
Friday, October 14, 2022

I Didn't Say It

Jamie Lee Curtis, on Kanye West’s anti-Semitic Twitter rant:

"I woke up and burst into tears. ‘Death con 3 on Jewish people’? What are you doing? It's bad enough that fascism is on the rise around the world but on Twitter? On a portal to pour that in as if Jewish people haven't had it hard enough? It's just abhorrent. I hope he gets help. I hope his children get help from him. It's terrible. If we aren't reacting, who are we What does it say about people who aren't reacting? The holiest day in Judaism was last week. Words matter. A threat to Jewish people ended once in a genocide. Your words hurt and incite violence. You are a father. Please stop.”

Carlos and I just finished watching The US and the Holocaust, the Ken Burns documentary, and to see and hear this kind of Hate speech now, and again, when we always thought we could never go back to those hate-filled days. The way this country treated the Jews in the days before WWII, during the warm, and even after we knew what was being done is sickening.

It’s disgusting; Kanye is disgusting; he needs to get back on his meds, find a quiet place and keep his mouth shut for a good long time.


Lindsey Graham, South Carolina GOP lapdog, blaming the media for circulating the stories that Herschel Walker paid an ex-girlfriend to get an abortion:

“If you’re waiting on the media to tell you about what’s going on in Georgia, you’re going wait a hell of a long time. Remember Kavanaugh? Remember how they played the game right at the end? They come up with some letter, take the guy, blindside, another allegation, another allegation trying to drive him out.”

Um, ma’am, I know how you like to stand up for men, or lay down for them, but seriously? Defending a man accused of rape and another man who paid for his girlfriend’s abortion, and then tried to pay for a second one?

John McCain, right now, is rolling over in his grave seeing what a pathetic pandering party over country, thing 45 goose-stepping lapdog you’ve become.

Get a spine, bitch.


Herschel Walker, speak of the Devil, tossing yet another word salad:

“I been telling this little story about this bull out in the field with six cows, and three of them are pregnant. So, you know he got something goin’ on. But all he cared about is keep his nose against the fence looking at three other cows that didn’t belong to him. Now all he had to do is eat grass. But no, no, no. He thought something was better somewhere else. So, he decided, ‘I want to get over there.’ So one day he measured that fence up, and he said, ‘I think I can jump this.’ So that day came where he got back. And as he got back and as he took off runnin’, he dove over that fence and his belly got cut up onto the bottom. But as he made it onto the other side, he shook it off and got so excited about it. And he ran to the top of that hill, but when he got up there he realized they were bulls too. So what I’m telling you, don’t think something is better somewhere else. This is the greatest country in the world today.”

Hey Herschel? That’s ‘the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence,’ but leave it to you to turn it into a story of a bull who got three cows pregnant and then broke through another fence hoping to knock up more cows.

Projection much?


Tulsi Gabbard, announcing that she’s leaving the Democratic Party:

“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.”

Tulsi, dear, you were never a Democrat, but always, as Hillary warned us, a Russian asset, so don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split, comrade.


Tommy Tuberville, Alabama GOP Senator, compared descendants of enslaved people to criminals to an over-whelming white crowd:

"[The Democrats] want crime because they want to take over what you got. They want to control what you have. They want reparations because they think the people that do the crime are owed that,. Bullsh*t! They are not owed that."

First off, reparation to criminals has never been a thing; reparations are compensation for those who have suffered wrongdoing, as Black Americans have whose ancestors were enslaved.

But leave it to the GOP to basically say all Black are criminals.


Derrick Johnson, NAACP president, on Tuberville’s remarks:

“Senator Tuberville’s comments are flat out racist, ignorant and utterly sickening. His words promote a centuries-old lie about Black people that throughout history has resulted in the most dangerous policies and violent attacks on our community. We’ve seen this before from the far-right, and we’ve seen what they can do when they take power. Next time the Senator wants to talk about crime, he should talk about [Thing 45’s] hate-fueled rally on January 6, 2021, and the attacks that followed. Perhaps the real criminals are in his orbit.”

I know it’s been growing a long time, and I know it was exacerbated by America’s overwhelming support of our first Black president, but Thing 45 has made hate, and racism, and homophobia, acceptable in this country and anyone disgusted by it, who continues to vote for the GOP, is also to blame.

Do not elect hate.



  1. So much hate and stupidity. So much.

    1. But good on Jamie Lee Curtis and Derrick Johnson for calling it out. We need more of that.

  2. Tubberville = old white Conservative. Tulsi believes that in an authoritarian government there would be a place for her. Herschel will be tossing word salads until his brain stops functioning. Lindsey Belle's political career will be ending soon. As for Kanye, it might be the meds, or there's the possibility he just hates everybody, or a bit of both.

    1. I wouldn't hold my breath on Miss Lindsey's career ending; this is South Carolina after all.

  3. Oh, honey. 'Ye is off his meds and it shows. Mental illness is a hell of a situation. Add to that a touch of megalomania and you have a shitstorm. I almost slapped someone who called him a 'genius'.
    As for the Repugs, what's new? Racist and dumb. And Dumb and racist.
    I cannot wait to know what is it that Lady G has in the closet. Really. That'll be a holiday. Well, after they take Cheeto to jail.


    1. I really want Kanye to get help, and stay out of the limelight and social media.
      And I really want someone to share the dirt on Aunt PittyPat.

  4. One of the most moving books about Jewish history is Raoul Hilberg's the Destruction of the European Jews. Reading it is enough to make you believe in the total inhumanity of mankind. And ow? Now it starts all over again with so many groups hating each other and trying to eliminate the hated. It will end in Armageddon which will be upon us a lot sooner than we think.

    1. I find it amazing how people can look at a person, and see their skin color, or hear their accent, or know their faith, and decide to hate.

  5. Ignorance and hate seem to be the norm now. No shame.

    1. I need us and U.S. to make it change.

  6. This country-USA- is a hot mess---I have said it before---The GOP leadership, rank and file, need to call out this bullshit---There has to be a bite---Consciences---If not, folks will keep on spewing what they are spewing as our democracy swirls down the drain---

    1. The GOP doesn't care about anything but power, and will do anything and support anyone to get it.

  7. Boy there's quite a few buffoons this week isn't there? I did see that Ken Burns documentary it was very moving and very well done. And I just adore Jamie Lee Curtis

    Seems we just keep going the opposite direction in this country unless you're white and male then you're nothing.

    1. I love that Jamie Lee Curtis speaks up; we need more of that!

  8. What a week, sugar! I just read your Wednesday through today posts! Lordy, I'm glad tomorrow is Saturday! Or am I forgetting something? BTW, read that Warnock and that idiot will be debating in Savannah tonight! I wish I was still there just for that. SAV will vote Blue as always, so Warnock's supports will be there in force! xoxo

    1. Oy, that Walker Warnock Debate? Herschel? Seriously? I worry about those backwoods parts of Georgia that will vote Walker.

  9. Very painful stuff.
    xoxo :-)

    1. But we all need to speak up and out and loud to make it stop.

  10. It's not just ignorance that flies around leading Republicans but inhumanity and prejudice too. Trump managed to galvanise and embolden the pedlars of such notions.

    1. The GOP has really gone off the rails and is clearly a party of hypocrisy, lies and power grabs.


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