
Wednesday, November 16, 2022

It's Like This:

 ... I was at work Thursday November 3rd when Carlos called:

"Call your dad. He's at home saying he's having trouble breathing."

Not a desperate thing, so much, except rather than calling, oh I dunno, say a doctor or a paramedic, the fire department, my father dials a house 3,000 miles away to complain of dizziness and trouble breathing.  I suggest all those aforementioned other choices or I'll make those call myself, so Dad relents and calls the paramedics.

Sidenote: when I was in high school I was home one night watching TV with my mother and sister when my father entered the room, told us he thought he was having a heart attack, and was driving himself to the hospital. M y mother was so stunned she was motionless, and so off my dad went to discover it was gas or indigestion or anything other than a heart attack. By the time he returned home, my mother had recovered enough to rip him a new one about his antics.

I called the nearest hospital to my dad and was told his blood pressure had dropped and there were some issues with his heart and they were looking for a bed for him in a cardiac hospital. I left work and went home where Carlos and I--who had planned on visiting my father this week for a vacation, worked on getting me the quickest flight out, which was at 4:30AM Friday morning. I kept in contact with the doctor in Newport, who told me my father was doing fine, laughing and joking, but being transferred to Salem Health Hospital. I tried them and, well, you know, bureaucracy, they had no record of my dad being admitted. That naturally panicked me, but I was off anyway, flying out as fast as possible.

I got to Oregon, rented  a car and drove down to Salem where my father was in the cardiac wing. He looked a little worse for wear, but I guess, who wouldn't. They were putting two stents in to open up an artery to his heart, and he would also get a pacemaker "installed." One days the stents were in and the next day the pacemaker, and then it was decided he needed two more stents and those didn't go in until Tuesday; Dad was not happy. But this made me feel better because he was awake and angry and ready to rumble to get out.

So, the third stent went in and there was one complication; they go in through a vein in the groin and a blood vessel was nicked and my father was bleeding; not serious, but worrisome. And that little nick kept him hospitalized for four more days until they could figure out what happened and why and how to fix it. And aill that took was a cardiac doctor coming in, explaining that sometimes the nick creates a bubble on the vein that fills with blood; the bubble usually goes down by itself but not in my Dad's case. But when the doctor found out that his home was 90 minutes away and not in Salem, she came back into the room with her nursing assistance and basically popped the bubble right then and there.

And Dad was out. I had, in the meantime, gotten hold of my brother, and he was coming up so we could tag-team dad and I could go home. i hared the idea of Carlos being home alone, though we had friends and neighbors who checked in, stopped by for lunched and drove him to get groceries and such, but as I told my Dads, Carlos is my priority and as soon as my brother arrived, I booked the hell out of Oregon and came home ... where I have been for a few days relaxing and enjoying my life and husband and pets while my dad is home, with my brother, recuperating quite nicely.

And so that was my week-and-a-half of drama, including Dad's dog and his house and the cold and a rental car so tiny I almost had to crawl inside to drive it.

But all is well and we are once again settling into our routine, though Carlos and I may head out to Oregon sometime next month for a real vacation. Again , thanks for all the good thoughts, I really think that energy helps.


  1. So happy everything turned out for the best. Drama is fine on a movie screen and we're all so much better watching it there, than having to deal with it in our personal lives. Glad you're back.

    1. Thanks Dave. Glad to be back.

  2. I'm glad everything turned out well.

    1. Thanks Debra. It was never really SERIOUS but when you live across the continent it does make you worry, so i was glad to be able to get out there.

  3. Great update...dealing with aging parents can be stressful but it reminds (worries) me that I'm not that far behind.

    1. I know what you mean, and I hope this episode prepares me for getting older.

  4. Well, that's a whole lotta drama. Thanks for the update and as I said before, I'm glad your dad is feeling better. It's hard to have an aging parent on another coast (or on the other side of an ocean, in my case).

    1. The distance is worrisome, isn't it?

  5. So glad to hear from you and
    all is well. Big hugs to you all.
    xoxo :-)

    1. Dad's doing good; I just spoke to him and he sounds really good.

  6. I'm so glad your dad is doing better Bob. What with also having to worry about Carlos, you had a lot on your plate last week!

    1. We have a good support system here in Camden and a couple of friends stepped up to make sure he was okay while I was away. That helped ME a lot.

  7. SO glad your father is doing well and that you have a brother to tag team with. When my mother was 80, she was hit by a car. It was a hard hit and she was thrown in the air. She refused to get in the ambulance saying she was fine. When they left (which they should not have legally done given her age), she CAUGHT A BUS home. The morning, I happened to phone and she told me what happened. She said she started to not feel well on the bus ride home and thought maybe she should have gotten in the ambulance. She went to the hospital (24 hours after being hit) and had 2 broken ribs, a punctured lung, and nearly died from infection. Parents!

    1. Parents! Oy. No matter the age they always think they know best! 😉

  8. Anonymous11:35 AM

    The way you take care of your Dad, Carlos and the kids is just amazing! I’m happy for you that things worked out for your father.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, but my motto is "do what you can".

  9. Welcome home!! Glad you are home. I liked what you wrote that Carlos is your priority. How true. I could go on a tangent but will hold back. We do wish Dad a full recovery and hopefully your brother is no worse for wear. Where does your brother live? Sacramento? I do say a productive routine is nice. On your next vacation/visit with Dad he will have taken up sail gliding on the Columbia River and attending happy hour at the local pub.

    1. Well, Carlos is my priority and my Dad understood that from the jump
      My brother lives outside of Chico.

    2. Yes....Carlos and the kids...I follow these real-estate guys on Instagram and they from Chico-two brothers, brother in-law and their dad. They are funny as hell in their postings and they are cute as a button.... ….Also my sister's daughter graduated from Willamette University in Salem...She is from Sacramento and the weather/climate almost did her in....

  10. I am so happy that things worked out well. Sounds like he has a Cardiologist involved that is like mine here in Texas. No nonsense, just get the thing done and move forward. When I had my heart attack in 2010 I told Robert that I was having trouble breathing and thought I should go to the ER. Of course he wanted to take me but I told him that if something was wrong he needed to be home with our dogs and went ahead and drove to the ER. As I walked through the door to the ER the lady behind the desk grabbed a wheelchair and scooped me up ... not a word was said ... she just looked at me an knew what was going on. I look back now and see how stupid that was of me but life has it's way of protecting us fools sometimes. So, I fully understand your fathers perspective even though personal experience proved otherwise in both of our cases.

    1. That last doctor stepped way up just to get my dad the one thing he wanted: out of there!!!

  11. Thanks for colouring in the spaces. I have also been over to Google Maps to see where Newport and Salem are. If you and Carlos do go back there for a holiday it hopefully won't be in a fog of anxiety and concern. You'd be able to visit Otter Rock and Agate Beach - maybe your dad can come along too.

    1. We would like to have a stress-free vacation on the Left Coast!

  12. These situations that suddenly crop up are so unnerving ... you handled it so handily and your Dad is the better for having 2 caring sons!

    1. Thanks Marcia ... we do what we can when we can.

  13. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Reading through the comments it seems that getting old(er) only enhances people's stubbornness .. doesn't bode well for me .. or my husband! 😜

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Or someone's memory .. sjeez, forgot my name again, how often can you repeat something like that .. it's Brigitta

    2. I think you may be right; he's been stubborn forever, but it's worse now, though I have a way of taking control!

  14. Holy shit.
    I am not the one to take these things lightly. It's the ambulance right away. Glad your dad is doing better! You handled this very, very well.


    1. My Dad is very stubborn and thinks he can handle everything.

  15. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I am very glad to hear things turned out okay. I’m also glad you are back home with your family, and posting again, I have really missed your understanding of the issues and your thoughts on them. Thanks for this blog.

  16. aussieguy11:31 PM

    So sorry I am late in sharing my delight knowing you, Carlos, the kids and, of course, your dad are all doing better! It’s been a day for me but couldn’t go without saying, glad you’re safe and sound and you did good by your dad, while continuing to show your love and concern for your hubby.

  17. What a scary time you've had. You must be physically and emotionally exhausted! Hope the crisis is over and it's back to normal for you and your dad.

  18. A long way, but I'm glad you went and I bet your dad is too.

  19. Thank you for the update, glad you are home. Take care of yourself

  20. So glad to hear that the doctors got your Dad sorted and that you and your brother are able to help each other support him. Nice that neighbours and friends were there for Carlos too.

  21. What a dramatic week or two, but I am glad things have settled down a bit for all y'all! Reading this reminds me that even though the MITM and I said we were coming back/home to L.A. to be near the grands, it's also true that it's because we're the olds now and the Krewe wanted us back where they could keep an eye on us! *as if that could happen* xoxo

  22. So glad everything worked out okay. It has to be hard, being so far away. I hope your Dad's recovery goes smoothly.


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