
Monday, October 03, 2022

Really? Really.

Sometimes things make you wonder what in the actual hell are some people thinking, and doing, and saying …

Out there in Washington, despite having disavowed White nationalism last spring when one of its adherents endorsed him, Republican Joe Kent, a US House candidate decided it would be smart to give an interview to a Nazi sympathizer and White nationalist in which he touted his support for far-right figures like Anti-Semite Marjorie Taylor Green and White Supremacist supporter Paul Gosar and praised MAGAt policies.

Okay, people in Washington's 3rd Congressional District, take him at his word: he supports Nazis, White Supremacists and Anti-Semites; is that who you want in your state Congress?

QAnon nutbag DeAnna Lorraine also spoke with a Christian nationalist—I call them Nationalist Christians because then you can call them what they really are: Nat C’s—Laura Witzke and said this:

“We understand that the deep state, they have weather manipulation technology. They have DARPA [Defense Advanced research Projects Agency]. They know how to manipulate and create big storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, climate change, etc. And these huge hurricanes always seem to target red states, red districts. And always at a convenient time, right before elections or in this case possibly because Ron DeSantis has been stepping out a line a lot and challenging, fighting the deep state.”

Yes, the Democrats and the deep state are so powerful that they can send hurricanes to Florida because they don’t like Ron DeSantis; except we all know DeSantis is fucking Florida all on his own.

In Congress twelve GOP senators, most of whom are on the Senate Judiciary Committee, asked Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray to justify the show of force that accompanied the arrest of Mark Houck.

Houck, president of The King’s Men, a Catholic ministry created to “unite and build up" men, has twice assaulted a man because he was a volunteer reproductive health care clinic escort.

Houck is said to be pro-life except when he is shoving women’s rights advocates to the ground, and the GOP doesn’t think he deserved to be arrested because it happened in front of his children.

Maybe he shouldn’t have assaulted anyone, eh?

In Colorado, the GOP candidate for governor, Heidi Ganahl, is trotting out the Furries Conspiracy again, saying students in Colorado schools are self-identifying as animals:

“Not many people know that we have furries in Colorado schools…kids identifying as cats. It sounds absolutely ridiculous, but it’s happening all over Colorado and schools are tolerating it. It’s insane.”

Except for the fact that one school district she called out, Jeffco Public Schools, released a statement:

“There is absolutely no truth to this claim. There are no litter boxes in our buildings and students are not allowed to come to school in costume. There are no furries or students identifying as such during the school day.”

But hey, if it gets you elected the GOP will try anything.

Down in Florida, GOP Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott sent a joint letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee chairs to secure funding “provide much needed assistance to Florida” in the wake of Hurricane Ian. Good, except that when the bill was voted on, Rick Scott voted 'No' and Little Marco didn't even show up to vote.

Meanwhile, in the House the vote to offer assistance was approved by a vote of 230 to 201, with Republicans overwhelmingly opposing the measure; and every single Florida Republican House member voted against it.

The GOP in Congress doesn’t even care about their own constituents in the aftermath of a devastating hurricane.

And, then again in Florida, a second-grader was expelled from Victory Christian Academy, a Christian day school, because her parents refused to take a picture of her in a bathtub.

School officials at Victory Christian Academy told the girl’s parents that the picture was part of a homework assignment that included instructions to “send picture of you doing reading homework in bathtub,” and since they didn’t comply. the child would be subject to “an administration withdraw.”

Let that sink in, a Christian wants parents to take a photo of their child in a bathtub and send it to the school … for what? I mean, I keep reading about these pastors and ministers and reverends and priests molesting children and now this school wants bath time photos.

Who’s doing the grooming?

After news reports exposed the bathtub homework and fallout, Victory Christian removed the assignment from the school’s second grade curriculum.

Go figure.


  1. Replies
    1. Feels like it with some of these GOPers.

  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I live in Washington State. The Vancouver area that joe Kent wants to represent is so backward that it is known in both Washington and Oregon as "Vantucky"

  3. And let’s hear again how they’re not Nazis.

    1. Yes, please make me understand how you can look like it, act like it, support it, and vote for, how you aren't "it".

  4. Is that QAnon bullshit still going on? Followers of it need their heads examining. How presumptuous of them to imagine that they have the keys to some sort of secret superior knowledge - that in fact is pure fantasy.

    1. Sadly, yes, though there stories make no sense and it's unclear why anyone with a drop of gray matter believes this BS.

  5. I'm sorry; it is just me, but haven't hurricanes ripped up the east coast and the middle of the US from time immemorial? Or is it just in the years when Democrats hold the presidency? Perhaps the Repugnant party have a machine that holds off hurricanes during Repugnant presidencies? But look at George W's reaction to New Orleans looking down from an airplane and then there was Puerto Rico in the Trumposaur's term....and he gave them naught but a few kitchen towels while Joe Biden is actually helping hurricane ridden states whatever their political allegiance.

    1. Helen, don't confuse them with logic, their entire raison d'etre is illogical.

  6. Not living in the 3rd district I can't even
    vote against this Kent guy but I hope
    a lot of people do!
    xoxo :-)

  7. aussieguy5:19 PM

    And here in Indy-yanner (I try not to admit being from the Hoosier state) our esteemed Sen. Mike Braun, a Rethuglican, of course, is calling for a Convention of the States, for the purpose of proposing Constitutional amendments, bypassing Congress if 3/4 of the states ratify it. The reason? He's tired of Congress not following his preferred policies. Only in Amurika.

    1. His policies are ALLEGEDLY Christian, white and male; all others need not apply.

  8. The GOP is the GQP now. The Repug Party is the party of the MAGAts. There's no 'conservatives' anymore. There's only racist, xenophobic, sexist assholes.


    1. Sad but a great many of them have fallen in with the trash.

  9. Have you noticed that when the Republicans vote against a bill, it's always because the Democrats have added too much pork, something they ignore when they put legislation on the table? And the furries? That got a national laugh, however, if that's the card you have in your hand, I'll guess you're going to play it.

    1. The furries gets me, because everyone, EVERYONE, has a camera these days and yet not one phot of a furry or a littler box in a school bathroom????

  10. WTF, Bob? I mean, "really" is almost too mild for the insanity of these people.
    I continue to agree with the American President who said in the film: "It's a world gone mad, Gil. It's a world gone mad."
    I just don't understand how we ran off the rails.
    Thank goodness for you, Bob, for the voice you use to continue to cry from the wilderness.Bless you, my son.

    1. I don't get it either but part of it is that these loons are not held accountable for what they do and say because they will only speak to Fox or OAN.

  11. I agree the child in a bathtub idea is really wrong, but I would have sat my fully clothed child on a chair behind a small desk, in a bathtub and sent that in.
    I bet all those idiots who opposed the assistance are holding their hands out now.

    1. The school told the mother she could put the child in clothes but again, why in the bathtub????

  12. I am utterly aghast. First off, that such simple minds find their way to power. And then that last bit about pedos needing photos of your kid in a bath. What is wrong with this country? Why is any of this tolerated? We reached the tipping point a while ago... we've truly tipped.

    1. I fear we are still tipping.

  13. If only we could control the weather,

    1. Right? Who knew we had that power, too?

  14. If I were to share clips of these politicians speaking 10-15 years ago I would like to think that this crazy-speak and uber conservative views would have been disavowed. However, the more this becomes the norm and embraced by the Republican Party, the more I wonder if these views were already embraced by many? Were they merely biding time, waiting for someone to give them a voice and encourage them to embrace publicly wild conspiracies? I am more and more convinced many (not all) felt this way for a long time and simply kept these views to themselves and Trump's election was watershed moment for such conspiracy thinkers.

    1. I think a lot of these folks were closet racists, keeping their hate on tap and their mouths closed.

    2. Bob, I think you're right. The election of Obama triggered a lot of this insanity in people with strong (albeit perhaps unexpressed) racist views.

  15. It's fascinating how widespread that furries story has become. When I was in Michigan over the summer, our mother-in-law told us that a family member had told her they had kids in their local school who identified as cats. I'm sure it isn't true. But it's interesting how the story keeps moving around from district to district and school to school.

    I have never heard of DeAnna Lorraine but she REALLY sounds like a freak.

  16. Well, this is interesting. All my comments seem to be going to spam.

  17. Things that make you go "WTAF, Henry? xoxo

  18. I recently watched a TV series titled "Deep State" and the final sentence on the final episode has me worried. "We create the chaos and then we move in and capitalise on that chaos."


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