molesters entrap and abuse their victims and has nothing to do with our community or drag queens, except as a tool of spreading lies, hate and misinformation.

Lauren Boebert has Tweeted that parents should take their kids to church and not drag bars, but she makes no mention at all of the pedophile priest scandal in the Catholic church, or the score of arrests, even in the last few months, of so-called “men of God” and “leaders of their church” who have raped little boys and girls. In the real world, a child is safe at a drag show than alone in the room with a priest or minister or pastor who may be grooming them. In fact, Boebert, who clearly has never been to a Drag Queen Story Hour, seems to equate those events to strip club:

“We don’t need 6-year-old children putting dollar bills in the thongs of grown men shaking and twerking in front of children … that is child abuse.”

That does not happen at a story hour, but Lauren Boebert is too busy lying and spreading fear and hate to know that, even though she continues to spew that garbage. She has even gone so far as to suggest that minor children “can be chemically castrated.” Again, this is a lie; minors can only undergo gender reassignment surgery after years of therapies and with the consent of their parents or legal guardians.

But Lauren Boebert is a victim because she protects gun rights over children in Texas, over shoppers in Buffalo, over people in nightclubs. Those lives, to Lauren Boebert, are meaningless because it’s the guns that matter, and the money the NRA funnels into her offices and campaigns.

Lauren Boebert claims she is as much a victim as Daniel Aston, Raymond Green Vance, Kelly Loving, Ashley Paugh and Derrick Rump, or the kids at Uvalde, the concert-goers in Vegas, the worshippers at the synagogue, the shoppers at Walmart … and … and … and … Except Lauren Boebert is still alive and spreading hate and misinformation and lies written in the blood of true victims.


  1. Dumb as a brick. Notice how she doesn't mention the dressing up of 5 year old girls to look like little prostitutes.

    1. Nor just she address GOPers posing with their children all holding assault weapons. THAT'S grooming.

  2. Haters always justify and explain away their loathsome hate.

    1. As if hate can ever be justified.

  3. When the c*ntish Boebert stood up in front of her slavering audience, proclaiming that the 'Church' should direct the government, not the other way round, exactly WHICH church did she mean? Yes, for her it has to be Christian obviously, but which of its 40,000+ denominations? Did she mean that, perhaps, the Pope ought to be in control? Somehow I doubt it. So which then? Mormons? Jehovahs? Urinitarians? Episscopalians? I want to know!

    1. No, it's the Jesus SHE believes in, cuz all the other Gods are fakes.

  4. She doesn't need to gloat that bitch. She only won her election by literary a hair of her chinny chin chin.

    1. Yes, we're scared she won her election in that landslide, er, kernel of sand-slide.

  5. I might be way off the mark but reading between the lines I suspect that you have little respect for Lauren Boebert.

    1. My respect would have to increase exponentially for it to even rise to "little".

  6. She is as ignorant as they come and probably even believes her bullshit. No excuse though. I hope she DOES fuck all the off.

  7. Good reporting, Bob!
    xoxo :-)

  8. Is Bubblehead one of these people who think that the dead in gun massacres are all actors? Maybe that's why she counts herself a victim - it's a state of mind known as Trumposaur delusion ailment for which there is no known cure.

    1. She's just plain stupid and hate-filled.

  9. aussieguy6:05 PM

    Oy. The bitch gives me a headache just by seeing her picture as I know nothing but shit, and stupid shit at that, comes out of her. As you said, she can fuck all the way off.

    1. All the way, then walk back a little and fuck off some more.

  10. Oh, yeah. She's such a victim. Poor Lauren.


  11. Oh, Bobo is a See You Next Tuesday.
    I hope she destroys her district. They deserve it for being stupid morons. And she's to blame for the shooting in Colorado. Hopefully people will keep reminding her what a shit human being she is. Hope she's not enjoying her pervy husband.


    1. Even though she won by 500 votes I still think her district needs to suffer under this moron.

  12. Lauren Boebert is an idiot. Perhaps she wasn't read to as a child.

    1. Which may explain her lack of education today.


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